Reviews from

in the past

Man, probably the most stylish game I've played. Combat is super fun and despite some super minor flaws with some characters (kinda lame cat) I think this game is near perfect.

Royal puts a cherry on an already perfect dessert. I adore this cast of characters even the lesser-used arcanas. The aesthetic the quick and fun combat, all make this game perfect.

i'm only 36 hours in and i already know it's peak

Huomattavasti huonompi ku normi persona 5 sori liberaalit

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The royal entry was the kind of remake you didn't expect. It's such a sharp side turn comparing to the original scenario but in a good way.

While I think the story is much weaker (except Royal semester, which is on par with Persona 4's base story imo), the combat is a great modernization of the foundation laid by Persona 3 and 4 along with "introducing" the incredible negotiation system from its sister series SMT.

P5R m'a fait découvrir la licence Persona et mon dieu, quel banger, un JRPG comme on en fait peu. Une histoire assez profonde, un système de progression très original, des personnages marquants. Je suis devenu un fan de Persona grâce à lui. Découvrez-le sans hésitation.

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As someone who wasn't a massive persona fan nor someone who had the chance to play the original playing this after playing persona 3 reload and persona 4, I was expecting great things, not to say I didn't get that but the game was missing some things in terms of the phantom thieves development and just general story build up However, the third semester and everything from Akechi's resolve and Dr.Maruki as a whole made it very enjoyable but I don't know if I can put it over the other 2 games.

This is the definitive edition of my favorite videogame of all time. While I still think the original is a bit tighter as a narrative and thematic experience, the added characters and final arc of this game are truly fantastic.

Great time, definitely can see why this is labeled as the best Persona game. Looks of great content and story is still really interesting.

damn near the best game I've ever played

I love everything about this game from the style to the characters to the plot UGHHH i cant recommend it enough holy shit

Esa sensación que te da este juego de sentirte dentro del equipo me encantó. Me sentí un Ladrón Fantasma todas las horas que lo jugué. Juegazo hermoso bien hecho <3

My favorite game of all time, nothing more to be said here

Oh my god.

I finally finished Persona 5 and I am shocked.
What a perfect game! The story is incredible and full of depth especially that last semester! (the thing ever written).
The characters are phenomenal, I feel connected to every single main character and I truly love them all (except yusuke he's fine I guess).
The story is so incredibly done and the pacing is wonderful! 90 hours is not enough I need more :(
The combat is so unique but also so fun, it's colorful and quirky and quite sophisticated! the music during palaces and honestly during any single point of the game is a masterpiece, every single song is a banger especially I believe playing in the last palace!
The design is so FUCKING good!!!! the colors everywhere and the background the enemies and personas everything is PERFECT!!

Greatest game of all time, I will now start my NG+ ! very excited :) I highly reccomend everyone to play this life changing game !

The royal trio are the goats! (and Makoto)

A história é ótima mas o que carrega o jogo é a ost e estilo visual msm

Un jeu phénoménal, la meilleure porte d'entrée pour la franchise, et ce malgré ses défauts.
Persona 5 est LE jeu ayant popularisé la franchise déjà connue. Il est audacieux et réinvente, même si parfois de manière moins bonne que ses prédécesseurs.
L'histoire n'est pas très très logique, il y a des hauts et des bas, ce défaut est présent dans tout les jeux, mais je l'ai particulièrement remarqué dans celui-ci.
L'écriture des personnages est pour certains aléatoires, d'autres ne sont malheureusement pas développés. Le jeu est porté par certains personnages qui, eux, font parti des meilleurs de la franchise.
Malgré cela, les musiques, le gameplay, la direction artistique, font de ce jeu un phénomène qui mérite sa popularité

I completed this game at 12:05 on new years day. Which for me was the absolute perfect way to start the year (long review coming up).

