Reviews from

in the past

i played this game on the wii u for the first time. i remember the boss fight feeling epic. a game for children and adults alike. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

Sakurai had a narrow vision; it was fun in its own way tho

Played for RetroAchievements. I never beat this as a kid but I remember playing it at my neighbor's house when I would go there after school when my parents weren't home. Weirdly nostalgic for a game I barely touched. But it's Kirby, fun but too easy to be engaging. Will go for the mastery someday but just running through it straight was pretty boring.

A superb follow-up to the original Game Boy game. Kirby's Adventure took everything that made the first one such a charming experience and supersized it here with way more levels than the original to play through. They also introduced Kirby's trademark ability of not only sucking up enemies, but being able to take their powers to add an extra layer of depth to the gameplay.

The visuals are just as endearing as in the original game, and the variety in levels really allows for the colorful world to shine while featuring the same great quality of sound design and music.

It's the best Kirby game. No I haven't played them all!

Aesthetically beautiful, fun and cute, no more words needed, it's just one of the best Kirby and NES games

Estéticamente lindo, divertido e fofo, não precisa de mais palavras, é só um dos melhores kirby e jogos do nes

Until a few weeks ago, I thought this was the first Kirby game. This game was pretty good, albeit a bit short with small levels that are easy to rush through. The addition of the copy ability was great for the series, and was fine in this game.

The only thing that was annoying was the lag that the game was full of. I don’t know if the original game is like this or if it’s just because I was playing on the Kirby anniversary game for the Wii, but there is a lot of pretty bad lag when there are a few things on the screen at once.

lovely kirby sequel and one of the best games on the NES, the 3d classics version looks like an absolute dream

one of my favorite NES games. awesome music and graphics make it feel like it's really pushing the hardware even though it's for babies. some of the best colors on the NES.

i just can't get enough of kirbys adventure. i even played it on the switch. i remember when i had the mic ability, using it caused the whole screen to glitch out and it was really cool. thanks for reading. this playthrough was NOT 100%

Being one of the last titles released on NES, Kirby's adventure is delightful, its colorful visuals and innovative gameplay ends the NES journey in a nice way. It introduces the ability to inhale enemies and copy their powers, what became the most important feature in main Kirby games.
The graphics are colorful and impressive considering what NES hardware had to offer. But it overloads the system hardware, resulting in eventual slowdowns and sprite flickering, breaking the game's peace in important moments.
The music just feels right with the game's atmosphere, the compositions can communicate the colorful vibe perfectly.
The difficulty is considerably low, the levels are not long and some are repetitive. The secret exit adds a bit of a exploration factor but that's all. The controls are sloppy sometimes, mainly in the moments you need a fast reaction.

It’s probably good, I just don’t care right now

I played this one a lot as a kid but I never got around to beating it until today.

It's really impressive what this game accomplishes on hardware like the Famicom. It's by far the best looking game on the system and it's not even close. I've always loved how expressive & colorful the game looks despite the limitations, and it's very charming. I've never been fond of the way Nightmare in Dream Land looked so I've always stuck to this one.

The copy abilities are a huge step up and add a ton of variety to the levels. I'm not super familiar with kirby games after 64 so idk if this is a recurring issue but I do feel like some levels do not mesh well with certain copy abilities, such as Wheelie. There's times you CAN get wheelie in a level but it usually does not end well in said level. The game also really likes to give you limited use copy abilities like Mic or Crash. Losing your copy abilities after a single hit is very annoying too. I got the most use out of Ice, Freeze, Cutter, and Sword, and the rest I kinda just used when I was able to get them. Some like Spark or Fire are situationally good, and some like Parasol and Sleep are just bad. I DO really love how each copy ability has their own little graphic on the hud and it's a shame kirby games after it omit this little detail, I think it's very cute.

Since this is a beefy game, that means it'll ask a lot more out of the system, and it can get ungodly slow at times. If you're playing the 3D Classics version on 3DS This is not an issue, and overclocking the game on Mesen made the game way more fast paced without harming anything about the game, but it's still a genuine issue either way.

The game is also pretty easy, but some technical mechanics add some sort of artificial difficulty in my opinion, like losing your copy ability after getting hit once, and also enemies stunlocking you sometimes can be really annoying, and probably MY biggest issue with the game is how sloppy Kirby feels to control sometimes. Sometimes it feels like I have to REALLY push the direction I want to go for Kirby to actually move, especially if I want him to run. The final boss was also kind of hard for me to figure out what you're actually supposed to do, and it took me a couple of tries to actually beat him. Other than that, bosses were pretty easy for the most part. Besides one or two instances, the game plays fairly.

I'm not super familiar with the entire kirby series, but Adventure was always one of my favorites and it still is. It holds up very well, and is probably one of the best games you could play on the system. It's a very fun game to play on the NES/Famicom, but the 3D Classics version (whether you bought it on the eShop or used alternative methods) or overclocking on an emulator like Mesen is 100% the way to go when playing this game.

