Reviews from

in the past

De los mejores juegos para estar de chill o jugar con amigos tranquilamente. Divertido y súper bien diseñado para fomentar la cooperación. Lo único que le falta es la capacidad de hacer servers pacíficos, los tryhards arruinan la experiencia

It’s meh. Fun with friends super boring alone

perfect game to do and and play with friends

Mejoró poco a poco pero desde el principio fue una experiencia cooperativa muy entretenida.

в общем сначала ты думаешь что кайф игрушка, вы плаваете вместе по красивой воде чет чилллл. но потом ты думаешь вот бы убить мегаладонь.... а для этого нужно залутать по окрестным островам 400-600 ядер и столько же бананов и столько же досок и потом еще не факт что ты эту ладонь ебнешь, короче в пизду. Да и все пве евенты на земле гавнище, хз кому в этой игре нравится вообще что-либо делать кроме как плавать

They’ll never stop me playing this

so jogava isso na quarentena


Do what you want because a pirate is free! YOU ARE A PIRATE!

I also cant stop being an asshole and sink sloops with my friend, blood on my hands, but theres more blood i thirst for in this game because i want to ruin everyones day and complain when it happens to me!

Rly fun with friends but i get motion sick playing :(

decent enough pirate game, need to pick it back up

GooeyScale: 65/100

Fun with friends but once you realize that you're literally just grinding for cosmetics it gets old really fast

Shitty movement, lack of intuitiveness, the inventory sucks, getting an item stuck in your hand is horrible.
That said, it's nice to play with friends, but never alone. And the soundtrack is surprisingly great, especially during missions.

Pirates together funny
Pirate solos boring

Very relaxing gameplay unless you meet people that have been playing this game for ages.

I want to play this with my friends but they won't

Me and a couple of friends used to play this game all the time, and still occasionally manage to get everyone on it now, it has many great memories and is always a good time even just doing some PVP. Now with the new release on PS5 I’m going to swap to over there

There isn't a single pirate game better than this one

Divertidíssimo para jogos com os amigos

raw ass game for one simple reason: if someone is significantly better than you and beats you repeatedly, you can give up on lame shit like “winning the fight and getting your loot back” and instead focus on fun stuff like “ruining their day and making them log off”. call me a sociopath but more games need this

Sea of thieves is a truly wonderful game, such great fun is to be had with friends and it is an amazing game to bond over. Only problems are bugs which aren't too bad, mostly visual.

Lo jugué con amigos y todos quedamos de acuerdo en que es un buen concepto pero no logran exprimirlo al 100.

Why does it take me 5 hours to just be able to change my sails to the color blue.

I honestly had a great time just sailing in this game and listening to sea shanties but it is too grindy and systemically moot to play consistently