Reviews from

in the past

My console almost died, but the experience was good.

I really wished I like the fallout series but I just can’t. I know it’s just a me thing but I don’t like Bethesda gameplay and think it’s so damn boring.

Would have finished if my game didn't bug out halfway through and refuse to give me my weapons back 😒

Pinacle of RPG's

Who would've guessed that when you pair the original developers of the Fallout games with Bethesda's open world system you get a perfect game?
Fallout New Vegas is the absolute pinnacle of RPG game design. You start off the game only knowing your name and the fact that you got shot, everything else is completely optional. You can kill whoever you want, befriend whoever you want, use whatever guns you want, choose whatever ending you want, complete quests however you want, and finish the story however you want. This game really took the masterpiece of Fallout 1 and 2's world, characters, and quest design and mixed it with Bethesda's open world, added an amazing story, and cooked up one of the greatest games ever.

incredibly written game. unfortunately lacking in both combat and exploration, but the quests and roleplaying keep me from letting that lower it too much

Já havia ouvido varias pessoas falando que esse jogo era bom, excelente uma masterpiece. Mas eu não esperava a
forma que esse jogo iria me impactar. O mundo desse jogo parece vivo, muito mais vivo que alguns jogos Triple A. Cada missão, seja ela, secundaria ou principal, consegue falar sobre aquele mundo, sobre as pessoas que vivem nele,como elas reagem e o mundo reage de volta. As facções que temos contato durante todo o jogo,não são perfeitas,não existe o salvador da pátria que vai transformar o mundo em uma utopia.Tudo está cercado de uma hipocrisia e de buracos que constituem o pensamento de cada ideoligia chave nesse mundo. Graças a esses erros, essas falhas, os personagens dessa historia conseguem ser bem mais
humanos e você consegue entender por que eles pensam dessa forma e quais são as motivações por trás. É claro que tudo não é perfeito, muitas missões não tem uma gameplay interressante e confesso que algumas resoluções me deixaram um pouco decepcionado, não por eu não gostar do final, mas por ser muito obvio e simples. Acho que já falei demais e se eu continuar eu vou acabar fazendo umas 2 páginas de por que esse jogo é do balacobaco. Beijo na bunda se você chegou até aqui, tchau.

Played it with my wife after the fallout TV show. I played this a ton as a kid and it was a blast to play it again. My wife gives it a 3/5, she's not a fan of shooter but liked the story and the alternative paths.

broken game

also an all-time great. but it's a broken game

Apesar dos bugs tenebrosos, é um jogasso.

Best Fallout games since your decision actually matters and are hard to make.

this is my favorite open world game, because it's my favorite world in games. I recently played through FO1 and tried to replay FO4, but neither really hooked me the way this (seventh or eighth?) playthrough of FNV has. it is a perfect confluence of banger music, places with personality, and characters worth remembering. obviously its gunplay is dogshit, which makes it all the more confusing that we've never gotten a better title in this genre despite such obvious areas for improvement. if FO5 goes back to this game's emphasis on its world and characters with modern mechanics, it would be a slam dunk. will never happen though

i have to replay this game as some point but i absolutely remember enjoying it whenever i got the chance to play it. i never got to fully play it through but i’ve watched people play it and i have to again one day.

Le eché mas horas a la ruleta que a arreglar el país, el mejor fallout.

Primero que nada que le follen al estado

To gostando bastante até, é aquele tipo de jogo que você vai pegando o jeito com o tempo, embora eu acho que melhoria bastante a experiência se eu não tivesse que ficar salvando manualmente o jogo a cada segundo.

neat game and i liked the companions but i think i've outgrown my bethesda phase.

Gameplay wise, this is very 2010 - it doesn't feel bad, but it does feel from that era of open world games. Where it shines is the missions and the story. The way the story unfolds is very well done, and the way that all the missions - even most of the side missions - all tie together into supporting the story being told was extremely well done. What really stood out to me was that there weren't any obvious choices to make - there's obviously the one bad faction, but outside of them the other choices to make in the game did not have an obvious "I am going for this play style, therefore I must side with faction X" tilt to them. Going right down to the end, I still wasn't exactly sure that the choices I was making was "right".

I appreciated how each DLC tried to do it's own thing as well, one is survival horror, one Sci-Fi fantasy, and the others more an extended set of quests for the game. Although the survival horror of the Sierra Madre didn't do it for me, I appreciate Obsidian trying to step outside the box with them.

The first time I played New Vegas, back when it came out on the 360, I lost my save game to a bug. This time I played it with the Viva New Vegas mods installed and didn't have any issues like that. I know the game is famous for bugs, and it did crash on me once. But thankfully with those mods it seems to have held up fairly well to play through again.

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i've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle

The main character being named the courier is a meta-commentary on Bethesda fetch quests

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had fun for a few hours, got bored. not really into the setting sadly

Feels absolutely terrible to play. Could be a good game underneath, I'll never know

Best Fallout out there (Unfortunately). I had a blast with all the possible choices and outcomes that they created. It is definitely worth playing and replaying. You have to download some mods to make it a bit stable, but other than that, it's awesome.