Reviews from

in the past

I judged this by the cover and it looked to me like something I wouldn't like but wow was I wrong. This thing is just an absolute blast for a few tight hours and doesn't overstay it's welcome. The narration and music and sound design all add so much to the experience, I can't wait to play another Supergiant game and return to this in the future.

i played this so fucking long ago but never finished it

I've played a little of it, it's charming and I'd like to pick it up again someday

I like walking around and hitting things with a big hammer.

Bastion (2011) is cool. i like it! it's got tight controls, it looks gorgeous, and the SOUNDTRACK goes sooo hard. seriously. there are some bangers. we need more sounds of hammers hitting anvils in songs, because that is the soundbite of my dreaaams.

by far the best part of the game is the soundscape: Darren Korb's sweet sweet bangers and Logan Cunningham's sweet sweet narration. the world of this game feels so full of life and yet so utterly ruined thanks to these two facets. the narration feels so natural and is so adaptive that it is almost as though it is completely tailored to your specific experience playing the game. if you fall off a ledge, the narrator will make a little joke about your journey ending there. there's unique voice lines for every combination of weapons you leave the arsenal with. in one area, the narrator even reminded me diegetically that i could use my specific special ability if the swarms of enemies were too much. it felt insanely organic, and as though it had to be planned that i would have that specific equipment in my loadout, but no! i could've had literally anything in that slot. the narration is so frequent that you may think it'd blend into the background, but i found it to be engaging the whole playthrough and it made me feel like the lore of this world was being transmitted into my brain via osmosis.

there's a pretty great sense of progression as you both build the bastion and build up your arsenal. there's always something to check up on, upgrade, or swap out every time you finish a level, which feels nice. there's a good number of weapons, and i'm partial to a good number of them. they're not all great, but i imagine there's some i don't care for that others swear by, so your mileage may vary. however, the final portion of the game where it forces you to use a different weapon was dreadfully boring and anticlimactic. it spits on all of that building up that i just gushed over and instead gives you the most clunky, unfun piece of equipment in the entire game.

the story and gameplay aren't all that crazy, but the narration and vibes are fantastic, and i would recommend this game based on those two factors alone.

The first project from Supergiant game and the last of their classic titles I personally played.

And I gotta be honest: maybe it's because I didn't play it at the time it came out, or maybe because of the quality of the other projects made by these developers, but... Bastion didn't hooked me as much as many other that tried it.

Don't get me wrong, I totally get the hype around it: especially for the time, Bastion has a timeless charm that it's hard to find even in other similar titles. It features an incredible soundtrack, a fantastic artstyle that literally lets you see the worlds being built around you, and a writing that is able to be melancholic, hopeful, sad, but also quirky and spicy, thanks to a sarcastic narrator that follows the adventure of the Kid.
The combats and puzzles I feel aged quite well, and while simple, can lead to a lot of customization and replayablity thanks to te ability to pick different weapons, buffs, entire styles of gameplay, and things that remind of the Pact of Punishment from Hades (which is a more than good thing). The attention oto details and overall cure for this projects are felt to this day.

I gotta be honest though and say that I didn't really grew attached to the overall story and characters. Not to mention that I felt the overall experience may feel a bit too short, especially considering the SUpergiant gems that came out in later years.

Despite my criticism, which can be considered harsh for one of the first big indie games, I cannot deny that Bastion is a timeless experience, and the people that consider it a cult classic and one of the pillars of the world of indie games are more than justified to think that.
Give it a try if you can. It's a great time!

Supergiant Games es uno de los estudios que está haciendo los mejores juegos indies. Bastion no es la excepción!

Su soundtrack es una maravilla, la historia contada por un narrador en tiempo real hace que tus acciones se sientan legendarias. Los niveles aunque en un principio son difíciles de explorar, las mejoras en las armas y en el combate, que puedes ajustar a tu forma de juego, hace que poco a poco todo se vuelva más divertido.

wat a wonderful lil game, i loved da narrator's voice acting and story telling so much!!!!!!!!

Existe uma estranha sensação de conforto nesse jogo.
Apesar de seu mundo ser um caos apocalíptico repleto de morte, melancolia e desespero, esse jogo cria uma camada de conforto pela sua estética em game design, escrita e arte que é formidável.

Afinal, um combate e progressão competente, com um level design bem amarradinho são suficientes por si só para te fazer jogar de forma confortável, ter uma variação boa e divertidas de armas e uma jogabilidade meio beat'em up isométrico deixa o loop principal bem temperado. Mas o que me fisgou mesmo foi tudo que adorna esse design.

Esse jogo parece uma fantasia açucarada, cheira e tem sabor de um doce de coco, mas é recheado de um chocolate muito amargo. Superficialmente o sabor te tranquiliza, te traz frescor e calmaria, mas dentro vem um punch. Acontece que quando se chega ao núcleo, o jogo te obriga a tomar uma decisão: aceitar ou refazer.

Só que o jogo nos deixa preparados para tomar essa decisão.
Afinal, aos poucos o sabor se torna morno. Não necessariamente a melhor experiência que já vivemos, mas significativa o suficiente para não esquecermos e, portanto, para não apagarmos.

