Reviews from

in the past

Simple enough that you could beat it in a few hours, but impactful enough that you won't forget the horror-filled ride you went on.

Charming little game, simple but pretty well executed. Enjoyed "finishing" the game. (did not go for all endings but got "good" ending.)

Another viral mascot slog-fest. Puzzles are not intuitive, 90's mimicry is not convincing, and Amanda is not scary. Maybe the target audience is much more taken by this, but I can't see them figuring out these puzzles without a youtuber to play it for them first. Which is probably how they're experiencing the game, so whatever.

Very fun and creepy first playthrough. Getting 100% isn't too annoying

Played as part of May 2024’s Humble Choice

Damn that was a fun puzzle game, clearly made with love. The horror elements using a kids show was great. I think the cliffhanger and intentionally not explaining everything didn’t really help the game in the end, it would have been better to have loose ends tied up but that’s what they wanted to go for I guess.

The lore tapes were my favorite part of this game showing pieces of background story. That's it because I got this creepy show/mascot games fatigue.

Un juego de Dora la Exploradora, pero absolutamente malrollero. Tiene una premisa muy original y, pese a su corta duración, es muy satisfactorio husmear en los secretos de la historia.

Jogo legal pra zerar numa tarde de domingo, bem curto com puzzles divertidos e história que te prende.

This was a fair bit less corny than I was expecting- still is though. It doesn't go above and beyond enough to feel like it escapes its roots as a short, free game jam game. Watching the tapes can get really tiresome when you have to do it so much, skip button or not. The most engaging part for me was actually the secret tapes which surprised me with their production value. It was a decent time, but I might feel differently had I not gotten the game for free. I'm not sure it earns its keep.

no lo jugue yo, pero lo vi de un amigo y me gustó, me quede con más preguntas que respuestas

Another "friendly" game, it is inspired on Dora the explorer, seems like decisions doesn't make so many progress to advance, Amanda by herself choose the correct answer for You most of the time.

On the internet, there are always various short films, A.R.G.s, and horror games where the main reason they are good is precisely the mystery around them, the lack of explanation about what is happening. However, this same mystery and lack of explanation is also what can "kill" this type of content. Some A.R.G.s, for example, end up losing their charm and becoming oversaturated very quickly when many explanations start to emerge around them. It's always much better and scarier when you don't know what's going on; after all, fear always comes from the unknown, right? (sorry) Expanding a mysterious horror story can be a mistake because explaining it might reveal that nothing significant was actually happening. But what if you do it in the right way? Well, that's where Amanda the Adventurer comes in.

Amanda the Adventurer had its first version released between 2021 and 2022. One day, you go to clean your attic and suddenly find some lost tapes of a 'bizarre' cartoon. This cartoon is like a strange version of Dora the Explorer. You could interact with these tapes, and as you interacted, you could also discover hidden things in them. As far as I remember, this demo only had one possible ending where Amanda turns into a demogorgon and comes to kill you. The idea was really cool because at no point did it explain the story or what was actually happening, and when it ended, it was like: 'What? I didn't understand anything.'

Then recently, the complete game was released, and despite explaining the story, it leaves you with more questions than answers in the end, and that's why this game is so good! Even with explanations, the game manages to maintain all the mystery until the end. This complete game was a great expansion of the original version, expanding that bizarre and mysterious little game in the best possible way. You have to solve puzzles to unlock new tapes, and if you solve these puzzles in specific ways, you change the ending. There are also tapes that explain the story, but at the same time, they explain nothing. The game captures a lot of attention and is very interesting. I genuinely felt a real sense of fear playing this damn game, and it had been a long time since that happened.

Brilliantly taps into nostalgia with puzzles inspired by beloved childhood toys and themes. Its charming retro aesthetics and intriguing story initially drew me in, however, the actual gameplay doesn't quite live up to this promise.

The puzzles, while nostalgic, often feel more obligatory than engaging. A significant frustration is the need to rewatch tapes and replay entire segments if you miss a clue or make a wrong choice. This repetitive loop turns what could have been a fun exploration of alternate endings into a tedious chore.

The game's concept and nostalgic vibe are its standout features. But the cumbersome replay mechanics and less-than-satisfying puzzles made it more frustrating than enjoyable at times for me as I’d waste my time replaying bits I shouldn’t have to due to a misclick.