Reviews from

in the past

seria a cassandra a personagem que mais transa nos video games?

Sorry to dissappoint y'all, but despite being into history and art, I'm not the Assassin's Creed type of girl, this was my first one, so it didn't feel like a letdown to me at all, I actually loved it, as I really like Greece.

I totally understand that some people might be tired of the formula cause this game was really similar to Origins, to the point that it could have been a DLC, and that some other people felt betrayed cause this isnt what Assassins Creed was/was meant to be and it was more like "The Witcher" instead, but honestly, it was quite a ride for me.

If we analyze this game as a standalone title, it's pretty solid, there arent many real cons, aside from the classic ubisoft problems that persist in every single piece of media they make.

What can I say, I personally enjoyed the story, the graphics, the setting, the soundtrack (ocasionally) and the whole adventure!

I played it on PS4 when it first came out and loved the atmosphere on the giant TV. Years later, when my interest in the game's story and atmosphere grew again, I decided to play it all over again on PC, but this time I also wanted to finish all the DLCs. After finishing the main game, I moved on to the DLCs and today I finished the game after 109 hours. Honestly, I enjoyed every moment.

The atmosphere is strong, Greece is wonderful and spacious, the architecture is impressive and some of the characters are interesting and fascinating, the DLC zones are incredibly beautiful (Elysium, Underworld or Hades and Atlantis), the soundtrack is good, traveling by ship is nice and many other pleasant experiences.

As for the cons, I think the main story is a bit lackluster, it feels a bit disjointed with the side quest structure of the game. Even though the characters are strong, I got bored at some point with the story being so sprawling, but as I said, the positive things cover it up to some extent. Honestly, Greece is incredibly big and there's a lot to explore, but I didn't give up and kept going. Even though the mission structure felt repetitive, I kept seeing the positives. The combat system gets very repetitive as the game gets longer and longer, and after a while you can't find a gameplay style. The abilities are good, but as I said, the repetitiveness is a bit overwhelming. New abilities are unlocked with DLC, or existing abilities get stronger as you play the Atlantis DLC. This reduces repetition a little bit, but a lot of people may not have gotten to this point and seen these things, so this point is a little bit more for the people who are loyal to the game. Our character's animations aren't nimble, they're a bit heavy or clunky as they're a bit more RPG-ish, and frankly, I found myself missing the old-school nimble and different animations. As heavy as the character is in this game, I would have liked to see more, jumping, running, walking and similar animations.

I also enjoyed playing the Atlantis and Legacy of the First Blade DLCs, but again, the fact that they are too long is a shortcoming. There is no need for it to be so long. Ubisoft can't or doesn't want to adjust this... I'm satisfied with what I've seen here and what I've learned about how the other games continue. The information about how the story starts and how it will continue was very helpful. Both DLCs had their own unique, character-changing narrative touches, both happy and sad. Anyone who has played up to this point will obviously not have any question marks.

In summary, I enjoyed and digested this game in general. It is a game that can provide continuity by covering its shortcomings with other positive things. I did not and will not regret spending my time on this game, even though Ubisoft made it. :D Thank you to everyone who has read this far, I hope I've translated your feelings somewhere...

Primeiramente para começar a analise eu NÂO estarei analiasndo como um AC e sim como um jogo totalmente fora do universo de AC e com isso consigo dizer coisas boas sobre primeiramente o jogo é mto lento para engatar foi cerca de 20 horas para eu começar a achar o enredo interessando e querer saber mais fora as sides obrigatorias que tem de fazer para poder manter o nivel das quests principais.
O mundo e os graficos sao maravilhosos gostei bastante da exploração mesmo senod gigantesco e as vezes andar de um lado para outro seja "chato" as DLC foram algo que me deixaram bem animado com o jogo tmb por envolver mais da mitologia.
No fim é um bom jogo que sofre do que Days gone sofreu porem nao pode se chamar de Assasins Creed jamais

Story was pretty good, gameplay was very repetitive, DLC was horrible, there was so many excessive thing that was unnecessary

I’ll still keep drinking that garbage

pretty much will kill you with boredom after a certain point, initial plot is decently executed ig. meh
combat is fucking spongy af tho while stealth is always 1 shot kill

Assassins Creed has a legacy of being pretty mid and this game is an insult to the middling legacy the franchise held.

favourite assassins creed game

Guilty pleasure game for me. Absolutely beautiful world, although maybe a bit too large at times for its own good. Love ancient greece

Esse jogo no inicio é muito bom, depois fica sofrível. Não vou nem falar sobre a péssima otimização (pelo menos no PC onde joguei).