This is the best looking NES game, like no kidding it almost looks like a SNES game, sadly it comes at the cost of the occasional slowdown, I also wish the controls were a bit tighter but it is worth playing trough it just to play the final level (I won't spoil anything but the final level goes hard).

"Do meu ponto de vista pessoal, vou dizer: é uma obra-prima!" - BOSCOV, Isabela.

Inaugura a habilidade de copiar icônica do Kirby e oferece tanto a novatos quanto veteranos possibilidades diferentes. É plenamente possível de finalizar sem copiar os outros, mas parte da diversão reside na mecânica principal sem se tornar obrigatória.

Também esconde no meio das habilidades algumas pegadinhas que surpreendem a curiosidade e a experimentação do jogador.

Aqui o Sakurai demonstra finamente suas habilidades como designer ao balancear e repensar alguns aspectos do jogo anterior, como ajustes na velocidade do vôo, verticalidade das fases e o confinamento de encontros específicos, evitando o abuso de algumas habilidades ao ponto de trivializar o desafio.

Os chefes e minichefes são um show à parte. Cheios de personalidade e com papel importante tanto no uso das habilidades adquiridas nas fases, criando uma espécie de efeito-Megaman onde uma determinada habilidade é mais eficiente do que outras, como também deixando pra trás suas próprias habilidades a serem copiadas.

Adventure também adiciona minigames que, se formos parar pra pensar, seria uma espécie de protótipo experimental ou prova de conceito do que viria a ser a série Warioware no futuro, com seus microgames de poucos segundos.

Talvez um dos melhores e mais notáveis títulos do NES. Merece demais todos os elogios que recebeu.

First you make a game about a pink ball for the game boy. Then you make one for the NES. Add copy abilities, make the game an actual adventure. and bam! You get Kirby's Adventure for the NES!

Kirby's Adventure is the sequel to Dream Land. Which is weird because Dream Land 2 and 3 exist, but hey it might as well be a sequel. This game is basically an improvement on everything Dream Land did while also having a fitting duration for it. Dream Land sort of felt like a demo, but it was perfect for the Game Boy since it's portable. However you can't really do that with a home console. It's odd though since this came out when the NES was irrelevant in terms of popularity. Everyone either had a SNES or the Genesis, and probably threw their NES into an attic or the trash. The game still did well though with apparently 1.75 million copies. And it's definitely deserved. I enjoyed this way more over Dream Land.

Adventure introduces a LOT to the table, with the main addition being copy abilities! They aren't fleshed out and some feel weird or suck to control like the sword which feels way better in other games, but honestly I'm surprised with how many got in. It's nice to see, even if all aren't hits. The levels are also more grand and have better level design than Dream Land. Some got weirdly short towards the end and some enemy placement could be rather obnoxious, but other than that, I liked the levels.

Can I just say this game is incredibly charming too? The game's graphics are great for the NES even if they do make the game run bad at times, especially with input delay. Which, yeah got really annoying, but it's more of an issue with the NES than the game. The expressions on the characters are great too. Also, I love the minigames here. They're a nice side thing to do when playing the main game, and you can get them normally, but also from pressing big buttons hidden in the levels. Always nice to have secrets in a game, even if they aren't exactly hard to get.

With all of that said, Adventure is a solid old school platformer. It's not a timeless game, but it's a good fun short journey with a cute pink puffball! How can you not like him? Anyways, I'm glad I decided to play this along with Dream Land before going to Dream Land 2 and 3. It's nice to see what came before those and it should definitely allow me to appreciate them more. So I can't wait to try the other 2 out. Maybe Super Star if I feel like it.

this is the first kirby game with copy abilities and they really add a lot to the series. it's fun and expands on kirby's dream land nicely

All I can say is I'm happy this game marked the debut of Kirby's iconic copy ability but that is. Level deign was bland and enemy placement was frustrating highlighted further by the 1 hit copy ability drop . Controls also felt very clunky I can safely say I won't be returning to this game

So intricate for an NES game!

absolutely loved the bosses.

Kirby’s Adventure is kind of an enigma. It's so different from everything on the NES library and as I play more games from that time period, I see how different this game is, it has so much charm packed in, it’s bursting through the seams. The visuals are fantastic and sonically, it’s probably one of the best on the console. The minigames in between and after levels are fun. But the actual gameplay is just ok for me, like I can’t really remember most of the levels, and that’s due to how short each individual world is, you could probably go through a world in like 15 minutes. Now this is both a good and bad thing, because of that if a world is not to your liking, you’re out before you can think about it, but also if a world is interesting, the levels done before you’ve formed an opinion, the difficulty is very, very easy and usually I wouldn’t have a problem with that but what that led to for me is just not being engaged level to level, the bosses are pretty good, unique designs and solid gameplay. But not anything too astounding, EXCEPT the final boss, which is one of the best bosses I have played, ever in any genre or game. This boss is insane, now just so we both understand this is my FIRST Kirby game, I didn’t look at any reviews, or gameplay I just went in raw so you should've seen my face when I start fighting a VAMPIRE ON THE MOON. I could tell it pushed the NES to its absolute limits, as-if it couldn’t push further than that. Overall this game is like a pb & j with the best presentation, looks pretty good, but at the end of the day it’s still just a sandwich. 71/100

Was it a good idea to give Kirby copy abilities? From a sales perspective, maybe so; but from a game design perspective, I'm not so sure.

