Reviews from

in the past

actually pretty decent, but ultimately too long for me to spend anymore time on

Não consegui zerar até hoje

As i describe in short to a friend: it's like Zelda botw and Skyrim, with greeks, and you can be greek gay

O jogo é legal porem é muito maçante, a partir de muitas horas de gameplay, as missões começam a ficar chatas e repetitivas, e o maior problema é que você é obrigado a fazer essas missões pra continuar a campanha no nível requisitado.

idk. I probably have tens of hours on this game but something about it just feels exhausting. I have the dlc but i still am yet to even try them because of how burnt out i am of this game. It might be the rpg system and how aggresively the enemies scale against you, in the bad way where they just make the health and damage numbers up. Enemies that are 5 levels above you take forever to kill and kill you in like 2 hits. While not the worst offender, this game was probably also one of the originators of the watered down rpg mechanics with rarity based equipment that some AAA games have like suicide squad and gotham knights.

I never finished it, but it's really good.

this was my favorite assassin's creed in terms of exploring, what a blast, what a journey. elysium and atlantis were absolutely mesmerizing. and of course kassandra has all my heart ❤️

o melhor dentre a trilogia dos rpg mas nada demais

From the very start I thought the world of Ancient Greece was incredible. The scale took my breath away as I looked across the sea to future locations. I can't believe it is even possible to make a world as realistic as this one. Although much of this game is full of repetitive gameplay, the story shines enough to pull it all together. It would be a 5 star game for me if the gameplay had a bit more variety and wasn't as simple as spamming abilities.

WORST FUCKING GAME OF ALL TIME I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS. watch the video odyssey broke me for the most accurate assessment on how bad this game is.

Long, and side quests boring. Once I beat the main quest I never touched it again. Other than that. It's alright.

This was my first covid quarantine game and it was so much fun.

completed, to do 100%(ubisoft)

AMÉ la reconstrucción d TODO no falla es todo precioso m da igual la historia el mapa es increible mejores experiencias 100%

I bought this game a month ago and everyday I've passed by it, thought about playing it then remembered the download time and kept it shoving to boot up P5R. Lol

I very rarely if ever use this word. But this is open world ubisoft slop and I would rather play drake of the 99 dragons then ever boot this POS game up ever again. At least DOTNND is funny bad, this is take my money bad.

Story: 0/10 doesn't even deserve a negative rating, the travelers from genshin did the whole twins seperated thing better and I hate genshin

Gameplay: 5/10 I kick a guy off a mountain and instead of dying from the 1000ft drop I just tossed him off of he takes 378 damage then 3 shots me. Skill issue? probably

The best game in the AC series for me, surpassing even the originals. What a beautiful rendition of the Mediterranean and historical Greece. Perks were fun, gameplay was engaging, even sailing was a good time. Quests and side quests alike were both compelling. This is the only AC game I've reached 100% completion on.

What is AC Odyssey? Well if you didnt read the article from the game developers above.
It is a open world rpg game, based in acient greece.

Game setting/story:

Firstly i will start with the “greek” storyline.
The plot is kind of simple, but i think it still serves the prupose.
You are basically a mercenary, with traumatic childhood, trying to find and reunite your family.
Which isnt that easy, because in your way is standing a powerfull cult who manipulated and kind of even raised your brother/sister
(Depends what character you choose at the start of the game).
Unfortunatelly, that isnt your only obstacle.
Meanwhile when you are trying to get your sibling back from the cult, you are also trying to find your lost mother who ran away based on the tragic events that happened in the past.
At last, you also are trying to figure out who your father is and where he is.

The modern day in the game isnt unfortunetlly that interesting as the main storyline.
You again play as Layla, who now works officialy for the assassins.
Except talking to a few npcs and exploring a very small map, you cant really do anything with her and overall the modern timeline is pretty dull.


As i already said, the game is rpg, so expect
Skill tree with abilities, level system, and so on.
The combat is not special for rpg game. But if you can learn combinating your choosed abilities right, it can be very satisfying.
(Yes you can only have few abilities at a time that you can use, and also yes you can switch them with other unlocked abilities).
Nice addition is reseting your skill points, used in the skill tree. For a certain price ofc.
The game offers you to choose between multiple answers in dialogues, that can affect your final story ending, or in side quests the soroudings, or maybe even your payment and other things.
Game also offers a very good ship combat which was fun to do, but the detection system was sometimes very annoying when you were just trying to get to a certain location and not trying to fight any battle ships.
Game also offers a “wanted system”.
That means, that when you kill a lot of npcs at one place, a bounty will appear, which obv means another mercenaries will come after you across the whole map.

Graphics and optimalization for a huge game like this wasnt bad. I can i guess even say that it was good.
The setting for this game played a huge role for the graphics.
Everything also synced perfectly together.
That includes: map design, game setting, and graphics in general.

Overall: Even tho not every “diehard” AC fan likes this game, i still think its a great rpg game that you can easily dive into, if you ofc are into these types of games.
Its also very often in discount, so its definetlly worth buying.


(Copied from my steam review)

Ancient Greece is a beautiful setting and the graphics are gorgeous. Vibrant colors are everywhere.

Kassandra is a really good protagonist and she is surrounded by many memorable characters.

The story is a personal one and you can make choices throughout the game that affect the story.

Gameplay and exploration is blast.

Some of the side missions are amazing. There are a few that are heartbreaking.

This is probably the most fun I have had playing AC since Black Flag.

gonna need to embark on an odyssey to complete this stupid game

Sea battles are frustrating. Random enemies keep joining a battle so a 1 vs 3 fight ends up in a 1 vs 7 situation and it goes on indefinitely until my ship bleed out. This never happened to me in Black Flag which was a much better game. It shouldn't be played on console. If I had bought it on PC I would have ways to skip those tedious sea battles with cheat mods and only play the bits of the game that I enjoy.

Used to hate this game but I played it again and really enjoyed it to the point of platinuming it. The gameplay loop is fun and the Ancient Greek world is crafted so well that I wanted to see everything. If only it was accompanied by good writing, the story is abysmal and dialogue options make the protagonist bipolar because yes you can say “I will kill this guy who ruined my life” but the game will go “sheesh Kassandra you really killed that guy that we said killed thousands?” And push you towards what the narrative actually wants. Just before the final chapter you fight the main villain. Here’s what happens
If you win:
He gets crushed by a tree
You get crushed by a tree
If you lose:
He gets crushed by a tree
You get crushed by a tree
The game really really wants you to spare this guy and live happily ever after but he kinda killed thousands in addition to everyone the protagonist liked so that’s a little jarring. Tldr gameplay and world good, writing abysmal.

One of the best AC game i’ve ever played