Reviews from

in the past

Racism! Am i right boys and girls?

Life is Strange 2 is a game of choices and every choice you make will have an effect on the larger story and the smaller moments therein. As such, not everyone will have the same experience playing this game. Personally, I’m satisfied with the choices I made and the ending I got, but I felt by the end I’d probably put the characters through the wringer a little more than was necessary. The allure of these games remains strong, and Life is Strange 2 is another great entry in this dramatic and charming series. The slow pace and story-driven nature will not be for everyone, but for those willing to give it a chance, you’ll find an excellent story with likeable characters and some beautiful artistic visuals. I eagerly await to see where they take this series next, but hope that they can improve on the character animations before Life is Strange 3 sees the light of day.

never played episode 4 so i can't rate but i liked it! even though, i'm sorry, the little brother gets on my nerves so bad

I started this when episode 1 came out. Took me until February of '20 to power through the rest of it. What was really awesome was the scene when they're in a motel on the coast of Oregon. I have friends who have a beach house that I swear is less than a mile away from the motel that the one in the game was modeled after.

Better than Life is Strange 1 but they still botched the ending hard

Aunque tiene sus altibajos, en general me ha gustado bastante. Una historia bastante trágica centrada en la conexión entre estos dos hermanos que se ven obligados a enfrentarse a cosas a las que no deberían.

Lo pondría a la par con el original porque los puntos en los que flaquea el primero mejoran en este y viceversa. He echado en falta más peso de los personajes secundarios, pero entiendo que el foco está en Sean y Daniel y esa relación está muy bien desarrollada.

Me ha gustado. Buen juego.


Although it has its ups and downs, overall I enjoyed it quite a lot. A very tragic story focused in the bond between these two brothers who are forced to face stuff they shouldn't have to face.

I'd say it's just as good as the original because the weak spots of the first one are better here and viceversa. I've missed a bit more weight on the secondary characters, but I understand the spotlight is on Sean and Daniel and that relationship is well developed.

I liked it. Good game.


WAYYYYYYY better than the first one
I actually cared about what would happen to these characters and they weren't the most one dimensional cardboard cutouts
Honestly the last two episodes weren't that good, the first three had way more impact but that doesn't mean the last two were bad, just that I was hoping for something a bit more out of the ending
Either way good soundtrack and much better graphics, movement and animations than the first one
Also the characters are a lot more relatable and understandable but they're not perfect, they mess up but they also do good, still some dialogue is kinda corny but it's nothing too bad
Again not the beeeeeest, kinda was expecting a bit more ngl, but still pretty good game overall

Jogo meme. Tenta ser politizado, mas só é vergonha alheia. Não consegue desenvolver personagens cativantes, e nem uma história comovente. Parece que pegaram o primeiro usuário do Reddit, e pediram pra ele escrever o roteiro. Só consegue superar o primeiro nos gráficos.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for April 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before May 2nd, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A dated, flawed, but interesting piece of fiction.
Life is Strange 2 is a story about a pair of brothers who have to find their way together. It’s about two Hispanic teens who are on the run, and where their life takes them. This is a Telltale-style narrative with great main characters and an interesting story, most of the time. There are interactions and the story does take players' choices into account for how the journey goes, even if the ending is predetermined.
The original Life is Strange was amazing, as was the prequel, and True Colors is a worthy heir to the franchise. But there’s one game in this franchise that I don’t give as much praise for, obviously, it’s this one. I’ll say it again, the main characters are brilliantly written just like all the others, especially with that style of teenage writing that most games miss. Yet, the antagonists, villains and so many characters here feel one-dimensional or just mustache-twirling, which harms the narrative when the game has to kick the player forward with these weak characters.
I also feel that the game is a bit dated in a lot of ways, it’s talking about America in 2018, but at times it feels as far removed as the 1950s, especially with as heavy-handed as the story goes at times.
Pick this up if you enjoy good stories. I know I just kind of said the opposite, but the thing is Life is Strange is a good series and there are points of Life is Strange 2 that are just as good as previous games, it’s just not as consistent. At full price I gave this game a 6/10, I still stand by that, but in this bundle, it would be a far better deal and maybe you’ll enjoy it more than I did.
As a little note, there is some coarse language, and drug use here. The teenage characters feel realistic, but if you’re looking for a clean game, this one isn’t it.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Este juego te ayuda a entender que 1) EEUU es un lugar horrible para vivir y 2) especialmente si no eres blanco.

