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O jogo é bom mas não consegui jogar muito porque não tinha RAM suficiente e o jogo não tava mais rodando na época, hoje já tenho os requisitos, mas agora tenho a enhanced edition vou dar prioridade pra zerar ela primeiro, se eu gostar muito eu talvez volte pra uma Run nessa versão

Story 3.5 | Gameplay 3.5 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.5 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open world 3.8

Total 4.2

The game takes what made Metro games great and makes it even greater but fails to add new stuff to the formula.
I really disliked the open world parts because I'm quite worn out of them always being the same and feeling like something the game would have benefited from NOT being in the game. But well there it is so I'll just have to bear with it. To be a little more honest, there are some parts I liked about the OW, like the fact you have to actually take out the map from your pocket and not just open an overlay that will pause the game. Also in Volga they made me want to do the side objectives by making the characters actually giving me a good reason to accomplish them like finding Nastia's teddy bear or a guitar for Stepan.
Aside of that it's impressive how the game is genuinely good when you go back to classic Metro with long corridors and cramped gunfights. This is basically what the first 2 games did good but even better thanks to the huge graphic update taking the ambiance even beyond what it was, especially with RTX on.
There are some gameplay issues like stealth is still not great and it's frustrating that you need to it to get to the good ending, Volga was easy but Taïga was horrendous. And the other major point is how floaty Artyom is, like sometimes you run in stairs and he will just start to stop being connected to the floor and you'll end up two floors down and just die.
And story-wise it's clearly the most well written one, I would have loved for every character on the Aurora to get screentime but well it's no big deal because the main characters are really good handled and that (good) ending...
So now that I'm up to date with this franchise I can highly recommend playing it just for its general ambiance and immersion.

Fantastically immersive from start to finish. I honestly can't fault a thing, which might be the first time I've ever said that about a video game. One of my favourites of all time.

perde um pouco a vibe dos metro mais antigo mas ainda é daora

J'ai du mal a rentrer dedans le gameplay est trop lent

no me convencio los anteriores molan mas

Excellent follow-up to the rest of the series.
I really enjoyed the hell out of this game, and getting to explore some of the larger world outside of the Moscow Metro was hella fun. I also really loved the group dynamics and the game did a really good job of making me care about Anna and her well-being. You can literally sit for hours and listen to the crew yap at you about their lives and what they think about the situation - which is something I've always loved about this series.
I will say that the ending is a little lacklustre in comparison to the previous two entries, but the overall journey was very enjoyable.


Bello lo sviluppo open world, storia anche qui toccante.

Eu amo essa estrutura de jogo, os mapas abertos com limitações, o design um pouco confuso, mas que de alguma forma funciona, a imersão do jogo, com menus quase sempre diegéticos e ações burocráticas que precisam ser feitas regularmente como troca de filtro, ou usar o gerador para recarregar sua lanterna, tudo isso colabora pra uma das experiências mais imersivas que já tive em jogos.

Eu não sei se a franquia Metro volta, ainda mais na bagunça que a Embracer fez com os estúdios que comprou, mas espero que sim, é o tipo de jogo que faz falta na indústria.

Um eurojunk de 2019 que impressiona com seus visuais até hoje, brinquei demais no modo câmera. Mas tenho que citar também os muitos bugs que atrapalharam não só a imersão, mas me fizeram resetar o save várias e várias vezes. Não deu pra dar 10/10 por causa disso. É de longe o mais bugado da franquia, mas também é o maior, com mais ideias e melhor em tudo!

Apesar dos escorregões, Metro Exodus está à frente de qualquer FPS Triple A. Fecha a trilogia com maestria, com uma excelente história, cheia de personagens cativantes e se tornando um marco na história dos games (pelo menos pra mim).

Very good gameplay and immersion with astonishing graphics and art style but a quite bad story

Um dos melhores jogos da geração pra mim, a imersão que esse jogo tem é incrível, fazer tudo nele é prazeroso seja andar, atirar ou explorar nunca joguei um jogo com o feeling do Metro exodus é algo bem único, a trilha é foda, o mapa é foda, as armas são fodas, a história é foda, é tudo foda esse é o fucking foda: the game


Best of the Metro games and one of the most atmospheric shooters ever.

Actualy good open areas with a train that go chu chu