Reviews from

in the past

Adios es un pequeño juego narrativo tan pequeño que tiene poco más que la narrativa. Su historia y la interpretación por parte de los actores están bien pero poco más queda si le quitas eso, ni siquiera le puedo catalogar de Walking Simulator porque hasta andar por tu granja es limitado y casi siempre te teletransporta de un sitio a otro para pasar de escena a escena. Tienes elecciones de diálogo que al final están ahí para que las pulses y el personaje suspire y no la diga. Entiendo la intención pero se queda un poco floja cuando al final no ves más que lo dictaminado por sus creadores. Bien podría ser un cortometraje que un juego en sí ya que la mayor parte del tiempo estás parado, mirando al rededor mientras los personajes conversan. La historia está bien, es interesante pero es que no hay nada más, solo un par de pequeños minijuegos como cocinar o jugar a la herradura que funcionan regular y alguna que otra interacción graciosa, como disparar leche de cabra, pero es tan ínfimo que no sé ni como reseñarlo.
Sé lo que intenta y sé que no lo consigue, sé que su historia y sus diálogos están bien pero apenas aprovechan el medio. Sé que quiero que me guste más de lo que me ha gustado pero no lo consigo. Adios es y no es, Adios está bien y a la vez no lo está.

Adios is a cinematic first-person game where you take the role of a pig farmer who has to let the mob use his pigs as a way to dispose of bodies. You relive the day when he finally decided that he is done with it and what is going to be his last day.

The story is emotional, yet still very short (you will finish the game in an hour) and forgettable. You spend the whole time doing chores and talking to your old friend who, in the end, will be your killer. He tries to convince you to change your mind, since he knows that after ending up with the mob, there isn't a way out.
During the story you will find out why he decided that he can't do that anymore and why he has to dispose of the bodies.
The atmosphere gives you the feel of loneliness and emptiness the main character feels and how he has already accepted his fate, knowing what the consequences are, but he doesn't care as he wants to do at least one good thing before he leaves this world.
Voice acting is the best part of the game, but the character models aren't that good, and the character models are what you're gonna look at the most.
This game has dialog choices to keep players more engaged through the story, but unfortunately, most of the time you're limited to only one dialog option, which doesn't make sense as two of them are presented, but one of them is grayed out. So, even though you have the freedom to choose what the main character will say, most of the time, the prior choices heavily limit your next dialog options by giving you only one of the two options available.
The subtitles aren't always accurate, sometimes they leave out a part of the sentence, probably because they wanted to put the whole sentence the “person A” says on the screen, before the “person B” replies.

All in all, a very short experience that, in my opinion, isn't worth the full price, nor anything above 50% of the initial price. The only thing left to say to this game is Adios.

The main character and his son have some good voice acting, but the linearity with choice removed makes this basically a cartoon. During conversation, there’s often times where 1 or 2 conversation choices will be greyed out leaving you unable to say what you actually want to say. Lack of multiple endings, redundant “mini games”, the story is not enough to save this game.