Reviews from

in the past

Having played this over a decade ago and having just done a replay of the campaign and spec ops in 2023, MW3 ends up being the weakest instalment in the Modern Warfare trilogy, purely because the first entry has the novelty of being Modern Warfare and the second entry reached almost impossibly lofty heights; there are actually plenty of fun set piece moments to enjoy here but none of them go as hard as MW2 and I can’t really pinpoint how/why that feels the case. It’s still lusciously over the top but It’s definitely missing the kick-ass Hans Zimmer/Lorne Balfe score. Spec Ops is a welcome addition as always but the missions are essentially just campaign environments rolled out in reverse. Still, fun (and frustrating) with a buddy and worth your time. Also, for all that’s said about performance of games these days, the Modern Warfare titles always run a rock solid frame rate and play just as you’d expect them to, these things are really well made and hold up pretty nicely

MW3 was actually a very sick game. It was the first one I got to experience the midnight release of. I stood in line at game stop for this. It felt like a cultural shift in a sort of way. It was tangible outside the game. This COD was a heavy campaign, a thrilling set of co-op modes, and a pretty great multiplayer.

If you get the chance to play the wave of bots mode in this, it's actually very addicting. probably 300 hours spent in that mode alone

All my friends played Call of Duty, so eith grade me, wanting to be cool, bought it too. I was bad at it, but I had fun. Dome best map.

My favorite game. can't recall how many times i played since i was a child

Fuck Activision for canceling the remastered version of this games as this is, at least in my opinion, the best modern warfare with a crap load of content thrown in it.

The campaign gets absolutely ludicrous with all of it set pieces and the best finale to any cod game ever. Period.

Without a doubt, the main highlight of this game is Spec Ops, which has been completely overhauled into a new, crazy experience. Survival is such a fun, and insanely creative mode that is a blast with friends as you just get stronger and stronger as the game goes on.

However, the real highlight is Spec Ops: Chaos. An arcade style experience that is a huge ecstasy rush for such a simple little concept. Grab a weapon and don’t stop killing. Absolutely fantastic worth it for that mode alone.

I’d say my main criticisms with the game is that, while the multiplayer is fun, it’s mostly unplayable due to activision messing with the servers or hackers. And plus, with the Xbox 360 marketplace going down in about 8 months, some of the content may be lost in time if you don’t get it.

But overall, what a blast to play and is the superior modern warfare compared to activision’s shitty new trilogy

My first shooter, very entertaining

It's not as good as the previous games of the series, but it's a really successful CoD game.

This review contains spoilers

This game is easily the weakest of the 3 by a landslide.

The Story is that Makarov threatens to find and Kill the Russian President's daughter if he doesn't give him the launch codes, and the now disavowed Task Force 141 has to stop him. This could have been a great story, but it has WAY too many problems to stand out with it's prequels. First off, in the last game, I thought the reason why Makarov wasn't a part of the Massacre was because he destroyed the security, but now they show the footage, yet the President of Russia declared war on America without even asking them why a C.I.A agent was with a famous Russian terrorist that both nations are against? But also, why do the Russian troops attack Europe when they know that their President is trying to have a peace Treaty "indicating that he wants his troops to stop" and there wouldn't be any fighting after everyone knows a peace talk is coming in, as there would be no point. Makarov I doubt threatened to Kill his daughter on sight for the army to continue, because then he could have threatened to have his troops Kill her on sight for the Nuclear codes. Also Price's plan to breach through the ceiling to get the President is dumb when he could have landed on the President himself. Also don't give excuses like "it was the only way to get to him" or "he used thermal vision to see" because people would assume that events take place in the middle of the room, which is where Price placed the charge, instead of next to the door area, and if he did look through a thermal scope "THE GAME NEEDS TO SHOW US" it's called Direction. Other problems with the story include, why is this the only game that skips the Tutorial in the Trilogy? Why didn't the group shoot the ropes holding the cargo in Sierra Leone to stop London being attacked? Why bother hiding Soap's real name only for it to randomly after his death be revealed that it is the same first name as Price's? that's not a mindblowing reason to hide a name at all. Why isn't Roach in the Second to last level? and why did Sandman keep calling Alena "ATHena"? Also after watching the Ukraine war in real life, there is no way Russia wouldn't be bankrupt after the damage they have caused, because there is no way the victim nations would pay for their pwn damages, as they too would either go bankrupt, or look the right to be a SuperPower.

The New Characters aren't very good, the only one's a care at all about are Sandman, and Yuri. The other characters are bland, and I don't like President Vorshevsky for declaring war on America for a dumb reason, or his daughter for not killing him for it. Even Wallcroft and Griffin from Modern Warfare don't make me think any differently of them. But the rest of the old characters are still great, I did get emotional over one character's death, and I think you know who I am talking about. Makarov is still the best Call of Duty villain, the things he does, his resources, him not having boundaries, and his attitude, and backstory with Yuri all help improve this villain who feels like you can't kill.

The Graphics are even more detailed than before, and the visuals have never looked more stunning to look at.

The Gameplay has you first person shooting through New York City, Europe, and other various locations to stop World War 3. It's still fun to playthrough as ever, but the problems this time can get big. The problems I found include, How did the Submarine not get hit by a mine that was above us in level? How were we not seen in Eye of the Storm? How does the coptor fly upwards to crash into the elevators in the final level? Also the Ally AI although mostly works, does get in my way alot. Enemy AI also runs out towards you more here. Not all the quotes after death were good. Also I noticed that the only reason Alena got captured was because Sandman had to command me to open the door, meaning if I ran ahead and did that myself, I would have saved her, that's terrible game design when it causes you to lose like that. The Multiplayer is also underwhealming, it does offer great locations, but there are now less ranks than the other game, and the new added items, and Kill Confirmed mode don't make up for that. If you copy an amazing multiplayer system for a sequel, give it a reason to exist "being better," or "continuing something unfinished from the last ones, like european maps, while also not removing great stuff from before" which it does. Special Ops is still great, as well as ELITE "for editing your gameplay".

The Music is overall not as great as previous games, but is still fits the universe well, especially the music played during that ONE old character's death scene.

Modern Warfare 3 is the start of the downward spiral for the Call of Duty franchise, and it only gets worse after this.

Just a shooting gallery but a very fun shooting gallery. the game does not try to build itself something serious and it is to her face. the game can be passed in one evening and it does not have time to get bored.
P.s in multiplayer did not play

Me da igual lo que diga la gente es y será mi COD favorito larga vida a los camperos

O modo online desse game era maravilhoso!

More of the same solid formula. Perhaps less interesting environments.

Overhated imo, but still not as good as MW2

To me, the best additions that were added to the MW2 formula were some of the extra weapons, the killstreak additions, and infected gamemode. The campaign nicely wrapped up the modern warfare trilogy. The horde mode in this game was fun for a few games.

First call of game. Good first experience.

Second best cod, argue with a wall

I don't really remember the story but I remember that it left a good feeling in me

tout simplement le meilleur jeu de la saga tout est parfait

Good game, good trilogy ending.

At least this game is better than the remake 😒

i understand the hate for this game but its the best modern warfare ever made. it has everything good the other 2 had and does it better.

nao lembro muito, mas era divertido de jogra no ps3