Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely my favourite story game of all time, I went in blind expecting hehe cat :) and I got a lot more than I expected. I never give reviews, but me taking nearly 100 screenshots, having the biggest smile through out the game and leaving in tears should say how good this game is.

but anyways you can download a mod that makes you Garfield 10/10

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manitaya açmalık manitayla oynamalık minnoş bir oyunmuş ne anime kızları gerçek değilmi

I thought it was a cute and fun new concept, but found myself bored of its gameplay loop and simplistic story. Maybe I will pick it up in the future, but for now, I could not bring myself to finish it.

game have cat, me like game.

it's cool until you realize it literally gives you nothing.

O jogo do gato é bom demais, simplesmente simples e direto.
Uma história boa e uma gameplay que segue o ritmo, bem divertido.

meoww :3 (i got bored so quick)


i really loved the environments and all of the little mechanics in this game. the devs did a really awesome job at accurately portraying a cat and how they behave. this being said, sometimes the game did get just a little boring and the ending left me a little unsatisfied

oh my god this is a masterpiece

J’ai vraiment bien aimé ce jeu cool et chill. Le gameplay est un gameplay à la troisième personne. On contrôle un petit chat qui a un compagnon robot avec lui et qui doit résoudre des mystères sur le monde, dans un monde open world assez petit. L’ambiance du jeu est calme, mais à la fois un peu stressante. Il y’a également quelques petites missions secondaires par ci par là. J’ai bien aimé l’univers un peu cyberpunk, mélangé entre robot et nature. Malheureusement, ce qui m’a déçu, c’est que l’histoire principale est trop courte, la fin m’a beaucoup déçue, je m’attendais à voir autre chose, je ne pensais pas que ça se finirait comme ça. Quand aux quêtes secondaires, trop peu et pas assez longues. Je note quand même Stray 3 étoiles car c’est pas non plus un jeu horrible, je veux dire, le gameplay est cool, l’ambiance aussi, malgrès l’histoire qui je trouve est pour moi bâclée.

Petite aventure géniale le temps d'un week-end

Um dos melhores jogos indie dos últimos tempos. Fica um gostinho de que poderia ter mais coisas, mas o que ele se propõe a fazer, ele faz com maestria.

Minha única crítica a esse jogo é que ele tem alguns elementos mal aproveitados. Por exemplo, a arma de raios UV, que aparece em uma parte específica do jogo e depois some, e também o fato dele ser curtinho e a lore não ser explorada com tanta profundidade, apesar dela ser bastante interessante.

Кто бы что ни говорил, Stray — великолепная игра. Геймплей за котика в очень тёплой киберпанковой атмосфере — что-то с чем-то. Всем деталям игры, особенно миру, разработчики уделили должное количество внимания, в результате чего мы получили незабываемое трогательное приключение, дарящее меньше чем за 10 часов уйму эмоций. Пока пишу этот отзыв, вспоминаю, до чего же приятно было играть в Stray. Побольше бы таких проектов! Даже и не скажешь, что над ним работало меньше тридцати человек

Can’t let them know I fw this

This charming cyberpunk cat sim scratched my exploration itch just right and provided me with an enjoyable short experience, even if I felt it was too short. The puzzles are very light, the NPCs a delight with their quests and their own unique language. There were several nooks and crannies to discover which provided more insight into the world or a place to rest my weary paws.

I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a short game experience, light mechanics and enjoy a dystopian cyberpunk vibe.

It's definitely good, it's a little barren, but it's good. Cool world and atmosphere, and an adorable cat. it's good.

There was a cool art direction for the game, but it was a boring game for me.

ambientaçao muito interessante, e tem gato

Porra o jogo é lindo. LINDO. Os personagens são legais, a mecânica é deferenciada. Esse jogo tem tudo pra ser perfeito. Eu não consegui continuar por agonias pessoais mesmo, mas quem sabe um dia não tento de novo :)