Reviews from

in the past

-Fun ARPG with interesting character building mechanics and forging.
- Can get incredibly bland by the end game as the sense of progressions becomes slow and you feel like you are building a character for building sake and not for getting more powerful.
- The areas are interesting and varied and are enjoying to be in, even if some of the maps feel reused with a different texture on them.

saw a steam post from a guy asking if this was Vampire Survivors but with a story and more weapons

just managing to post this before i turn to dust

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what kept me going i wanted to meet the f@c#er who sent me to a different timeline without

Un juego con potencial pero sin apenas endgame. La traducción roza el terrorismo y olvídate de jugarlo en steamdeck porque, aunque lo marque como jugable, crashea el juego constantemente llegando incluso a bloquear el dispositivo. De momento no lo recomiendo, aunque tenga un gran potencial.

I mean obviously it’s a better game than Diablo 4 sure but there’s just something off about the game for me. No character customization, the combat doesn’t have that punch like D4 does, and server issues on release made me kinda go eh and forget about this game. I will come back if a new season/wipe starts to re review this game but until then it’s just ok