Reviews from

in the past

yes i've got heartaches by the number...

the first time i played this game i attacked somebody in the town because i thought it would be funny. i did not know that the entire town would hunt you down for doing that. i had to restart my game after that 😭

This is the best rpg of all time. Your actions actually have consequences for the Mojave Wasteland, and I feel it is the only game where you can actually roleplay however you please. Warlord? Check, you can play as that. Vigilante Badass Action Hero? Check, you can be that. Mob Boss? Guess what FONV lets you be. This game is amazing because of it's story and overall writing, and is held back by being a glitchy and buggy mess of a game. The writing however is so good, it allows me to look past the very blatant flaws in the game engine this runs in. A modern remake of this game in the skyrim/starfield engine however, i feel, could become the greatest game of all time, assuming no content was added/removed/altered. You need to play Fallout: New Vegas for yourself, this is one of my favorite games ever, Veronica and Boone are two of the best written characters in all of fiction, and this is just overall iconic and amazing culture, and proof of video games as an artform, i cannot truly overstate just how awesome fallout new vegas is.

When Bethesda used to make good games, it looked like this...oh wait...that's not bethesda that developed the game ? My bad. Still a fun time, this game is really cool and deserve to be played, it aged well.

yeah yeah, I know it's not original to say New Vegas is your favorite game these days, but i played this when i was 13 so i get a pass. this game kicks ass

classic. i dont think i need to say more.

the best fallout game of all time hands down. please play it. i constantly replay it (which is why it's marked as played) it's so good especially with mods

I advise you to play it by following viva new vegas modding guide, trust me, it'll run better


This is one of my favourite games of all time, I could go on for hours about how much I love it but I won’t instead I’ll say this

While it has aged in some aspects this is one of the greatest RPGs ever made

Gameplay wise, this is very 2010 - it doesn't feel bad, but it does feel from that era of open world games. Where it shines is the missions and the story. The way the story unfolds is very well done, and the way that all the missions - even most of the side missions - all tie together into supporting the story being told was extremely well done. What really stood out to me was that there weren't any obvious choices to make - there's obviously the one bad faction, but outside of them the other choices to make in the game did not have an obvious "I am going for this play style, therefore I must side with faction X" tilt to them. Going right down to the end, I still wasn't exactly sure that the choices I was making was "right".

I appreciated how each DLC tried to do it's own thing as well, one is survival horror, one Sci-Fi fantasy, and the others more an extended set of quests for the game. Although the survival horror of the Sierra Madre didn't do it for me, I appreciate Obsidian trying to step outside the box with them.

The first time I played New Vegas, back when it came out on the 360, I lost my save game to a bug. This time I played it with the Viva New Vegas mods installed and didn't have any issues like that. I know the game is famous for bugs, and it did crash on me once. But thankfully with those mods it seems to have held up fairly well to play through again.

Bethesda games are unbearably boring

Fantastic game that gets jerked off online way too much.

Trans person that loves New Vegas jokes aside, this is one of the most engaging games I have ever played. Hours can be spent roaming the vast wasteland and immersing yourself in the various characters and quests that this game has to offer. The SPECIAL mechanics, perks/traits, and various weapon types offers essentially infinite replayability with the only limit being the very jank character creation system /hj. I like to include modding capabilities as part of my enjoyment, and the various fanmade bug fixes and other tweaks bring out the absolute best this game has to offer, resulting in an unforgettable experience.

El mejor fallout y el mejor rpg occidental

One of my favorite games of all time

the best game by bethesda isn't even made by bethesda.

better story, worse exploration than fallout 3/4

I would've liked this game more if I didn't 100% it. It's an amazing narrative story with rich narrative decision making on the users end. However, the gameplay is so boring that it is a barrier to seeing this story in the long run, very buggy and takes me out of the experience. I'd give the story a 6 stars if I could but the gameplay is at most a 2.5 stars.

Poucos jogos da era 3D apresentam o nível modularidade de New Vegas. Um jogo brilhante em muitos aspectos. Fora seus problemas de performance - muitos - são poucas as críticas razoáveis. Obsidian se estabelecendo como a referência em storytelling.

Had my fun with this buggy, inexcusably broken, but greatly entertaining game.

Muito ambicioso pra sua época, mas s gsmeplay e visuais estão tão datados que foi difícil ter que fazer tudo andando tão lentamente.


Now this game certainly has its problems. I avoided a lot of the bugs that the game is famous for due to mods, but my issues were more with the actual game itself.

This game can be quite a drag sometimes, making you do some ridiculous stuff for the smallest things. It can be poorly designed, tedious, and annoying.

However, it is saved by the wonderful story and how much your decisions actually matter. This is my first playthrough, and I spent 16 hours dedicating myself to trying my absolute best to be a decent person and avoid conflict with factions. I seriously managed to unite so many people and factions that I never thought would join together.

The depth to the characters and gameplay is insane and although I have had my issues with the game and various moments that annoyed me and put me off it, the good was so GOOD that it overall outshines the bad. An amazing game and an amazing experience for a gamer who isn't even usually an RPG guy!
