Reviews from

in the past

A história desse jogo é bastante criativa. A gameplay é muito boa e bem fácil de acostumar. OS GRÁFICOS E A ESTÉTICA DESSE JOGO SÃO INCRÍVEIS

I was hoping for more from Stray. First off I would like to say that I really like cats and have multiple of my own but when I hear that there is a cat videogame this is definitely not what I would want. First off, the most annoying this is how restrictive the movement is. Now walking on normal ground is nice, fluid and honestly quite enjoyable. But once you add verticality to the mix, it gets messy. There is no standard jump button, there is a button for you to jump to a predetermined location. This cause mass frustration when you are trying to find something or finding the main path forward, and where you want to go is not one of the locations the developers intended. Most of these jump locations are only for main progress, so lots of areas that look like you can jump to, don't work because thats not the main path. Though, to be fair to the game, the cat does look cute.

The story was incredible and the worldbuilding was so well done. The gameplay was very fluid and I loved getting the collectables.

I wish the environments were more varied, but i like being a cat! meow!

sometimes a game doesnt need to be anything more then a game where you play as a cat,
cat game = good

I really like the world building and the puzzle solving.
Did not like the chase sequences, though. Could've done without that.


i really loved the environments and all of the little mechanics in this game. the devs did a really awesome job at accurately portraying a cat and how they behave. this being said, sometimes the game did get just a little boring and the ending left me a little unsatisfied

oh my god this is a masterpiece

J’ai vraiment bien aimé ce jeu cool et chill. Le gameplay est un gameplay à la troisième personne. On contrôle un petit chat qui a un compagnon robot avec lui et qui doit résoudre des mystères sur le monde, dans un monde open world assez petit. L’ambiance du jeu est calme, mais à la fois un peu stressante. Il y’a également quelques petites missions secondaires par ci par là. J’ai bien aimé l’univers un peu cyberpunk, mélangé entre robot et nature. Malheureusement, ce qui m’a déçu, c’est que l’histoire principale est trop courte, la fin m’a beaucoup déçue, je m’attendais à voir autre chose, je ne pensais pas que ça se finirait comme ça. Quand aux quêtes secondaires, trop peu et pas assez longues. Je note quand même Stray 3 étoiles car c’est pas non plus un jeu horrible, je veux dire, le gameplay est cool, l’ambiance aussi, malgrès l’histoire qui je trouve est pour moi bâclée.

Entrei querendo só andar como um gato vira-lata por uma cidade cyberpunk; saí querendo romper com a conspiração do confinamento e desejando trazer a luz do sol para todos os robôs do movimento extramuro. Jogabilidade simples, intuitiva e amigável. A história me envolveu, já que entrei sem esperar nada, mas acabou sendo bem simples, embora dolorosa. Considero um bom jogo e fico feliz de ter decidido dedicar um tempinho a ele.

Esse jogo me ensinou sobre ambientação e a sua importância. Sua direção de arte é magnífica e consegue te deixar instigado para saber mais sobre as história e esse mundo. É um jogo com muita identidade e não precisa de muita ação para ser interessante (muitos julgam isso como necessário para um jogo ser imersivo e divertido)

a bit too short, but a charming and fun game regardless. very cool world, wish there was more.

gatoB-12! é narrativamente maravilhoso
(por algum motivo tinha esquecido de registrar aqui em 22)

The jail chapter was cool, the rest is meh. Bank Heist cat game would be cool

Stray is an excellent 'walking simulator' that is perfect on the PS5. It's a unique take on the walking sim genre, highly stylized and wonderfully charming. It is, perhaps, the strongest console-exclusive Sony has had to date. Easy controls, wide appeal and a great price point, Stray is the king of current console gaming.

The story is short, minimal and heartfelt. A very tropey tale about capitalism-induced climate change gone awry and you're left to travel in its aftermath. The protagonist is a silent observer that experiences the narrative in a rather passive fashion. Serving as catalyst for the story that unfolds around them. It makes Stray easy to get into, easy to experience. Effortless.

And the gameplay aids this. A minimal inventory system that's easy to access, limited but smooth movement and environment traversal. Novel dialogue and plenty of hints, both explicit and implicit, to guide you through your quests. Playing Stray is really easy.

Stray also represents the greatest usage of the Sony DualSense controller to date. Surpassing even Sony's PS5-launch tech demo controller showcase, Astro's Playroom. The haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, controller speaker. It's all highly immersive and unendingly pleasing. While in most games the sound design and tech elements are unsung heroes, they are the standout in Stray. Feeling the purrs and scratches and pitter patter of your trot is immersive and captivating each time.

The game is probably a little too short. It's probably missing a little too much story or sidequest elements. The map seems big at first but is probably a shade too small given how easy it is to travel the entire thing. The combat is great but probably could've made better usage of the Defluxor. I'm sad at the decision to not include one boss fight or miniboss in the sewers. What the hell were all those eyeballs?!

There are some annoyances in level design. Open windows, invisible walls, re-used models that could clearly be climbed in one area but not in another. Why place an open door or open window or open sewer gate and not make it traversable? Just close the damn thing! Why place a model that can be climbed in every previous instance but can't be climbed now? Just don't put it there! It's not like a cracked window or air conditioner is what creates the game's immersion. It just serves to frustrate when players find they can't interact with it.

Also felt like a real missed opportunity for collectibles. The start of the game in the slums is full of them and it's great. There's interesting platforming puzzles and cryptographic puzzles. Finding the sheet music and drink cans to buy from the merchant is all really enjoyable. But then after the slums the collectibles stop entirely, there's only the robo-memories to be found after. Just felt like a major missed opportunity.

Stray comes off, ultimately, as a highly polished tech demo. It shows off all of the features the PS5 has to offer and gives you a really memorable and unique gaming experience. It's warm and welcoming even if its narrative is a little too tropey and generic. A really cool game that's fun and accessible for gamers of all ages and skill

Annapurna nunca erra, jogaço lindo e maravilhoso