Reviews from

in the past

It’s okay. It’s hella buggy and it pissed me off that I couldn’t complete a mission because of it. So I’m fearful that it’ll happen again with another mission. But overall I feel the story is okay, and I’ve played Outer Worlds and KOTOR 2 so I like the noticible Obsidian flare but other than that it seems overhyped I got to New Vegas so my opinion could be invalid but hey…game has other problems where I’m turned off from the story. Graphics are hella mid even if it’s dated, other Bethesda games back then still had better graphics. Perks are the only thing I like from the gameplay, too many ammo options, and the dreaded “conditions/deteriation” for weapons is annoying. I prefer Fallout 4 more!

Only held back by dated issues- Everything else is flawless. A masterclass in storytelling.

Le eché mas horas a la ruleta que a arreglar el país, el mejor fallout.

Primero que nada que le follen al estado

best 3d fallout game. combat is kinda ass though

The fans need to stop hoping we’ll get this back

I would swanton bomb yes man because he creeps me out

I think this game is only really held back by the bethesda's old engine. Besides that, the game is a creative and lovely RPG FPS with amazing perks, weapons, locations, factions, and dialogue. The game blew me away and it's so fun to replay, especially modded. However, even vanilla this game is still a really fun time and mods are more of an addition to the cake rather than how I feel about fallout 4 which I feel only becomes way more enjoyable when you fix a ton of it with mods. There's a reason many call this the best fallout game, it's sad we might never see another one quite like this.

My favorite game of all time, absolute masterpiece. It’s impossible for me to get bored and I can get bored quick usually.

One of the few games where playing it now isn't a matter of being blinded by nostalgia. Some of the DLCs are lacking in content but oh well, the modding community is insane in that regard. Still a great game 14 years later and one of my favourites.

For the past maybe two months I've been exposed to enough Fallout to kill a person, with the TV show coming out in tandem with my playthrough of New Vegas. So I was relieved to finish the game once I reached its climax. However, don't let that downplay how great this game is.

Fallout New Vegas is one of the best RPGs to come out. The game writing and story are second to none and the plethora of choices, side content and routes make each journey truly unique. As well as this the story makes you question what's best for the wasteland with each of the factions you can side with having both pros and cons. Fallout New Vegas has proven even through time that it still stands above many modern-day releases. However, with time Fallout has begun to show its age terribly. At the time of New Vegas's release, it was already pretty dated compared to other games coming and with the abundance of bugs, glitches and crashes that do still follow the game it makes an experience that would be fun, overly frustrating. Although some of these issues can be fixed with mods the real problem comes down to the engine, a problem that cannot be fixed unless we get a remake or remaster which as well would hopefully fix the clunky combat and movement. Lastly, I want to touch on New Vegas's DLCs. New Vegas has 4 main story DLCs all of which follow the trend of having spectacular writing, however, when playing these DLCs I found that there was a lack of content. Take for example Broken Heart. The game adds a new location, a few new side quests and a few new weapons. However, these additions are quite minuscule with the few weapons added being quite uninteresting and the lack of new enemies besides the yoa guai that's ported from Fallout 3 leaves much to be desired. Besides that the DLCs are great with my favourite being Old World Blues.
Overall Fallout New Vegas is a brilliant game that is sadly bogged down by an engine that even at the time was crirised. To say I enjoyed my time with Fallout New Vegas would be an understatement. I've put past 100 hours into this game and yet I know I still haven't scratched the surface of what this game offers.

bad fallout like all the new ones but people pretend this one is good

Llego para demostrar que se podía hacer algo bueno con el motor anterior, quitando todas las fallas técnicas que vinieron adheridas con este y con el tiempo de desarrollo del juego. Si quieren, pueden quedarse con que mi opinion es inversamente opuesta a la del tercero. Aca todo es interesante. El puto desierto tiene mas onda en sus lomas poco texturizadas que en todos los monumentos de Washington. Las locaciones, los personajes y LAS QUEST CHABON. Encadenadas entre si, te hacen viajar por una mano que parece invisible porque siempre hay formas naturales de que conozcas su mundo sin necesidad de que mires la brújula o que te vayas a la tuya. Pero obvio que todavia podes si esa es la forma en la que queres experimentarlo. Debe ser de los pocos mundos interconectados que me gusta habitar, quizas junto con el del Kingdom Come. Lo digo en una forma jueguil eh, obvio que no quiero vivir en Bohemia medieval o Mojave post apocalíptico. Las decisiones que hay que tomar hasta con la pavada mas chica te pueden torturar si te metes mucho en personaje y las ideas que tienen las facciones en general me parecen interesantísimas de explorar hasta para los hijos de puta que quieren bombardear a todos o los saqueadores mongoles estos. No se, todo lo que pueda decir sobre este juego puede ser un completo halago y me sorprende que de todos modos se sigue en términos generales jugando como su antecesor. Pero también debo aclarar que esto añade aun mas capas de complejidad a la identidad del Fallout, haciéndolo todavía mas difícil de definir en términos de una franquicia.

