Reviews from

in the past

The trend that started in MW2 continues here. By this point the campaign has gone so thoroughly off the rails that its just pure schlock. Enjoyable schlock overall, but schlock nonetheless. But the ending with Price does still remain one of the best endings in any FPS.

Alright, let's talk about "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3." Now, by the time this one rolled around, I couldn't help but feel like the gameplay formula was getting a tad stale. Sure, it's still the same heart-pounding action we've come to expect, but it's starting to lose some of its luster. As for the story, well, it continues from where the second game left off, but in my opinion, it's not exactly the strongest.

That being said, if you've been following the series from the beginning, "Modern Warfare 3" does manage to close things out with a satisfying ending. It may not be the strongest entry in the series, but it's still worth checking out if you're a die-hard fan looking to see how it all wraps up.

esse foi o cod que eu mais joguei

I traded in my Wii for my own personal Xbox 360 in 2017. Previous to this, my cousin had a 360 and I would play Black Ops 2 on it with him all day! So, I was a bit skeptical when my parent's bought me MDW 3 (2011), especially because it didn't even have bots in offline mode. However, playing through the campaign was legendary. First Cod campaign I ever beat I must add. I maxed out specs ops for a while, which just like in MDW 2 is a lot of fun. However, it's when I got Xbox Live that this game truly blew my mind. The servers weren't dead but they weren't super active either. So I was limited to TDM and Juggernaut. So, I had a blast! Played that game everyday after school for that whole year! This cod game is a joy to play and it's my first real memory with the world of online gaming.

Eu havia dito que o MW2 era o meu favorito até então, mas retiro o que eu disse. Este terceiro acaba de se tornar meu favorito da trilogia. Mantém o mesmo nível que os outros dois jogos, mas este aqui tem uma carga a mais, talvez pelo final magnífico que conclui a história. Eu amei as missões de Manhattan, Paris e a última, todas com um level design magnífico

obra prima

Its got a fun campaign and the final level is fucking BALLIN! Fuck you Makorov.

I can't believe that Vladimir Makarov was a fan of Robin Williams

Great conclusion to the best trilogy in the COD franchise

I used to fire this up immediately after school like i was working a blue collar job and had to crack open a cold one

This was the beginning of my love for online shooters. Getting home from school and booting this up with friends are memories I can't remember details of but cherish nonetheless

it's sad seeing the modern era mw3 compared to this beast

GooeyScale: 75/100

Didn't really live up to 1 or 2, though the ending is cathartic

Solid title but worst of the three

Великолепное завершение трилогии. Каждая часть старых Modern Warfare достойна прохождения. Персонажи интересные, события будоражащие, а сам геймплей не однотипный

This game also had a satisfying ending, the cherry on top was Price lighting up a cigar after Makarov died

I put so many hours into this one

RAAHHHH SUCH A GOOD GAME, i did mod lobbies and help people level up and did fun modded shit, it was absolutely amazing. besides that though the story was amazing, survival was sooo unique and a challenge for sure but the multiplayer was an absolute blast.

As broken as this game is I love it's multiplayer especially for all the glitch spots and Terminal. Infected is also goated.