Reviews from

in the past

Tenho memórias boas, conversas boas, momentos bons. Um jogo que tem espaço no meu coração

I think 10 hours was plenty for this game. We got to yoho ahoy matey for a good while, sing some shanties and get drunk at the pubs. Good fun, wish there was more PVE experiences to this though.

velejar em alto mar procurando tesouros com seus amigos é uma experiencia magnifica, e dificilmente se torna ruim.

It's so funny with your friends to play it. But the content finishes very fast. They made it nice after uptades but it's still have problems. But still best pirate game ever made

legal pra jogar com os amigos mas me deixa enjoada

joguei alguns minutos e já assisti bastante gameplay. o jogo que mais quero jogar na vida pena que não tem pra playstation

I can't enjoy that much the game properly when I know that Rare is behind it

Jogo massa pra jogar com os amigo, dá pra ficar umas 600 horas com coisa pra fazer fácil, mas depois fica repetitivo.
"Arruma a vela tamo contra o vento man"

Queria muito ter jogado no auge, infelizmente só pude jogar em servers fantasmas.

Maybe I'll get back into this someday, considering I still have the primal itch to dig up vast amounts of treasure.

At its core, it's a perfect game. However, it's all the other stuff that detracts from it, namely:

- Occasionally toxic playerbase

- High time commitment

- Low reward for that time commitment

But, y'know, you get to be a goddamn pirate. That's good enough for me.

Journal de bord, 19 Mars 2018.
Je me trouve, moi et mon équipage de 2 marins (insane), dans une taverne à l'autre bout des Caraïbes à discuter de ce que nous allons faire dans ce jeu. Je crois que cette nuit du 18 mars restera sans doute graver dans ma mémoire par le flot de fun qui me submerge dans une expérience vidéoludique inédite, ainsi qu'un torrent de rigolade sans précédent à poursuivre du bâtiment maritime pour le mettre au fond de l'océan bleu écarlate. Putain de merde mais où je me trouve maintenant ? Suis-je réellement devant mon écran d'ordinateur ou dans une expérience immersive à couper le souffle ?
Certains me diront : "oui mais l'argent ne te sers qu'au cosmétique, il n'y a aucun upgrade de ton personnage". A cela je peux vous répondre la goutte à l'oeil et au kiki : "oui."
C'est dans un éternel déni que je peux vous répondre "OUI" en pleurant à chaude larme. Ne soyez pas triste pour moi, oooh non. Car dans ce jeu vous retrouverez les étapes de la vie avec votre équipage que je cite dans l'ordre présentement : la rencontre, l'amitié, l'amour, le sexe, la trahison, la colère, la haine, l'acceptation et la réconciliation.

C'est pour tout ce que m'a apporté ce jeu que je lui mettrais 5 étoiles. Merci Rare et vive la piraterie YYYAAAARRRRGGG

very fun to sail around with a few mates
hate getting robbed tho

Lo jugué con amigos y todos quedamos de acuerdo en que es un buen concepto pero no logran exprimirlo al 100.

Se você tem amigos, vai ser uma jornada fantástica

La découverte du jeu était un régale, mais une fois cette étape passée, mon dieux que le jeu est chiant.
Ajoute à ça une commue de try hardeur et on se retrouve avec un jeu qui déçoit bien trop souvent

Had fun with friends, but the game feels pretty empty and not a lot of interactions with other players on the map. Grew out of it.

A piracy simulator that leads to some fun emergent gameplay on the high seas when you interact with other players, but one that was outshined by deeper experiences you could play in a web browser 15 years prior (I miss you, Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates)

One of my favorite co-op experiences. While there isn't anything materially valuable that can be grinded for in this game, there is still plenty of fun to be had sailing across the seas with your friends. Danger hides around every corner, whether it be a ghost ship full of NPC skeletons wanting to rip your arms off or a sloop of rival players trying to nuke your ship with an explosive barrel. Very healthy design philosophies; the only difference between life and death in this game is your skills. You can deck your ship out with as many cosmetics as you'd like but you're still just as vulnerable as a player who just got the game. Does get fairly repetitive after a while to the point where you just want to drop the game and never play again but your first experience with this game is guaranteed to be a good one.

Amazing game to play with friends (if you have any), wish it had more solo or PVE content as I dislike playing PVP games in general especially solo.

Forced PVP is a big no. Safer Seas introduction it a step in good direction but still rather limited experience when it comes to restrictions compared to PVP server. If they ever introduce better solo/ PVE experience I will come back to increase the score.

would be better if it was possible to play shorter sessions without feeling like you're wasting your time

Really fun especially with friends. Its like the best pirate game out there. and there is like so much content in this game and it keeps getting update after update. so pretty good.