Reviews from

in the past

The funny gun variations kept me going

It's okay. I don't think it does much to make it better than the original game that it's remaking other than looking really nice. I'm really not a fan of the game being tied into the movie. Having random cutscenes just be scenes from the movie is jarring... and it doesn't help that the movie isn't good.

Achei a gameplay daora, mas não o suficiente.

Divertidillo juego de plataformas tridimensionales que tiene en el combate la parte más satisfactoria... hasta que termina repitiéndose un poco. Sobre todo cuando la variedad de escenarios termina derivando, siempre, hacia el pasilleo dentro de una estructura. A destacar la diversidad de armas disponibles.

please for the love of god play og ps2 ratchet and clank. i have nothing good to say about this and i don’t like being negative on a game i dont care about.

A good "summary" of the original trilogy.

The first Ratchet game I played and honestly I understand why the series is so beloved. I had a blast

they turned it into a disney game

something feels off the remake here doesnt have the 2000s quirkiness the OGs had

GooeyScale: 75/100

fuck this shit man; they really turned the original game into EXACTLY what it was making fun of, but at least the pixelizer is cool and the whole thing's pretty to look at i guess

A pretty lovable playstation exclusive thats about it

No sabría decir si este juego está hecho para los que vienen nuevos o para los seguidores de los originales. Es una experiencia muy corta, creo que han buscado la rejugabilidad en ese sentido. Además le falta el tono macarrilla que tenían antes.

Dicho esto, el gameplay es genial. Sigue siendo Ratchet y Clank. Estos juegos son de hierro. Me lo he pasado muy bien. No es un mal juego de ninguna manera pero no es los originales.

In some instances I've found this even more enjoyable than the Rift Apart game but other than that it's the "same old, same old" game which I've played through with a bit of pain inside me.