Reviews from

in the past

J'y ai joué une 30aine d'heure, en peu de temps, je dois avouer, et franchement j'ai plutôt kiffé, que ce soit dans l'univers, l'histoire qui avait l'air super intéressante, les musiques qui sont vraiment agréables (Shoutout to You will know our names), et plusieurs zones que j'ai clairement aimé du moins visuellement.

Ceci dit, c'est un jeu qui à une longue durée de vie, et le système de combat commence un peu à me lasser, et étant donné que j'ai vu que la moyenne en durée de vie du jeu est de 60h, je me dis que me refaire le double de ce que j'ai fait peu être compliqué si je commence déjà à ne plus avoir envie d'y jouer.

Ceci dit, c'est probable que j'y retourne dans quelques temps pour finir le jeu qui à mon sens, et du peu que j'ai vu de la licence, mérite clairement sa réputation, et je dois dire que j'ai bien envie de voir tout ce que la licence a à m'offrir.

For the first half of this game, I was really enjoying it. Then, I found myself just hating this game. I don't get it. More power to you if you really like it, but I just couldn't get into it. One of those games where I just pushed to finish it because I had already put so much time into the game but it felt like such a drag to go through.

Incredible Game with a really thought provoking story, empowering themes, endearing characters, and extremely fun combat

i'd rather spend my time with people without media literacy than talking to sweaty dumbfucks that play valorant

Glad got around to playing this, enjoyed it and all its plot points, had me engaged all the way through

I wish british people were real

I can appreciate everything Xenoblade is doing and provides an interesting world and characters, however every time i try to keep playing I just lose interest. Maybe its the combat or the ganeplay loop and mindless creature killing. I've shelved the game in hope that eventually I'll play the sequels one day.

Una muy grata experiencia, el juego tal vez no se caracteriza por tener el mejor ritmo, ciertamente en algunas secciones se siente estancado narrativamente, pero su poderoso inicio y su revelador hacen que la historia termine por ser interesante y algo emocionante.

El juego es LARGO, sus mecánicas y sistemas a tener en cuenta no son pocos precisamente, afinagramas, gemas, armaduras, armas, poderes pasivos, artes etc... Ciertamente en un inicio es algo abrumador, pero con el paso de las horas te acostumbras muy bien a tener en cuenta cada una de sus variables. Al final su sistema de combate termina por ser mas ameno de lo que parece en un inicio, y bastante mas dinámico de lo que uno esperaría en las primeras horas, si sabes manejar muy bien los tiempos, y los combos entre los personajes el juego despega y se vuelve tuyo prácticamente. Aparte que el poder jugar con cada uno de los personajes da un nivel de variedad jugable ENORME, cada personaje con sus propias artes y pasivas logran que puedas especializarte en el que mejor te parezca.

Mis mas grandes quejas van dirigidos a lo formulaico que puede ser este género, las misiones secundarias salvo algunas excepciones, son las misiones mas básicas que te puedes topar en un Jrpg, recados y mandados, y no son pocas. De igual forma, el como recae gran parte del desafio en la falta de nivel es un poco molesto, no es que tengas que grindear siempre, pero si no grindeas lo suficiente algunas peleas se te harán IMPOSIBLES, que esto me lleva a mi mas grande queja, el endgame. Es ridículo como tienes que pasar no por 1, ni por 2, ni por 3, si no por 5 boses, el penúltimo con 2 fases y el último con tres, y no solo este juego peca de un endgame absurdo, varios RPG tienen como estandar hacer una semi boss rush como supuesto reto final, justo en el género que mas depende de objetos, y niveles, y es que tener que buscar por ahí entre enemigos de alto nivel los libros que permiten aumentar tus artes al ultimo nivel, y que para colmo hay chances que ni te lo den, no es mas que una ENORME mala costumbre de este género de querer privarte de subir tus propias habilidades, son muchisimas artes, no costaba nada tener la opción de comprarlas, es un lastre que carga mucho este genero.

La revelación final he de admitir que no la esperaba, es obvio que de este final y sus conceptos fue de donde nacieron todos los demas Xenoblade, lo cual es de admirar pues se nota que tenían planes para algo mas a gran escala.

En conclusión, es un juego que media vez tengas el tiempo y el compromiso necesario, este juego puede darte una cantidad insana de horas para descubrir su mundo y sus secretos.

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To think that I put off playing this game for years... I'm really glad I finally got around to play it though, because Xenoblade Chronicles might be one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.

First of all, one of the things I liked the most about this game was its world. Xenoblade takes place in a world of endless ocean where the only pieces of land are two giant dead titans, one made of metal, Mechonis, and one made of biological material, Bionis, the latter being where our protagonists live. Other than finding that simply really cool, I also love how well it's integrated with the world design. When you walk around the game's world, you often can see and feel that you're standing on a absolutely gigantic being. This is also helped by the fact that, when exploring the Bionis, you can actually see the Mechonis in the distance as well as its sword piercing through the Bionis, which really puts everything into perspective. The world in itself is also really varied, I went through grassy plains, swamps, jungles, floating island and much more during my 60h journey (including the Future Connected DLC) and all of these zones were beautiful to look at and made the exploration that much better.

