Reviews from

in the past

watched it on yt, changed my life

Cara, LiS2 é um jogo ABSURDO que infelizmente não tem o seu devido reconhecimento...
O jogo não é uma masterpiece como o LiS1, porém na minha opinião, chega bem perto.
LiS 2 segue sendo um exemplo de direção de arte, música, história assim como foi LiS1, filho de peixe peixinho é.
A história te prende do início ao fim e as suas escolhas aqui (pelo menos ao meu ver) tem MUITO mais peso do que em LiS 1, aqui temos um sistema de moralidade do Daniel, onde caso ele tenha a Moralidade baixa ou alta, além de torná-lo no mínimo um pouco psicopata (isso pra não dizer completamente) no final as consequências serão devastadoras...
Vc provavelmente vai achar o Daniel um porre do início até o fim, oq é meio inevitável, porém é isso que o faz um personagem memorável assim que como Sean, que mesmo com o mundo e tudo ao seu redor tentando os sabotar, fez e faria de tudo para que o irmão não tivesse que sofrer, simplesmente meu personagem favorito de LiS.
Também temos alguns outros personagens memoráveis como a Cassidy, Finn, Jacob, Karen, Brody, Lyla, Joey, Chris, Hannah... (São muitos personagens incríveis, sério)
Caso goste do gênero, de uma chance, é um jogo que vai te fazer mudar como pessoa e ver o mundo de forma diferente assim como seu antecessor.

I have no words for this... One of the deepest stories in this franchise.

Absolutely a must-play for people who like this game genre.

great game! i love the story about brothers, which i related to a ton because my brothers are the most important people in my life

Watched - I guess i never got into it enough to finish it although i surely should! I liked the mechanics though, I felt it staye true to the first one all while offering a new feel

a little brother wouldnt be so bad

eu e meu irmãozinho mais novo que tem poderes fazendo merda ao invés de encarar a realidade e responsabilidades

really cool story, shout out to cassidy and that kid who got hit by a cop car for us

Talvez tivesse gostado mais se tivesse continuado.

Weird reverse immigration simulator. Love Minecraft.

Went in not sure what to expect, came out as a parent of two

It lost a bit of the powers aspect that one had, but the storyline all but makes up for it. However, the story is a bit of a slow burn, but is guaranteed to make you feel something by the end of it all.

much too touching.

I would like to relive the emotional journey I experienced while playing it.

If there's one narrative game I can recommend it's this one, play it for your own good.

crying and crying and crying and a little simping for finn and crying

this is how people from ohio sound like check it out

Still my favorite LiS game. It tells an important story, and I really love how the main effects of your choices are on your companion character and how he interacts with the world. The other characters and environments go by fast, but Daniel is your constant and the core of the story, and on top of that he's an impressionable child - of course Sean's decisions would be reflected in him.

i will never understand the hate this game gets.

I respect the hell out of Life is Strange 2. It feels like this game was developed with such raw determination to prove that Life is Strange is more than just the story of Chloe and Max, of Arcadia Bay, that this can work as an anthology series and they can tell more kinds of stories in this world.

This game knows it can't be the first Life is Strange, so it sprints in the opposite direction with brazen confidence and a "look what we can do". It knows its got something to prove, and it goes all out in trying to differentiate itself from the first game, even if it risks isolating its players.

And I think this is pretty rad. Doing something like this takes guts, it takes vision, and most of all -- it takes love.

But as much as I wanted to fall in love with this game the same way as the first, I can't. It's well-intentioned, but in many ways, this game is a cauldron of bizarre choices of what to change and what not.

Life is Strange 2 feels less like a Life of Strange game and more akin to something like The Last of Us wearing Life is Strange's skin. And that would be fine, but I really think for such a drastic change in both presentation and story structure there needed to be greater changes to gameplay. This feels like a game where I should be fighting, gathering resources and crafting, something to enforce how different these boys' lives become and how brutal the wilderness can be. And instead, we have a game that's all about travel and surviving and living off the grid trapped in the body of a choice-based mystery game. There's so much to interact with and investigate, but why am I still investigating when Life is Strange 2 has no mystery to speak of?

Additionally, I don't know what it was about Before the Storm that convinced LiS we didn't need a new supernatural mechanic tied to the L2 button, but as was the case there, the lack of one and indeed any sort of gameplay loop that adds a layer of complexity to this game's light puzzle solving makes the adventure feel dull in parts. Because you can't fuck it up, everything feels so scripted. And unlike Before the Storm, Life is Strange 2 doesn't have the excuse of being a prequel about a beloved character it would be contradictory to the story to give a supernatural ability.

The first Life is Strange and all of the content surrounding it has become very important to me. It holds a special place in my heart, one that Life is Strange 2 could never live up to. I love the colorful cast of Arcadia Bay, its familar locales, and most all, the story of Max and Chloe. But ultimately, I'd be a terrible liar if I said I didn't enjoy the story of these two brothers on the road fighting to survive. It's slow to start, but in the end, I am all around satisfied with Life is Strange 2.

