Reviews from

in the past

What all rougelikes should aspire to be. My only complaint is that I wish there were more game to play.

Really good rougelike. I never got into it as much as I know a lot of people did, but its very fun.

Note: This log/entry is about my time with the PS port but I have hundreds of hours on the Switch version

Frankly I will never forgive this game for being my gold standard of what other roguelikes need to live up to because I'm confident nothing else will top this for me. I love other Roguelikes (Dead Cells, StS, Dicey Dungeons) but Gungeon is the peak for me

Also mg biggest gaming flex is that I got "Lead God" on my 5th run of the Playstation version

Nice rogue-like, but I think Isaac just spoiled me to the point where it's very difficult for me to enjoy any other game in the genre. I really appreciate the game's charme though.

Der er få spil der har været så stor en særinteresse for mig som enter the gungeon var i en periode. Absolut fænomenalt

super duper fun and polished. wish it had more synergies, but overall a very well designed game with a lot of love put into it

One of the best roguelikes out there for my tastes. There are TONS of synergies that are fun to experiment with, tons of secrets, and lots of variety in runs. Different modes make it even more re-playable, and Turbo Mode is stupid fun.

A good rouge like I come back to every once and a while

just watch my downwell video lol. one thing i didnt mention in that video is that i have like 200 hours in this game for reasons i shant expound upon

I love roguelikes and I believe Enter the Gungeon is one of my favorites!
In this game, you can play as different characters with different starting weapons/items.
The goal: conquer the Gungeon !

The gameplay is very rich and almost infinite. Each run will be different, and you'll need to be patient to unlock the multitude of items and weapons that make up the Gungeon. The controls can be quite complex if you're not used to it. Learning the patterns of mobs and bosses, using blanks, learning each weapon and item...
Personally, I loved it right away! The tutorial is well explained, and I enjoy the aspect of discovering everything. Don't think that beating the boss on the 5th floor means you've finished the game... far from it! The game is also playable in co-op !

Graphics and Art Design:
Well yes, I love pixel art. It's beautiful; it's not ultra-HD realistic, but the game has its own identity. You don't need a powerful PC; I experienced some slowdowns when there were a lot of shots on the screen, but nothing too bothersome.

Achievements and Other Aspects:
The achievements take a long time to farm and, as I said, the game has an almost infinite lifespan. I highly recommend this game (especially since it's not expensive during Steam sales!). Additionally, the game has received many free updates, adding even more content. I think the game can become tiresome after a while; so you play it, take a break, come back to it, etc.
To my knowledge, there is a small DLC that adds a weapon, but it's really just for fun.

My final score: 18/20
Recommendation: Definitely buy it !

I dunno, this game just really didn't click with me

Cara, na real, é um roguelike bem parecido com The Binding of Isaac. E assim como ele, eu não achei uma das maravilhas dos jogos que eu passaria horas jogando.

Mas é um jogo legal ainda assim.

Probably the most time I've ever put into a roguelike. So much stuff to do, so many different ways to do it.

EtG is a peculiar title for me to collect my thoughts on because it's simultaneously a lot of things i hate about art and corporatism while also being kinda just fun to play.

the gungeon "series" has no particularly important continuity or overarching lore, it is a vessel for you to shove "references" into (1-1 things from other media, sometimes changed enough to prevent an issue of copyright from coming into play, sometimes unadapted), similar to the setting of Dead By Daylight, and while i think it has a little more going on in terms of substance, Dead Cells makes me feel the same way. if there's anything cool in Gungeon, you can bet your ass there's a trivia bulletpoint on the fandom wiki somewhere that tells you how it's actually just from another piece of media as a derivative. i do not like this very much, and i am not at all a fan of getting keys jangled in my face so that i get the pavlovian response of "oh, like a car! i see!" and clap.

on the flipside, though, this is genuinely a fun roguelike that has a lot of design decisions that i think are rad and fun, simultaneously being difficult with genuine resource management most of the time while also being willing to give you a god run for the lulz from one or two pickups, which is something i think other roguelikes attempt to strike a tenuous balance of which can ultimately make them feel unsatisfying, middling, or oddly consistent for a roguelike, with Risk of Rain 2 coming to mind.