The story was also one of the main driving forces that kept me going forward during my playthrough. I thought the story was well paced all throughout and I was always looking forward to seeing would happen next. The main cast of characters also enhanced the story with how charming they all were. Even Riki, the comic relief character of the group had some sweet, wholesome and serious moments that fleshed out his character and relationship with the others in the group. I liked everyone from the main cast even though some, especially Sharla, got side lined during most of the story. The ending, without going into too much details was really good, epic and made me smile.

In terms of gameplay, after taking some time to get used to it, I had a lot of fun with Xenoblade Chronicles' combat. Having to position your character correctly do deal more dmg or inflict some special effect on an enemy made for a fun experience. It was also really satisfying to pull off devastating chain attacks. It can get pretty repetitive after a while, especially if you play the same character for most of the game, like me, but if it becomes a real problem, every party member is playable and seems to have a pretty different playstyle that can keep things fresh. I personally found myself trying out Melia during the future redeemed and had a pretty good time with her after figuring out how to use her mage-like abilities. I also appreciate how levels really matter and can drastically change how an encounter goes, since it really gave me a feeling of growth during my playthrough.

For the side quest, I'm a bit more mixed on the subject. While I didn't dislike them, per say, I also didn't find them that interesting. They were fine for the most part, but they were pretty much all fetch quests that needed me to kill a certain number of monsters or collecting a certain amount of materials. It was pretty fun to complete these quest while going to my next main mission objective, since most of them auto-complete without needing to go back to the quest giver. I appreciate the fact that you don't NEED to complete a large amount of these side quests to progress relatively easily through the game, but I feel like the absolutely HUGE quantity of them must be a nightmare for any completionist trying to 100% the game.

What made completing side quest more enjoyable, while also adding to the story and overall gameplay, was the music. Xenoblade Chronicles has an amazing soundtrack that really surprised me. Be it with a soft overworld music during the night time, or an absolute banger of a music theme like You will know our names, almost every track in the game got me bopping my head around with a smile.

In conclusion, I think that Xenoblade is gonna be one of those games that stay with me for a long time. I'm an absolute sucker for huge RPGs with expansive stories and world and Xenoblade Chronicles absolutely delivered on that front. I really look forward to playing the other games in the series !

This is what happens when your Sims becomes self aware.

Back when I was a kid who only had access to Pokemon games, this game really shocked me with how big its world was, or that stuff like animated/voiced cutscenes even existed. One of my favorite fictional game worlds though the gameplay itself hasn't aged super gracefully especially compared to its sequels.

I wanted to like the game so bad as many of my friends loved it. However, even on the easiest difficulty, I continued to struggle and found myself just wanting to get to the next cutscene after all the tediousness of the combat and decided the game just wasn't for me. Enjoyed the characters and story.

This made me learn to never take game recommendations from anime fans ever again. Still giving it 0.5 bonus points for the invaluable life lesson.

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Good Story, I like the whole godly entities thing that was going on. Grinding was painful and made me wanna drop the game multiple times, but got through. The voice acting was British, I liked Dickson's voice though. 7.5/10

it's really weird how many people dislike this game, the pacing, gameplay are actually pretty brisk and fun if you don't just goon out on sidequests all day. a true shame what youtube essayist and their mob have done to the perception of this game

remaster impecable de un juego excelente, sigue con las tonterías puntuales de la versión de wii y hubiera estado bien que tocaran algo más del gameplay, pero todo el curro visual que hay detrás es increíble

Really fun and LONG game. Didn't care to do all the end game content as the rewards didn't seem worth it, but definitely put plenty of time into it. Story is somewhat easy to follow and the combat is different, but great. It also has an incredible amount of quality of life features that I appreciate.

I used to love this game. I really did. I don't think I do anymore. it's still a good game. But I can never truly love this game again after how much I hated Xenoblade 2 and how little fun I had playing the game portions of Xenoblade 3. Those two games made me stop liking this game. If you love this game, I'm happy for you. I can't love it anymore.

Best game I've ever played. Everything about it is perfect, from the music, to the gameplay, to the graphics, just everything is perfect.

STILL PLAYING IT - its amazing so far though. i LOVE just exploring and doing random side quests.

To me, Xenoblade Chronicles is everything a game should strive to be. It has a massive open world that somehow doesn’t feel empty. The combat doesn’t really interrupt the exploration, unlike many other JRPGs. The story and characters are some of the best I’ve seen in not just video games, but fiction as a whole as well. The soundtrack is phenomenal, and all the aspects of the game compliment each other to make it the perfect package. Xenoblade certainly isn’t for everybody, but if you’re looking for a good JRPG that you can put tons of hours into, you can’t go wrong with this one.

maybe not as fantastic as it was when I was playing it as a teenager in 2015, but still pretty great. I engage with extremely little anime and little JRPGs as well, so the tropes that others find taxing aren't very stale to me.

combat is very fun once you know what youre doing, but the game is so overwhelming on its face that I imagine new players playing blind would just be confused and never access its full depth

flawed, but what artistic experience isn't? maybe could've used another year in the oven, as there is sometimes a disappointing lack of variety in gameplay

I think this is my favorite story in video games ever. blew my mind on more than one occasion.

hate what 2 did to the reputation of this franchise

Beautiful story, Great characters and gameplay. Side quest sucks though

she xeno on my blade til i chronicles: definitive edition

GooeyScale: 75/100