Reviews from

in the past

Terrível. Horroso. PÉSSIMO!

Feel like everyone was foaming at the mouth to rip this one apart from right out the gates considering it had the stones to compare itself to a timeless classic like Left 4 Dead. I will admit, there enough egotism there to keep me away from the game for several years, but coming to it after all this time I gotta say, it's really not as bad as everyone says. It's a horde shooter, so you've absolutely played this game before in some way, shape, or form. I will admit, the game does nothing to distinguish itself from any other horde shooter and that is a bit of a letdown, but all things considered, you run from point A to point B and between then and now you will shoot a gun or swing a weapon at some number of bad things. Maybe in the few years since release, there have been some big patches to make the game more palatable, but for me, Back 4 Blood provides just enough generic fun to be mildly entertaining, which in itself isn't a sin. I feel the backlash for the game comes from it's self-proclaimed status as the descendant of one of gamings darlings.

let me just say compared 2 left 4 dead it s HORRIBLE n i mean literally if back 4 blood n left 4 dead were n a bar fight, id say back 4 blood stands like a 0.00003% chance against left 4 dead... however on it s own id say it s a passable game.. dont get me wrong it s not amazing by any means but it s playable n CAN b fun sometimes maybe..

Imitação de left 4 dead, eu achei legalzinho e a dublagem em br ajudou demais o jogo ser um jogo bem melhorzinho, mas ele é bem repetitivo

A nothingburger of a shooter that doesn't offer anything new to a genre and packages subpar gameplay in a decent graphical coat.
Just play Left 4 Dead 2 once again; it replaces this game completely, even though it's 12 years older.
4/10 only because I expected it to be bad and it's just mid.

Bom jogo para se jogar com amigos, terei uma boa lembrança, hihi

Soulless shooter game that leaned too heavily on the L4D comparisons. The “Versus” mode consists of utterly boring horde gameplay with an ever shrinking play circle ala-battle royale style. Campaign failed to capture my interest in anything and I think I played past Act 2. This game is so boring, and I’m glad Gamepass kept me from spending my own money on it.

I don't share the hate because I played it free on xgp for an 8 hours campaign then simply moved on. It was fun as a one time experience.

Boring ass, confusing ass game just nah

Back 4 Blood revives the team-based zombie shooter genre with dynamic swarm mechanics and cooperative play, but is hampered by inconsistent pacing and a lackluster progression system, leading to a middling experience.

Not a fan at all of this game, played for one day and then immediately deleted it off hard drive.

sympa mais le jeu a vraiment l'air de faire tous les efforts du monde pour pour frustrer le joueur.

Minha nota só não foi menor, pois eu nunca joguei ao jogo antecessor(left 4 dead 1,2) se eu jogasse eu sentiria que seria apenas o left four dead só que mais bonito e dublado... Mas foi uma boa experiência como primeira vez com um amigo caba ruim que tive que carregar essa mala que parece estar carregando um saco de cimento que afunda mais que tudo no time

turtle rock has achieved something so fascinating here by painstakingly crafting a game that at no point manages to convince you that you wouldn't be having more fun by immediately alt-f4ing and booting up left 4 dead

Um left 4 dead com graficos melhores mas completamente genericón

It started off fine as we were looking for the next "modern"
- Lack of Innovation
- Repetitive Gameplay
- Unbalanced Difficulty
- Lack of Story Depth
- Technical Issues

plays more like a weird mix of save the world and call of duty rather than a left4dead ripoff

this is not a good thing