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in the past

the perfect western game, replayed it after playing through RDR2. the gameplay/combat is way more snappy and satisfying than the prequel, switching weapons is faster, enemies have less health overall, turning off auto aim is actually feasible and cover is not necessary to fully enjoy the gunplay, the hit reactions that the weapons provide plus the sound design is also superior, this is the undeniable better game when it comes to bring an solid third-person shooter experience. only thing that I think it's better on RDR2 is the Dead Eye mechanic, it's somewhat stiff to use here.

the atmopshere and music is also outstanding, basically the perfect representation of an spaghetti western.

the dialogue and voice-acting is also pretty fantastic, Rob Wiethoff as John Marston kills it on every delivery, the ending is one of my favorites in gaming, the message behind it is tragic and mature, I can't think of an better way to end this franchise and this story.

this game also suffers from the classic Rockstar's outdated mission design though, prepare to face countless hours of horse riding and herding cows while following NPCs and go to point A to B with nothing new to offer, it's not worse than RDR2 though as the second half of the storyline is basically just shootouts and action, at least is more fun.

overall an fantastic game even today, close contender for the best game Rockstar put out on their history of incredible titles.

the prototype for modern rockstar. gta 4 was still very much following the same rules put in place by 3. RDR was when they started trying out new ideas that would be consolidated with GTA 5.
better story than 4 but with worse characters the mission design still aint nothing all that special but it feels a lot more immersive than 4.

Ben de dahil birçok kişi Red Dead Redemption serisiyle ikinci oyun sayesinde tanıştı. İlk oyunun ikinci oyun kadar tanınmamasının en büyük sebebi 2010'da Xbox 360 ve PS3 için piyasaya çıktıktan sonra bilgisayar platformuna çıkış yapmamasıydı. Hâl böyle olunca birçok oyuncu zaten ilk oyunun öncesini anlatması sebebiyle seriye ikinci oyundan giriş yaptı ve ilk oyunu oynayamadı. Ben de seriye ikinci oyunla giriş yapanlardan biriyim. İkinci oyunu oynadıktan sonra çok beğenmiş ve hikâyenin devamını merak etmiştim, bu yüzden geç de olsa ilk oyunu oynadım ve bitirdim. Oyunun hikâyesini ilk oyun kadar derin bulmasam da Red Dead Redemption'ın zamanının ötesinde bir oyun olduğunu ve günümüzde dahi bana kendini oynattırabildiğini rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim.

Oyun ikinci oyunun bittiği tarihten 4 sene sonra, yani 1911'de (büyük bir kısmı 1911'de geçiyor demek daha doğru olur) geçiyor. Oyun ikinci oyunda da bulunan New Austin'de ve Meksika'nın bir kısmını harita olarak kullanıyor. Oynanış olarak oyunun doğal olarak eskidiğini ve oynanış konusunda birtakım şeylerin fazlasıyla göze battığını söyleyebilirim ancak oyunun kötü yaşlanmadığını düşünüyorum. Özellikle vuruş hissi gibi birkaç konuda oyun bana beklediğimden fazlasını verdi diyebilirim. Onun dışında her ne kadar ana karakter John Marston'ı sevsem de hikâyedeki diğer karakterlerin ilgi çekici olmadığı oyuna getirebileceğim eleştirilerin başında geliyor.

Red Dead Redemption'ın her ne kadar hikâyedeki bazı noktalarda eksiklikleri olsa ve oynanıştaki bazı konularda eskidiği görülse de bu iyi yaşlanmış bir oyun ve vahşi batı temasının en iyi oyun uyarlamalarından biri.

This is the second best cowboy game ever made.

I would love a cowboy game where the horse controls don't make me want to walk everywhere.

this game is awesome and also makes me sad that theres not a lot of other yeehaw cowboy games out there

GooeyScale: 80/100

Replay for the first time in three years;
What can I say? My favorite game of all time.

Perhaps the game of the generation, for me.

What a stellar, STELLAR game. John Marston riding into Mexico is the only sector in all of gaming which has gotten me sentimental as an adult without nostalgia playing a factor. Let's not even mention that ending lest we spoil someone's fun. This is how you make a cinematic game. Instantly among my favorites.

Oh it's red dead (rockstar game so yah)

Tremendo juego, hasta es posible que me gustara mas que el Red Dead 2

Dare I say I love this game even more than RDR2.

Janky ahh mechanics, great story tho.

I wish I could have gone into this game knowing nothing about any of the twists because it would have been even more engaging than it already was.

I love this game but I didn't personally like it as much as Red Dead Redemption 2

The original go-to cowboy simulator with all the same problems that GTA has. Awful controls, brain dead repetitive time wasting missions, story progression that feels aimless at times, but it's okay because the music is really good and it really makes you feel like a cowboy™ -IGN.

A quintessential Rockstar classic. Beautiful storytelling, great character design. Good quest design. John Marston's tragic tale is as sad as it is am inevitable.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford meets True Grit

so nao curti mais pq joguei em ingles e acabei nao entendendo a historia direito

A solid Western with decent gameplay and a good story, poker can be fun too.

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Fun game with a killer story. Getting revenge as John's son was so satisfying.

valorant has no chance of redeeming itself from being a shitty clone

yep that's literally the best story series i have played so far

Obra Maestra del Western Moderno.

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What a simple and yet incredible story. A man who will do anything to get his family back. He will go to the ends of the earth and kill people he once called his family to get his home life back. In the end, however, all of that crime catches up to him in the most unfair way imaginable. Killed in his own yard by corrupt government officials. The entire journey ends in a tragic manner, that is until your son several years later kills the man who called the shots. This game in a nutshell is about unfinished business. John Marston is a puppet who is used by the government to hunt down his former gang members. He has no choice but to go along with them or risk anything happening to his family. By all accounts, John Marston is a stupid man. Not a well educated man and not good at articulating himself in any setting. That’s what makes this game’s story so sad. Everything that John does in this game is ultimately rendered meaningless, because John was so focused on getting his life back that he never made an effort to distance himself from the government. They used his stupidity against him and they succeeded.

Me encanta, me encanta, me encanta. RDR1 es mi RDR, con perdón de toda la gente que ama y adora RDR2. A diferencia de ese juego, este es mucho más rápido, conciso y en lo personal, más divertido. Cabe mencionar que ambos juegos son géneros distintos: si bien el primero es un GTA en el viejo oeste, el segundo es un Immersive Sim. Hay público para ambos y entiendo porqué la Humanidad entera piensa que el segundo es mejor, pero no puedo negar que el 1o es exactamente lo que quiero cuando pienso en un juego Western (junto con Gun, pero ese es más una caricatura del Viejo Oeste)