i feel bad for getting attached to any characters in particular, i think some are cool though in simultanea i know it's either a basic checklist trope quota or it's a pull from another piece of media. comparing it to a roguelike i don't even particularly like playing, Isaac, which while occasionally containing references, goes in & goes hard for its setting. i remember a ton of things about Isaac even though when it comes to the question of "would you play this again? even if someone forked out like 50$ for you to do it, would you actually have any fun playing it?" i would answer "no." in regards to isaac, but yes to gungeon. it's strange.

overall i don't know how to feel about it. i would agree with someone dismissing it as "mid", though wouldn't disagree with someone saying "it's quite good". i don't entirely regret getting 100% on it because i did have fun, but i also bring up Gungeon as an example of what you should never do with your setting unless you are completely devoid of passion and love for planet earth. yet it's also not a game like Blazblue, where i can say "some parts of this are genuinely some of the sickest things ever created and the rest of it blows ass", because it is not a game of "best evers", nor is it necessarily a game of "worst evers", it just purely goes neutral in all things. peculiar game. soulslike.

Im 20 hours in, havent beaten floor five, and this is one of the best indie games of all time

Bullshit game with bullshit enemies and bullshit bosses that just kill you no matter what you do. I will never finish it and I also just didn't like playing it for the amount of time that I did play it.

Enter the Gungeon foi uma grata surpresa que eu tive, o jogo é simplesmente perfeito, o nível de criatividade que foi colocado nele é gigantesco. Demorei muito pra aprender a jogar ele mas depois de anos jogando consegui fazer tudo que tinha disponível no jogo mesmo com a dificuldade elevada.

never understood the hype for this game. it's just a slower version of nuclear throne; sure there's more polish and content overall but whenever i play this i just think "this isn't as fast-paced and chaotic as nuclear throne, i wish i was playing that" then i switch to that instead.

Look I'm absolute dogshit at this game. I cannot get past the second floor. I still enjoy it so much and have spent so many hours on it because it's just that FUN. Might eventually return to it. Still recommended!

I still haven't beaten this game. 10/10

I was so bad at this game i never killed the final boss

Que jogo maneiro, muito divertido e viciante.
Um rogue like de respeito, onde você passa por muitos desafios em meio a uma chuva de tiro, sendo muito frenético, cheio de Piu Piu Piu e plow plow plow.
Gosto dos personagens e de toda temática de "tempo", muito Zika cada arma e todo o RNG do jogo.
Uma pena que depois de várias horas, eu fiquei enjoado, joguei muito sem parar.

Uma das minhas frustrações na coleção, pois era um dos poucos jogos que comprei e não zerei, mas esse, não foi por não querer, foi por não conseguir.
Tiveram jogos que comprei e não me agradaram ao ponto de querer completar tudo, mas ao menos a campanha principal eu terminava, aqui, eu não conseguia chegar ao final.
Mas acho que jogar este jogo depois de cuphead tirando S, meus reflexos melhoraram, e consegui zerar, mas não só isso, fiz o final de todos os personagens que possuem final, e também venci todos os chefes do jogo.
Ficou faltando liberar um personagem, mas senti que minha missão aqui foi cumprida, mas devo voltar pra ele a qualquer momento.
Uma informação importante, é que não acho que fiquei tão melhor assim como jogador, a sorte é muito importante aqui, e só jogando muitas partidas vc pode comprar armas melhores e após isso, ter a chance de encontrá-las no balabirinto.
Então o jogo recompensa quem se dedica a ele, e se torna uma questão de tempo e sorte, para você ter uma run ótima e estar forte o suficiente para vencer o jogo todo.
Digo isso, pq voltei pra esse jogo umas 3 vezes, e fui então acumulando armas melhores, até que liberei a arma de buraco negro e quando tive a oportunidade de usá-la em uma run, o jogo ficou fácil, mas senti que eu merecia aquilo, por estar há tanto tempo me dedicando.
Gostei demais do jogo, que bom, que não desisti.

This game is fucking awesome man. I had never really played a bullethell before gungeon so there was definitely a steep learning curve, but it was well worth it. This game has SO much content. Secrets everywhere you look, what feels like endless weapon/gear combinations, and some serious difficulty to boot. I played the shit out of this game for like a year and still haven't done absolutely everything there is to do in it. What a game man..

Enter the Gungeon's massive amount of unique weapons and items can create some wild combinations and interactions, but not being able to see their stats or remove some of them from your item pool can force you to use a lot of weapons that you hate.