So long, Wolf Brothers.

As an older brother myself, many major scenes including (most importantly) the ending I got in Life Is Strange impacted me personally more than any game I have ever played has, to the extent that I still felt guilt weeks after finishing it. My decisions mattered, and that is profound. My major issue with LiS2 is that it feels awkward - the scope is so much larger, but the game itself is restricted by the 5 Chapter bullshit

amazing, but just not as good as the first one. daniel and sean deserve the best. however, the so-called "love interests" in this game suck ASS. both finn and cassidy are grossly older than sean, and they both SUCK. my boy should've had the option to pursue lyla.

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Just kind of a good stand alone lis adventure with some really good and lovable characters I think this game is really good in the choice department especially with having 4 different endings that was really cool to see also a phenomenal soundtrack the ost and the licensed Music was great they had some gorillas, bloc party, and just great music in general.

On voit avec ce numero que la saga s'essoufle

Finalmente terminei Life Is Strange 2.
É tão doido como histórias e personagens bons conseguem nos conquistar e também fazer a gente sentir coisas incríveis. Quando eu joguei LIS 1 eu fiquei encantado por aquela atmosfera intimista e acolhedora, e passei a torcer pelas protagonistas como se elas fossem da minha família. Sei lá, aquele jogo parece que está gravado na minha mente, e até hoje eu me vejo pensando no final e o impacto que uma escolha tem nele. É simplesmente fantástico.
E eu fico muito feliz por essa sequência ter conseguido, pra mim, ter o mesmo impacto que o original. Talvez por eu ter me identificado mais com os irmãos me fez parecer que a cada escolha e atitude tomada tinha um impacto muito maior na história e no desenvolvimento dos personagens do que no primeiro. Eu senti que a moralidade nesse jogo foi um ponto bastante importante para o final, algo que não existia em LIS 1.
Enfim, ainda não sei se eu acho esse melhor que o 1, mas definitivamente é um jogo incrível. Eu recomendo muito, muito, muito mesmo.

The story of two wolf brothers who faced struggle and injustice, and It would have been BETTER if BOTH had telekinesis instead of just one. This game had its touchy moments but most of the time it was story based, it needed more action like Life is strange 1. The music and landscapes were beautiful though, lots of screenshot spots.

Like I said, I wish the story was more action based and a little less political... I did enjoy the brother's journey and I placed them above everyone mostly, GO WOLF BROTHERS

What a shitshow. This is an utterly terrible story and experience. It's a nonsense story that feels like a 14 year old "woke" kid wrote. All characters are annoying and unlikeable, especially the little kid brother (little shit). I guess the first one was a fluke, it's honestly UNBELIEVABLE that the same people wrote both games.

Feels like a bad PS2 game with current obnoxious social commentary as deep as "racism is bad" or "cmon guys don't be xenophobic", plus overly dramatic dumb scenes. The premise is already stupid but it just gets dumber and dumber every episode.

Reminded me of Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit. lmao.

Sean Diaz is the absolute GOAT! Sean is one of my favourite video game protagonists of all time, his whole background everything is so relatable to me and I was truly attached to this game

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Interessante, impactante e emocionante. Life is Strange 2 soube fazer melhor que o primeiro em questão de escolhas, que impactam mais aqui dadas as situações em que os personagens se encontram.

Uma trama envolvente, que lhe instiga e faz imaginar onde tudo aquilo vai dar, lhe tacando a responsabilidade de cuidar não só de uma, mas duas pessoas, e agora com um fardo maior, pois diferente do primeiro, você não tem botão de rewind, então cada escolha conta.

Os protagonistas possuem ótimas interações entre si e também com os de mais personagens envolvidos na trama, que são bem legais. Chris é um exemplo, sendo apresentado em Captain Spirit, e tendo suas horinhas a mais de tela neste segundo jogo da franquia.

O episódio final é o melhor, toda a sequência da delegacia é ótima, e o final é a cereja do bolo, ainda mais para mim, que obtive o melhor final dos quatro. Ver que Sean e Daniel passaram do bloqueio e seguiram com suas vidas em Puerto Lobos foi satisfatório, e é o único final justo para os irmãos Diaz.

Uma jornada emocionante, com seus momentos de calmaria e momentos também de tirar o fôlego, com seus ótimos diálogos e com sua carga dramática que abala fortemente os nossos corações.

Um jogo belíssimo, feito com o carinho da nossa querida Dontnod, sempre sendo a mestre no quesito jogos impactantes.

“Então... Como termina a história dos irmãos lobos?”
“Eles conseguem chegar do outro lado.”

P.S: Coitado do Sean, o cara só sofre, bicho. Qualquer outro final que não seja o dele vencendo é inaceitável.

P.S.2: Só música boa slk, Bloc Party é bom demais. Consumir LiS = Aumentar a playlist.