I grew up with Kirby 64, and I always felt cheated when I'd bring in a copy ability to a midboss, and curb stomp it before its health bar had even loaded. Those poor developers had to design traditional boss attack patterns, and enemy projectiles for players to exhale back at them in case little Timmy wanders into a boss arena without a copy ability, and here I am, ignoring all that by spamming the B button. It also wasn't fun in the slightest to have to bring in copy abilities from other levels to break the color-coded blocks hiding crystal shards. It didn't test my skills or ingenuity, only my patience.

Last year, I picked up Kirby's Dream Land, which was a revelation. THIS is the game I suspected was buried underneath the incongruous copy ability mechanic. I really enjoyed the ebb and flow of inhaling and exhaling enemies, and actually having to learn and accommodate for Kirby's slow, unorthodox movement system.

Instead of copy abilities, traditional power-ups are sprinkled in for the developers to design level segments around; I found these sections - such as the bullet hell-like boss Kabula - to be much more engaging and memorable than usual Kirby fare.

The game is a little on the simple side, without the wrinkle in game design that copy abilities provide, sure, but I think its simplicity compliments its pick-up-and-play handheld format; and I doubt many of Dream Land's detractors have really engaged with its criminally overlooked extra mode.

But this is a review of Kirby's Adventure. Most everyone sees it as an unqualified upgrade from Dream Land - it added Kirby's signature copy abilities, how could it not be? Unfortunately, I see it as a downgrade.

In my opinion, Adventure is a much more bloated and haphazardly designed game. It feels like they stretched each level from Dream Land into an entire world, without adding anything engaging to make up for the increased length.

Several enemies, background elements and music tracks are recycled from Dream Land. Instead of funnelling the player into enemies and obstacles, levels are much more open, and Kirby takes up much less space on the screen. I found myself able to simply fly over obstacles much more often this time around.

Performance is rough, too. Slowdown in retro games doesn't really bother me, but here, it leads to temperamental controls. At first, I thought something was wrong with my NES controllers, but it's definitely the game's fault. Every tenth or so button input simply doesn't register, which was especially frustrating on this game's harder extra mode.

I can't help but feel that many of this game's problems result from squeezing in Kirby's copy abilities. The level design has to accommodate for whichever ability you might have, leading to bigger, blander spaces. Less tightly designed, engaging obstacle courses, and more empty rooms in which to experiment with copy abilities.

Level segments are occasionally designed around nearby enemy copy abilities. But the one hit loss of abilities often led to times where I'd be slowly walking along a long stretch clearly designed for the wheel ability, or slowly flying over a dozen trees laden with exploding coconuts clearly designed for the parasol, thinking, "Wow, this might have been kind of fun." The punishment for losing the copy ability is...being forced to easily beat the level in a less interesting way?

And just as in Kirby 64, bosses were pushovers if I didn't challenge myself by tossing my copy ability in the garbage beforehand. Of course, the exceptions are Meta Knight and the secret final boss, which force power-ups on you that ignore the usual one hit ability loss rule. And of course, these were the most engaging moments of the game for me, especially the tonally discordant spectacle of the Nightmare.

Was it a good idea to fracture Kirby's moveset via copy abilities? My experience so far says no. I tend to believe these games would have been better going the traditional collectible power-up route. It's possible that the execution has simply been lacking in the games I've played so far, so I'll withhold final judgment.

Overall, not a bad game, just underwhelming. I'm interested to hear any feedback on my ruminations. Next up is Super Star.

I love this game, probably one of my favourites on the NES

Full size adventure, good music, and charm all around the corners

Kirby's Adventure blows almost every other 8-bit platformer out of the water. I mean, I get it. It was 1993, so HAL had all the know-how and in-cartridge chips to make a game this good for NES, but still.

Copy Abilities debut here, and the system is done quite well for its first iteration, with a good variety of them and puzzles designed to keep you playing around with what they can do. World maps with secrets entice you to thoroughly explore levels for things you might've missed. Gorgeous pixel art and great music make the presentation something special.

One of the last big games on the NES, Kirby's Adventure is quite the note to go out on.

It's Kirby! Kirby is wonderful and adorable, and this game was a perfect (near) swansong for the NES. Not much more to say honestly- it's just really good and worth playing for anyone that enjoys a light, stress-free game.

We remember actually getting pretty far in an emulator (on a modded Wii. Don't ask.) but we never beat it. Maybe we should change that.

GOD DAMN this game was FUN
in 1993 my parents weren't even married when this came out but this pink sack of magic still did a nr on me
great platforming
pretty decent boss battles
best mc ever
i have 1 question tho
WHY was the the final boss so hard
NIGHTMARE was beating my ass like prime John Cena
if u dont f with the music then smt is wrong with u
it was a bit 2 short