sem brincadeira nenhuma, joguei a primeira vez e chorei em todos os episodios, joguei na segunda vez e chorei o triplo. acho que eu me emocionei tanto por isso aqui porque e 1000x mais pesado que lis1, e eu me identifiquei demas com o sean em todos os aspectos, a trama disso aqui e arrebatadora e com certeza e o melhor da franquia, meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos. Nas duas jogatinas fiquei me perguntando como o mundo pode ser tão injusto com duas pessoas tão boas, ver uma criança de 9 anos sofrer tanto por causa da injustiça social corta meu coração de todas as formas, ainda mais quando eles são forçados a enfrentar situações horriveis so pra sobreviver, ninguem deveria passar por isso, vai se fuder. o jogo tem momento felizes e de calmaria, e nesses momentos me senti em paz igual aos personagens, e assim puder dar um sorriso de conforto junto com o daniel e o sean, lis 2 expande a experiencia do que e viver a vida em uma trama muito mais adulta e arrebatadora, nem consigo expressar em palavras o quanto eu amo a história do sean e o quão forte ele foi pra criar o próprio irmão em meio ao caos da vida, se ele errou foi tentando acertar.

Gostei muito deste jogo. Recomendo ainda mais para aqueles que tem irmãos (vão se identificar bastante)

Life is Strange looks very good in 60fps and 1080p but the writing, politics, and cringy voice acting make we want to scream, cry, and vomit. I will take a remake or remaster of the original 2 games before I take a sequel to whatever this was. I don't trust Dontnod to put out a satisfying 4th entry after this lol

Una secuela valiente que apuesta por algo completamente distinto, contando la dura historia de dos hermanos que se ven forzados a huir a través de EEUU.

Me ha encantado, tiene todo el saber hacer de la primera parte aún siendo algo muy suyo.

Playing this game was strange (no pun intended). There were highs and lows throughout this 15-20 hour journey, but by the end I was almost struggling to say goodbye to the two Diaz brothers. Their relationship was strong and carried most of the game, especially since a lot of the side characters were pretty weak. Overall, I had a mostly good time with this one. The choices really felt like they mattered, which is more than can be said for other games like it.

eu queria TANTO ter gostado de vc :(

Oof. Not nearly as good as the first game. And the nature of the plot means you never really get to bond with the characters and get to know them well.

Even aligning politically with the plot, it's hamfisted in its delivery. I feel like each chapter was a new torture for the brothers to endure without fully exploring the themes throughout it. I loved that there were several very distinct endings depending on how good of a brother you were to Daniel, but that's probably the only thing it did better than the first game. Otherwise it had a less memorable cast and a much more predictable plot. I could see what would probably happen in the end at the beginning of episode one.

I'm glad I played it as a fan of the first one, and I'd rank it better than Before the Storm, but man, I really hope the third installment returns to form a little bit.

The best part about it were the Max and Chloe references

Decent story driven game, pretty good story. The woke factor is high, but doesn't get too crazy and the characters are still pretty well written. Just not as emotional or as powerful as the first LIS for me.

Uma sequência que supera o original! Um storytelling mais realista, onde suas escolhas realmente afetam o mundo a sua volta

Achei esse bem fraco em relação aos outros. Não gostei

Deeply emotional story that moved me so damn much. This one's gonna haunt me for a while.

lots of high highs here but a lot of low lows as well. the first game is still my favorite so far but the diaz brothers definitely captured my heart and i loved how daniel would make his own decisions even if you didn’t agree with them depending on how you treated him in earlier episodes

ele começa bem, fica bem ruinzinho e termina bem, mas é horrível como as reviravoltas na narrativa são previsíveis.... por sinal aquela criança é insuportável eu nunca
quero ter um filho..... e também toda aquela mecânica do dinheiro e das possibilidades de coisas que você pode comprar e tal era tão interessante e eles simplesmente jogam isso no lixo...
resumindo, podia ter sido tanto mas a criança real não deu certo cara... o capitulo 2 é super enrolado e o 3 só da raiva... o 4 é bacana por não ter a criança e o 5 funciona bastante
porque eles simplesmente fingem que tudo que tava sendo construído foi resolvido mas não foi??? e o final é bem satisfatório e emocionante, mas ele falha demais em fingir que você tem
alguma escolha, o primeiro por ser menos ambicioso não importava muito isso, mas esse parece que não tem vergonha nenhuma em mostrar como não importa o que você faça... ele até discute bem
os temas que ele quer falar sobre mas é de uma forma um pouquinho vergonha alheia porque sempre são através de personagens que ou são o demônio encarnado ou jesus cristo renascido