Reviews from

in the past

Un juego que ayuda a rellenar ese vacío que a veces sentimos los que nos gusta farmear un poco de más y completar misiones con una jugabilidad chula y original. Lo recomiendo bastante y más en alguna rebajita

Nice as Bun-B when I met him at the Source awards
Girl he had with him - ass coulda won the horse awards

É um jogo bem divertido, ótimo para as tardes tranquilas e muito bem animado.
Nobody Saves the World é um jogo com uma temática simples, mas bem feita, além de uma jogabilidade muito interessante e também fácil de se adaptar.
A história é básica, mas bem feita, uma boa construção de mundo bem maluquinho, mas bem feito.
O que eu também mais gostei com certeza foi a tradução/localização do jogo para o Brasil, com varias gírias e formas que só br entende, por um tempo até acreditei que fosse um jogo br, muito bom.
Recomendo de mais para quem quer jogar algo simples, porém muito bem feito.

hidden gem of a game this was an absolute blast to play with my friend and I highly recommend it. we would get lost while playing this game as well.

Been a while since I've played this game, overall it's a great action RPG. Mix-matching abilities and exploring the world feels really, really good.

The story is quite simple and “hints” you throughout the game. It also has some quite clever character arcs!

fun with a friend but apart from the visuals and music, I wasn’t really feeling this at all. I like the concept of having all these forms that fill different niches and the progression of getting new forms and abilities to play around with, but the execution is super clunky. Combat is mindless and hits have 0 feedback, switching between forms is awkward, and enemies only dying to certain forms feels like a cheap way of annoying the player into engaging with the transformations rather than naturally letting them experiment with the different play styles they offer.

Ultimately not much to stick around for, I can’t say I found its writing all too compelling or funny either.