one of the best RPG a gamer could ever play

Got 40 hours in my main game I feel like I did not even scratch the surface of what this game can offer (without the DLCs!). However, after doing whatever sidequests I came across and the main quest line, I can say with total confidence this is the best open world RPG I've ever played. It's insane how much holds up after a decade of this game's release. I recommend this 100% (with mods, if you can).

A masterpiece that is a victim of a rushed development cycle and outdated engine. Port this thing to the fallout 4 engine and add an extra few years to restore cut content and it’ll be perfect.

As is though it’s a wonderful experience, as long as you’re willing to to put in time to patch the game

Brilliant game, one of my favourites. I enjoy this game so much I’m willing to look past all the bugs in the game however on series s I don’t really encounter many. An absolutely great addition to one of my all time favourite franchises.

Would have finished if my game didn't bug out halfway through and refuse to give me my weapons back 😒

Pinacle of RPG's

Who would've guessed that when you pair the original developers of the Fallout games with Bethesda's open world system you get a perfect game?
Fallout New Vegas is the absolute pinnacle of RPG game design. You start off the game only knowing your name and the fact that you got shot, everything else is completely optional. You can kill whoever you want, befriend whoever you want, use whatever guns you want, choose whatever ending you want, complete quests however you want, and finish the story however you want. This game really took the masterpiece of Fallout 1 and 2's world, characters, and quest design and mixed it with Bethesda's open world, added an amazing story, and cooked up one of the greatest games ever.

There are very few games out there that immerse you in its world like New Vegas. Whereas Fallout 3 did this by creating interesting set pieces, memorable events, and a satisfying gameplay loop, New Vegas does this instead by, and arguably does it better, immersing you in its geopolitics, man's lust for power, and taxes (or anti-taxes, if you so choose).

The New California Republic, which is basically the re-emergence of the United States of America before the apocalypse, is starting to show signs of decline as it struggles to maintain its presence in and around Vegas, effectively buckling under its own pressure.

Keep in mind, this game first started development when the last ounce of support for America's war in Iraq had been spent and the American economy was at its worst in generations. No, this game is not an allegory for any of this, because allegories are stupid, but it's inevitable that those events shaped New Vegas's central themes.

When does a nation become too far gone? How can a civilization stuck in the past effectively confront new challenges? What does freedom mean when not everyone is free?

Most games, movies, or books will ask vague questions and then try to answer them. Every now and again, a masterpiece will come along with enough humility to know that it doesn't know the answers to its own questions, but that the questions need to be asked regardless.

why would i walk all the way around when i can cut across and go this way... OH

Fallout New Vegas was an amazing game that has an incredibly flushed out story with various dialogue tweaks depending on how you play. Each npc had their own personality which made it feel like you were really in the world of fallout.

Unfortunately though, there are some major flaws in the game. For starters, the game crashes very frequently, even with performance mods. You can expect to crash every time you go through a door or enter a new area of the map, and the vats targeting system will sometimes bug out and keep you in the animation for long after your opponent is dead. These bugs were annoying but not enough for me to dislike this game.

didn’t get far. goofy game. cold opening sequence

There's a reason everyone says its the best Fallout game. So many interesting things in the world that can play out entirely differently with different character.

I genuinely, earnestly, don't think there's anything I can say here.

Good story, atmosphere, and characters. Poorly dated gameplay.

Tried with the Viva New Vegas modlist and it felt like a recent remaster. The story is still as good and the rest was way more polished. It can be a little dated, but still worth it in 2024

ive tried like 8 different times with a shit ton of mod packs and tried vanilla and i just cant.. I CANT

Played this through and I'm glad I did. The game definitely shows its age, and for that reason I'd probably rather revisit Fallout 4, but I can see why this is a classic.

"The greatest Fallout game of all time." I will admit, it's great, I love the story, it's amazing. I will however say the gameplay is definitely not up to date. The Pip-Boy can be clunky at times but I still had fun playing it in 2023.

Good game. Probably my favourite Fallout title.