Encontrar o conforto no desespero é o que Bastion nos faz conquistar sem percebermos, e na tomada de decisão, ter herdado sua coragem de permanecer no caos foi o que me fez não esquecer desse jogo.

I think bastion is the reason I care about indie video games, honestly. I could never tell you if it holds up; it's too important to me.

This game and its development story makes me a game developer today.

A classic from the Xbox Live Arcade era.

The music and narration are the stars of this game. The narration is infamous. It gives the game so much charm. And omg, the music. I was so surprised by how good it was. It took a decent experience and elevated it.

There is far more story than I ever expected. This game was always described as "the game with the amazing narrator". But it is far more than that. I cannot believe the plot was never spoiled for me. Great story accompanied by some well timed songs.

Gameplay is fun. I played on the easiest mode. I feel like the game is super punishing. Building the bastion up is neat. The weapons are neat but once you find one you like, there is no need to change. There is a great variety in gameplay.

Combat is good but also basic. It's also a bit button mashy. Sometimes enemies are too tanky or too elusive.

The game looks great. Has a great art direction. Destructible environments are neat. Sometimes it's a bit too busy. But you do get a lot of variety. The camera angle can make stuff misleading at times but it's not that big of an issue.

The coolest thing about this game is that you can really see the influence on Hades. It really feels and looks like Hades. Just a much more basic Hades. If you like Hades, this is a great way to see it's humble beginnings.

Where do I even begin with Bastion. Bastion is my favorite game of all time. It's a game I played through countless times while growing up. It's a game I don't want to talk too much about because I honestly have so much to say. But to give the cliff notes: The music in this game is amazing. The vocal tracks from Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett are unparalleled. 'Mother, I'm here' means so much to me. It's a song that is so deeply nostalgic to me, and the scene in which is plays still makes me tear up. This game narratively is phenomenal and I think the best of the 3 SG games I've played (all but Pyre). The reactive narrator adds so much to the game where we have a silent protagonist, and Logan Cunningham does a phenomenal job with the voice acting. The gameplay is a tad dated but I honestly still enjoyed it on a recent playthrough. This game is one of the games that really got me into PC gaming and it will forever hold a spot in my heart for it. It may not be the best gameplay wise or most technical or complicated, but it means a lot to me. I truly recommend this game for anyone. Please play it. :)

Its presentation is all aces. The narrator is captivating, the colors fantastic, the environments beautiful. It's a treat for the eyes and ears as the score matches everything so perfectly.

It's a curated experience that allows for some solid weapon pairing. You're not limited to a melee and ranged option. You can mix and match abilities, passives and weapons and that really adds to the experience. It doesn't drastically change gameplay but it adds more variety which is always a plus.

It starts and ends on a real high note. Strong intrigue echoes throughout the adventure and I loved its ending. Supergiant's first game is still a great one and it shows clearly from the start that this studio knew what they were doing. I highly recommend Bastion.

Short Super Giant game, what's not to like?

I think it was too short and probably more fun in NG+. Some of the visuals were too bloomed out and bright. THe music and narration were top tier.

Akira Toriyama from Dragon Ball fame is often quoted saying "Less is More."
This game is the definition of that to me. It captured a spark for me that later SuperGiant games haven't. It's pure, its polished, it's fantastic. There's no fluff. And sometimes, that is what makes a game as good as it is.

-Very distinctive art style, great gameplay, the narrator is amazing.
-Banger OST.

I've cooled on this game over time, but I still really love the soundtrack. A great first title from the people that would eventually make Hades.

nao sei oq tem nesse jogo pra eu ter amado tanto. extremamente simples, velho e gostosinho de jogar. pena que é curto

É tipo um Hades, só que nerfado. Apesar disso, tem uma escrita e narração muito boas, a gameplay e os gráficos também são daora, mas envelheceu um pouco pior do que a trilha sonora, que é divina.

I miss clicked and picked the wrong ending

I'm glad I replayed this game before moving onto the other Supergiant games that I haven't yet played. I feel like I didn't really give Bastion a fair go way back in 2013 when I played it for the first and only time - my gametime was about half of what my playthrough was this time around, and I feel like I pretty much rushed through it and came away at the end with the impression that it was a banger soundtrack on a pretty boring game. I'm very glad I gave it another shot, because Supergiant managed to cram a surprisingly high quality little story into this game about a little guy hitting things with a hammer. I really love the art style (though it does sometimes become hard to tell when objects are collidable or not, leading to falling off the map a lot, for me anyway), and the presentation in general is excellent. Darren Korb's music is of course fantastic and is as big a highlight as I remember it being 11 years ago. Really keen to see how Supergiant evolved from Bastion with Transistor next. And for what it's worth, rescue and evac is the only true ending.

Still listening to the OST weekly, almost prompting me to go back to the game. Great art, amazing narration, solid gameplay.

Sweet and calm adventure with some puzzles.

Narration was probably the best part of the game. Gameplay was Mediocre.