Reviews from

in the past

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.
*Wears the Sarugami armor and parries everything and everyone.

Ghost of Tsushima is overall a good game, you'll get a fantastic samurai story which reminds Kurosawa's work, a beautiful landscapes and a good combat system. However it has some small flaws for the stealth and the ripetitivity of the gameplay

i was actually pretty good in this one

Started it on PS5 but saw it was coming to PC, so held off continuing it in order to play it on PC instead. So far I did very very like what I played.

Bellissima ambientazione. Gioco facilotto e all'inizio anche poco fluido, quando sblocchi le abilità migliora ma le attività dell'open world sono sempre le solite.

Visually, one of the best looking games I have ever played. Every area of this game is a technical marvel. The direction of the missions is also noteworthy, with every shot well framed and cinematic. The character models look amazing, and the writing feels real. I enjoyed this game far more than I imagined I would, as someone who is pretty burnt out on the "Ubisoft towers" formula. I came to this game expecting to find it very "meh" but was surprised at the detail and care that went into this.

No sé ni qué decir de este juego. Es perfecto.
No se me ocurre nada que pueda decir que no me haya gustado. No hay nada que se me haya hecho pesado.

La historia es increíble, tanto la principal como los relatos secundarios. Te hace conectar mucho con los aliados de Jin. Son todos muy carismáticos y únicos.

La jugabilidad no tiene sentido. La cantidad de variaciones que te brindan para que puedas enfrentarte a los enemigos a sigilo, de cara, con mil tácticas y elementos.

La exploración. Los paisajes. Los puzzles. TODO. Es un absoluto 10 y no entiendo como no se llevó el GOTY.

La pelea contra el Kan es brutal.

Es mi nuevo imperio romano.

Eso si. Esa decisión final... me va a perseguir por los restos de los restos. Y aún me queda por explorar el DLC. Me voy a morir...

Creo que va a ser mi primer juego platinado y me encanta que sea este título quien se lleve ese "honor".

EDIT 07/05: Juego platinado, DLC terminado. Es una obra maestra.

Living Legend / A Legend for All Time 🏆