Vou focar primeiramente no loop de gameplay, que é o mesmo de qualquer jogo moderno da Ubisoft, jogou um jogou todos, acampamento de bandidos no mapa pra limpar, subir em lugar alto e sincronizar o mapa, lugar sem nada que vc pega um baú e tá acabou.

Eles tentam copiar a mecânica do sistema nemesis dos jogos Shadow of Mordor / War com o sistema de mercenários (o que é irônico, já que essa serie já pega muita coisas de assassins creed) mas acaba sendo completamente desinteressante e sem personalidade.

E por falar em sem personalidade novamente a Ubisoft mantem seu padrão dos últimos anos de encher seus jogos de personagens que não parecem que conseguem conversar como seres humanos, todos rasos, unidimensionais e falando coisas sem sentido, pior ainda quando isso é feito com figuras históricas, talvez o ponto forte seja apenas pra protagonista (joguei com a Kassandra) que tem uma excelente dublagem e dependendo das suas escolhas pode sim apresentar diferentes facetas, porem ainda assim alguns diálogos parecem fugir um pouco da personalidade que vc vem montando com suas escolhas quando elas não apresentam as opções de dialogo.

Enfim, esse jogo parece com qualquer outro jogo da Ubisoft, jogou qualquer far cry ou watch dogs você já jogou esse game, só que nesse você encontra uma roupagem de uma parodia de baixo orçamento daquele filme ridiculo do Zack Snyder, 300.

actually pretty decent, but ultimately too long for me to spend anymore time on

100 saatin üzerinde oynamışımdır. 3.dlc dışında oyundaki her şeyi bitirdim. Oyunun ana hikayesini çok beğenmedin fakat antik yunan dokunuşunu çok güzel işlemişler. Güzel yan hikayeler vardı. Oyunu stealth ve okçu karışık oynadım. Stealth açısından origin daha iyidi ama upgradeler ve itemlar bu oyunda daha iyi. Dlclerin mitolojik olması hoş ama 3 dlcde ilgimi kaybettim. Bu oyunla gelen meydan muharebeleri güzel olsa da birkaç defadan sonra sıkıyor.

AC: Odyssey is beautiful, the Greek theme is stunning, the seas, the islands, the boats, perfect. The naval battles are good, but they're not a highlight of THIS game. That's all I can praise about Odyssey. I could sum up this game as a cheap copy of AC: Origins, although they stripped out the soul of it. The characters are unpleasant, the side quests are annoying, the story is dull and takes like 10h of bullshit before something start to going on, and everything else is the same. The loot mechanics are the same, the outpost conquests are the same, the enemies are the same, the builds are the same, the cities are the same, the parkour is the same and so on. Boring as hell. For those who haven't played AC: Origins, maybe this one has some value. But for me, it's just disappointing in every way. Not even mid, just straight bad.

I adore this game. Kassandra, who is brilliantly acted by Melissanthi Mahut, is just incredible and one of my favourite AC protagonists. The game offsets its mostly humorous tone with surprisingly deep, emotional moments that let Kassandra really shine. While you can play as Alexios, I wouldn’t recommend it the game is clearly designed with her being the hero, with Alexios being the villain.

Ubisoft’s depiction of Greece is as incredible as ever with their historical detail, interacting with amazing Greek legends such as Pericles, Brasidas and many more. Some even join you more often, such as Socrates and your trusty adviser, Herodotos. The game also features some great boss fights with mythical creatures like the Minotaur and Medusa. Combat is fast-paced and the best out of the three RPG games, with skill trees that let you experience different playstyles, and a loadout feature that allows for much more variety. And I’ve not even mentioned the amazing cultist system.

Fr, Meh This game is a lot worse than Origins before it

literally what the fuck happened with the game design here. the most overwhelming, overstimulating but at the same time themost underwhelming game of all time. you can be bisexual tho

A premissa é interessante, porém é um jogo que peca pelo excesso. O jogo acaba ficno esticado pela quantidade de sidequests que somos obrigados a fazer para prosseguir na história principal. Já encostei ele duas vezes, e estou encostando novamente.

Made me hate open world games for a while

Le meilleur asc de la nouvelle génération

Liked this one but felt so tedious to play.

Si bien es básicamente lo mismo que Origins, no conecte, por más que lo intente no avance mucho, me aburrió y no hubo nada que me hiciera quedarme. Si a ti te gusto, chido, me alegro, lamentablemente no fue mi caso.

fajniej mi sie gralo niz w origins bo grecja i sparta, a ja lubie sparte proste. wedlug mnie lepsza walka, brak tarczy w lewej rece. grind grind i grind ale malo buguw jak na taki duzy swiat. i fajne zwierzatka byly duze. ale no gra nie dla mnie do konca

completed, to do 100%(ubisoft)

Again, not really “Assassins Creed” but still a great game with a immersive open world