Reviews from

in the past

I have no idea why this was so popular.

it was fun! cant wait to see more of the lore! very creepy, but i feel like we shoulda have more interactive stuff

wasn't that scary. cool idea tho

Um jogo que surfa naquele tema extremamente nichado de "é um jogo fofo.. MAS NAO É."
É um jogo de puzzle e "terror", no qual você assiste fitas desse desenho que dá nome ao game, tentando desvendar os mistérios e a terrível verdade por trás da história da Amanda.
Os puzzles são até que bem legais, teve alguns extremamente simples, mas outros que eu realmente quebrei a cabeça pra fazer, mas o terror do jogo é quase nulo.

this game is really good but i realize it doesn't appeal to me as much as I hoped? Great game and execution, I just feel like I'm a little too old for it maybe or maybe I'm just stuck in an emotional slump that forces me to feel like I don't enjoy media when I am requiring myself to take it seriously as a form of art.

It wasn't scary and Amanda getting mad and aggressive at times felt like a Family Guy bit but I really loved the puzzles and the concept overall is fun. It's a good game :)

I'm not sure I would have made it through without Wooly by my side

A simple yet fun game with puzzles and secrets. I must confess it has enough alternative tricks that I had to check in guides to know how to do them.

It's a hella short game but it was entertaining enough. I wish it had more content for its price, though.


Not much to do. Just feels like an interactive analog horror video. I like the concept though, its cool.


no lo jugue yo, pero lo vi de un amigo y me gustó, me quede con más preguntas que respuestas

Another viral mascot slog-fest. Puzzles are not intuitive, 90's mimicry is not convincing, and Amanda is not scary. Maybe the target audience is much more taken by this, but I can't see them figuring out these puzzles without a youtuber to play it for them first. Which is probably how they're experiencing the game, so whatever.

This was a fair bit less corny than I was expecting- still is though. It doesn't go above and beyond enough to feel like it escapes its roots as a short, free game jam game. Watching the tapes can get really tiresome when you have to do it so much, skip button or not. The most engaging part for me was actually the secret tapes which surprised me with their production value. It was a decent time, but I might feel differently had I not gotten the game for free. I'm not sure it earns its keep.

It's a fine idea on paper, but the execution was just kinda lame

É como se alguém tivesse lido todas as creepypastas ruins de episódios perdidos e decidido fazer algo bom. Gosto bastante de como a maior parte do jogo é aberta a interpretação e te dá detalhes o suficiente para entender a proposta da narrativa. Espero que tenha uma continuação à altura.

Pretty decent game for a $9 product.

Could definitely use some polish but very promising start!

very good game so far , i wish there was more of these,

ok not that good

A fun 2 hours for sure, exploring all the secrets and endings was cool. I wish it was a bit longer

It's a short game that was developed after a game jam project and it's pretty well done. The game is certainly functional and isn't really lacking in any department: it looks okay, plays okay, the sound and animation qualities are there.

It could help if it had a few more improvements such as being able to get out from the zoom mode by using the left mouse click, making it less tedious to turn the clocks or having the cooking pan always land in the right direction instead of flying around but those are minute details in a game that's about two hours long.

Amanda is your typical horror game that tries to take advantage of childish things, here it’s obviously Dora. It doesn’t really hold any surprise but it’s fun enough to play. I do wish it went further with its themes or it focused better on one of them instead of multiple ones, I think there are a few good ideas such as a child being stuck in a TV world which turns into some kind of hellish place: it’s an interesting concept that doesn’t try to make the player scared for their lives, instead it’s just as scary as hearing about what a killer could have done to a kid. You’ve got a kid right in front of you, suffering, and you can’t do anything about it. There are vague hints of this but ultimately the game stays at a surface level with everything. It seems more like a mix of ideas and jump scares than something cohesive, which is a shame.

It’s a very good parody of Dora on the other hand. The presentation is really top notch.

The puzzles can also get really cryptic. One thing I didn’t understand personally is that at some points in the story where you hit a game over, I wasn’t experiencing a bug where the game didn’t save but it was intentional.

Simple enough that you could beat it in a few hours, but impactful enough that you won't forget the horror-filled ride you went on.

Very fun and creepy first playthrough. Getting 100% isn't too annoying