Reviews from

in the past

Un juego que ayuda a rellenar ese vacío que a veces sentimos los que nos gusta farmear un poco de más y completar misiones con una jugabilidad chula y original. Lo recomiendo bastante y más en alguna rebajita

Nobody Saves the World is an ugly cute RPG revolving around transforming into different characters for puzzles and combat.

The gameplay is interesting, with every transformation having different playstyles. Each transformation has its own set of quests you must complete to level them up and unlock more abilities for them. These quests are cool, as not only do they teach you how to play the characters, they encourage you to mix and match abilities with them, letting you experiment with different combat builds.

The dungeons are fine, but they tend to feel the same after a while, even with the different aesthetics and modifications trying to make them unique or challenging.

The story is basic and somewhat predictable, but I think it’s written well enough to not be boring or overbearing. The humor is kinda hit or miss though, as the game’s style of humor isn’t for everyone, and some jokes overstay their welcome a bit.

All in all, a fun game to play in short bursts, or as a quick time killer.

hidden gem of a game this was an absolute blast to play with my friend and I highly recommend it. we would get lost while playing this game as well.

Accessible, stylistic RPG with enough variation and excitement to entice most players, for a while.

Nobody Saves The World would have made an excellent Adult Swim or Nicktoons animated series. The graphic style and writing is wacky, humorous, and slightly off-key without being too ridiculous. Characters are well developed and even NPC's have distinct styles of speaking or acting. Everything looks and sounds good as you endure waves of enemies and some very mild exploring of a pretty strange world.

All of this style doesn't get in the way of some solid substance, as well. The gameplay choices are interesting, as you can use your magic to change form at basically anytime to best suit what the world is throwing at you. I found myself preferring a certain form for a while and then reconsidering my build as we entered a dungeon that required a certain skill to defeat the enemies within. Mixing up skills from some forms into the other forms added a level that kept my interest, as well. My partner and I did a co-op playthrough and having a second player made the game a bit less challenging but made the hordes of enemies an summoned demons, zombies, or familiars a bit more hectic. Pairing up builds was pretty fun and working together to unlock other forms was our main goal.

The game did a lack a really compelling story (we guessed the twist kind of early on) and was a bit of a slog if you focused just on completing quests, but overall, it was a decent time in a fun and fantastical world.

Review from

Coitado do Randy, o radical sofreu mais que a Juliette