Persona 5 royal is my favorite video game of all time. There are other video games I absolutely love, but p5r absolutely clears as my favorite. But that doesn't mean its a perfect game, and because there is so much positive to talk about im gonna start with the negatives.

Okumura's palace is straight up garbage. Actually some of the puzzles are fun but the Okumura boss fight is the worst boss fight I have ever played in my entire life. With that being said there are some other palaces puzzles I dont love, like the mice one or the code one in the bank. I also don't like some of the characters too much, specifically morgana. I find his arc very frustrating and made me dislike him a lot. Thats about it for the negatives now onto the positives.

This is by far the most engaging game i've ever played. I cannot remember a time where I was this addicted to playing a video game, p5r was all I thought about when I was playing.
It really does a lot to immerse you in the game and I think thats one of it's best qualities. The story for this game is absolutely amazing, its full of really good twists and its just overall super interesting and well written. The characters are really really good, besides morgana I really like everyone in the phantom thieves. Joker, Ryuji, Makoto and Futaba were probably my favorites in the og thieves. I like everyone else but I feel like Haru could've used more screen time. The side character social links were pretty good but not the best. Characters like Takemi, Ohya, Shinya and Kawakami were not super interesting but still enjoyable confidants (besides ohya and kawakami like wtf). But the confidants like Akechi, Maruki, Sae, Sojiro, Iwai, and Yoshizawa were all extremely fun and engaging. The best characters in the game are by far Joker, Akechi and maruki (yoshizawa maybe too). The gameplay in the game is absolutely fantastic. It's the first game that i've actually enjoyed turn based combat and the baton pass system is amazing. The palaces are normally amazing with a few exceptions but most had some great puzzles, bosses and stories. The best part of the game and by far my favorite section in any video game is term 3 the final palace. I wont spoil but it introduces my favorite antagonist in video game history and it has some extremely emotional moments.

Anyway this review was supeeeeer long and by far my longest but it's my favorite game so it's worth it. Easily 10/10, 11/10 if that was an option. (also playing persona 3 reload rn)

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #31

Mon introduction aux jeux Persona comme beaucoup de gens et ce fut une très grande aventure.
Le jeu est unique avec une direction artistique mémorable, une bande son sympa très reconnaissable et un cast bien cool.
Cependant, le jeu est vraiment long à se mettre en place avec ses dialogues interminables, il conserve un certain aspect visual novel comme on avait déjà un peu dans P4. Beaucoup de répétitions et de phases de tuto qui viennent casser le rythme, c'est assez dommage.
Mais le gameplay est agréable et fluide, les combats sont bien dosés et dynamiques, le jeu est bourré d'animations stylées. Beaucoup d'aspects marquants que ce soit au travers des social links ou du scénario. Il arrive que la narration soit parfois maladroite, mais globalement le jeu est très bon.
La partie Royal et tous ses petits rajouts sont vraiment formidables et viennent solidifier P5. (Sans Royal, le jeu serait assez fade, je trouve.)

Une bonne porte d'entrée pour la série des Persona même s'il demande d'avoir énormément de temps à lui consacrer.

Persona 5 was something of an impulse buy. I don't really enjoy JRPGs but after cutting my teeth on a few of the modern Fire Emblem games, I'd figure I'd give this a try. While not my favourite Persona, this is still an incredible experience that any non RPG enjoyer could get into.

só dei 1 estrela pela estética vtnc que jogo merda

Such a fun game. The only turn based RPG that I actually enjoy getting into random encounters in

The soundtrack alone is better than most games and also there's a talking cat.

You play it for the 3rd semester because that's the peak of the story.

Phenomenal game, one of the best stories I've experienced. Falls just short of perfect due to the story overstaying its welcome (it took me over 130 hours just to finish the main story).

One of my favorite games of all time!

Eu acho incrível como a Atlus vende o mesmo jogo novamente com um conteúdo mais refinado e mesmo assim vale muito a pena pagar. Esse jogo é magnifico em quase tudo que ele se propõe.