Reviews from

in the past

I hope you like going into camps to kill all enemies and collect all the loot. You'll have to do that like 387621 times

Kassandra is one of my favorite AC protagonists.

Why did she have to be in this game
ITS TOO BIG ITS TOO LONG ITS TOO GRIND HEAVY and god this sounds suggestive

La excesiva cantidad de contenido y las limitaciones de niveles juegan mucho en su contra, así como su historia que se ríe en la cara de todo lo mostrado anteriormente en la saga. Aun así, a nivel jugable es el mejor de toda la vertiente RPG de la franquicia.

The first of the two AC games I've dropped after putting dozens of hours in only to return years later to try power through and finish the story. If it isn't clear this game (and Valhalla) is long too long, the story itself took me around 30 hours but there's more to this being big and long than hours. The world is vast and largely empty of interesting content - after you've done your first couple open world zones, I opted for Kephallonia, Phokis, and Messaris, you've seen everything the game has to offer. This is no exaggeration the entire mediterranean world is brimming with the same three or four flavour of gameplay; Kill beast, Camps/Forts, Conquest, and Syncronization points. There's a fifth one regarding tombs but these amount to basic and repetitive corridors with an ability point for your troubles. All of this content is repetitive but I can ignore that because it's optional to an extent but side quests also follow a really uninteresting pattern. With all this killing in an Assassin's Creed game you'd think Assassinations would happen but a good 90% of combat deteriorates to open field brawling this works for a time roughly the first 5-10 hours it was good fun Spartan Kicking enemies off of ledges/cliffs and deftly using the hunter abilities to quickly eliminate smaller threats but it doesn't last and the enemy variety and skill is lacking to say the least. Moving away from the gameplay and into the story it's rough, there's essentially two stories at play and neither had enough power to string me along in direction. A cult with a rival sibling with little character and moments to express that Templar-esque evil that older games have done successfully, and a chosen one narrative for the protagonist male or female (though I recommend Kassandra.) Mission structure is extremely repetitive with little to no set piece moments to take advantage of the games gorgeous array of locations. It's pretty bad when the highlight of the game set in Ancient Greece is a short hour or so experience in a plague ridden Athens that lacks an emotional core. The best thing about this game and I hope the series uses to better the gameplay in future is the historical angle it takes. This was sort of present with Origins, but here in Odyssey the inclusion of historical locations and people is to great effect purely as an educational tool. While no, the story doesn't do anything with all this knowledge the game oozes it at every step in a city, it's an aspect that's almost perfect. I just wish the game itself pushed this to the front of the experience rather than stumbling around searching for the 44 cultists and ripping through the drawn out story. I haven't mentioned ship warfare because there's not much to mention it's basic it works but I never had the need or want to use my ship besides moving from point A to Island B usually an unreasonable distance away. This isn't AC Black Flag so of course these ships are historically more simple and less capable of destruction but it gets old really fast just using the same two attacks so understandably I only used it as required. More should've been done to make it more fun and interesting especially in the story missions but it's serviceable for fast travel. It's a seriously bloated game with nothing of substance, and a story that doesn't resolve anything for the (as per usual) dumb modern plot unless you pay for DLC and I won't entertain that which is disappointing I figured I could start AC Valhalla knowing full well where the story was from finishing the prior game but then this is a Ubisoft Original.

Odyssey gets a lot of crap for not being a true Assassin's Creed game, and unfortunately I have to agree. But that does not take away from the fact that this game was great in every other aspect. As a huge open-world RPG with lots of different mechanics and endless (literally) things to do, Odyssey knows what it's trying to be, and that's where it succeeds.

I like to ignore the hate for this game and live in delusion. Put in too many hours to regret it now.

bom jogo, faltam elementos de AC, mas é bem bom. apesar de ser ENORME, desnecessariamente enorme, e em determinado momento repetido. por isso na minha opinião cai muito

Fun little Grecian vacation game

assassins creed quem se importa tlgd eles resolveram copiar the witcher 3 nesse ficou legal...

Great Ancient Greece game, not a great AC

The only good thing is that it is long

Were Origins, Odyssey, and Ragnarok somewhat blasphemous in terms of AC? Yes, but does it affect each individual game? No! These aren't traditional AC games. Is the storytelling great? Probably not. But does it provide a massive open world? Yes! Is the gameplay fun? Yes! If it's fun does it matter what the game is? I air on the side of no, I want to play fun games. Is this fun? Yes! I'd recommend it in a heartbeat. It is fun and I'd say 100% is a slog but at the same time gratifying. Maybe one of the experiences I'd say a gamer needs to have before the PS4 and PS5 generation collapses. A true experience one could not pass up.

fajniej mi sie gralo niz w origins bo grecja i sparta, a ja lubie sparte proste. wedlug mnie lepsza walka, brak tarczy w lewej rece. grind grind i grind ale malo buguw jak na taki duzy swiat. i fajne zwierzatka byly duze. ale no gra nie dla mnie do konca

As i describe in short to a friend: it's like Zelda botw and Skyrim, with greeks, and you can be greek gay

Story = L game makes me happy tho

Gameplay: 4
Art Style: 4.5
Story/Lore: 4
System: 4.5
Chracter: 3.5
Total: 4.1

objektif olarak bakarsam birçok eksik mevcut lakin atmosferi, oynanışı(ac oyunlarında hile açarak oynamak büyük keyif) vs çok eğlenceliydi. ana karakteri de hiç fena değildi. oynarken keyif aldım. normalde bu puanları hak etmiyor ama içimden bu puanı vermek geldi.

This game was so much fun! The story was so so but really just having a massive sandbox to kill enemies of all shapes and sizes was awesome. The graphics as well are stunning.

não é um assassins creed. para os fãs da saga eu não recomendo, para aqueles que buscam um jogo simples, basico e sem personalidade, esse jogo pode ser uma boa pedida

I convinced myself that because I liked the brainless grind of getting all the achievements for this game that’s its great when it really is kind of mediocre in every way but still was fun to play while listening to music or something

A huge open world RPG with a beautiful take on ancient Greece. The affair is slightly let down by a virtually non existent story, and a time to beat which very much outstays it's welcome.

Incredible open world that contains excellent side quests that fill out the world and its characters with so much depth. The combat is nothing to write home about but does not negatively impact the experience

Odyssey is a move away from AC's original roots with a push toward RPG gameplay. Supported by a gorgeous and varied representation of ancient greece that makes exploring fun and engaging.

AC:O gives the player choice in how to build their protagonist and the skills they will have. Allowing you to choose to play from stealth or go in swords swinging.

I chose to 100% the achievements on this game and DLC and found myself enjoying every minute. Some may think the gameplay is repetitive but I enjoy the combat and approaching different situations.

The narrative is engaging and you find yourself invest in Kassandra's story and quest to destory the cult whilst reuniting with the her family. Meeting histrorical figures was also a nice touch and provides a point of reference for those with some knowledge of history.

AC:O isn't everyones cup of tea but i certainly recommend it to anyone who loves historical locations and fun, mindless action RPG gameplay.

Love the story, love the game mechanics.
A good AC installment, but leaves room to further development (a bit too similar to predecessors).

Je l'ai relancé en 2023 j'ai voulu me défenestrer c quoi ce jeu de merde c'est pas possible d'être aussi nul Ubisoft