Reviews from

in the past

No me he enterado muy bien de la historia pero el gameplay es divertido. Se nota que Hades es una evolución de este juego.

the music is superb but I don't think this game is too memorable

This is an interesting game. I replayed it after more than 10 years and my impressions of the game changed a bit.
Story and presentation are absolutely top-notch. Love it.
However, the gameplay this time was kinda rough in some spots, mostly related to the sluggishness of the main character. It feels like a prototype for Hades now that I've played both (hades totally improved upon the foundations set by Bastion).
I still enjoy this a lot!

I played this in high school on a trip to DC and I remember more about this game than our nation's capital.

Enjoyed what I played of it so far, need to continue someday.

First played on PC, replayed recently on Switch, this is still such a special little game! It was my introduction to Supergiant and if you have the option to make this the first game of theirs you play, I recommend it - it's such a good introduction to so many elements of their style. I will say this is maybe the ONLY Supergiant game I have a gameplay complaint about (how picking up new weapons automatically replaces one of your equipped weapons, sometimes removing your special move as well, and you don't always have the option to switch back), but I can attribute that to growing pains from a brand-new studio. I still recommend wholeheartedly!

Great art, great soundtrack, great story, great combat, all the hallmarks of Supergiant's games are here. Absolutely loved playing this, and will always remember the music that plays during the finale.

I finally played this game after years of being told I should,. I see why it's called a classic. Bastion has engaging music, a beautiful art style, and a narrative delivered in a uniquely non-intrusive way. A voiced over narrator tells the story while you play and reacts to your actions. It kept me rooted in the games story and gameplay simultaneously the whole time. As a gamer that is not very driven by combat heavy gameplay, I liked that the game's base combat difficulty was accessible and forgiven. It uses relics to create a more challenging gameplay experience. They are completely player controlled and are similar to the skulls in the Halo games. It's cool to see where Supergiant Games started before Hades. Absolutely recommend checking Bastion out.

You ever think about how a game will be popular but "popular" in the context of when it came out was so different than "popular" today? Like simply because more types of games are appealing to more people than they were in the past.

This is kind of a game that embodies that for me. It's less remembered than even Transistor, and it's a shame because both games are very SGG. It's a fun action game with solid jams and a lot of heart.

Going back to this from their newer titles was a cool experience. Seeing them tinker with ideas in here that are later perfected in Hades was fascinating. The actual game is solid too, good vibes and a beautiful world. Not as fun to actually play though.

This was a replay for me after many years and it's only gotten better.

The visuals, the music, the voice acting, the story... Wonderful.

There is a robust combat system although I did find myself gravitating towards certain weapons. And since Normal Difficulty Player, I appreciated how the levels for story were interesting but not overly taxing. The challenges were fun to engage with but I never felt obligated to do so. I could see they put a lot of effort into systems that would expand the game but I was mainly there for the vibes.

I loved the story-telling method and this is one of the few games where I was content to make decisions without looking things up. You can also see the bones of what the studio will perfect with Hades. I'm excited to try Transistor next to keep seeing their evolution.

(cool guy voice) he had a good time playing that game, that right there bastion

igual oq mulher fala pra mim
bom, mas nao faz meu tipo

Give me more of this narrator

Great game with a great story.

a game for true bastards. narrative was good i think, but maybe i'd find it a bit reddit now that i'm grown and more pretentious.

kinda annoying. mostly cause the story sucks.
this crawled so hades could walk.

Not my cup of tea. The narrator was irritating as hell.

Supergiant's first game, one of the best companies created

A very fun game with great aesthetics, interesting story, and wonderful music that really set the bar high for Supergiant that they've yet to fall below. Some fantastic mechanics that influenced a ton of top-down brawlers in a way that's pretty irrefutable

Review EN/PTBR

I didn't expect that I would like this game so much


Eu não esperava que eu ia gostar tanto desse jogo