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in the past

this game is praised way too much for having 0 personality.
besides that, it starts out actually quiet promising (not great but at least somewhat "fun") until it decided to torture you with the most lifeless and boring side quests.

if it would have been a fast-paced character action game, that focuses more on exciting set pieces, i think at least the combat would have been better. screw this fucking slow ass combat where you can't even cancel attacks and have to watch long ass animations that suggest something meaningful was going on.

soundtrack also sucked and was boring. like, i’ve heard this so many times in nier before.
but the enemy design is still fantastic, and you get to see some overall amazing visuals.

Overall this is a great first AAA console outing. Amazing combat, Great ost. Was a blast to play. A few thing that held it back from goaty tier were puzzles, platforming and story. I felt like those elements were just fine nothing standout. The elements it's best at more than make up for it's shortcomings though. Look forward to the eventual sequel or next game from shiftup. This studio has tons of promise!

Pretty fun, didn’t like this one platforming section so dropped it. Made me want to play Sekiro

Stellar blade has a lot to love in it. Tons of outfit customization (over 30 outfits not including glasses and earrings) , enjoyable combat system, great music and quite a few interesting side quests (some directly resulting in unlocking entirely new areas). The game gets held back by having a mediocre main cast, average story, a lack of enemy variety and clunky platforming.

Combat in Stellar blade feels very satisfying to pull off. This game's strengths are very similar to a souls games in which one on one feels amazing, and getting swarmed feels god awful. Thankfully you unlock AOE special attacks later on that remove some of the annoyance, it still can feel bad. I found some of the enemy types to be a bit too spongey/annoying to deal with (fuck the shield armed natiyba), and that there weren’t nearly enough variants to fight. You’ll encounter the same few enemies (especially in the big open world maps) over and over to the point where I began to avoid combat (this games biggest strength).

The bosses, while being the highlight of the game, felt far too easy. This is especially confusing when paired with how sudden the difficulty spikes for the last three bosses of the game. If it had stayed as easy the whole time I wouldn’t have brought this up but seeing how hard the fights get (compared to the rest of the game) I wonder why there wasn't a more gradual increase in challenge. Regardless, the one on one fights really showcase how satisfying it is to parry several attacks in a row or responding correctly to dodge an attack. I’m aware they added a boss rush mode which I will definitely check out once I’ve had some time away from the game.

The other main thing I appreciated in this game was its side content. While some are exactly what you'd expect from an RPG, others lead you to unlock surprisingly large areas, or take you into some unexpectedly heavy subject matter. I'm being vague due to not wanting to spoil but there's a few side quests in there that really caught me off guard. This game also has a fishing minigame that uses the PS5 triggers resistance to impede you in reeling in the fish that proved enjoyable enough that I caught every last one of them.

The only aspect of this game I would label as downright bad was platforming. While functional, it never feels good to interface with. Many times upon double jumping EVE would just randomly turn a different direction and cause me to fall. Sometimes when doing the drone jumping challenges she would not grab onto them and fall to her death. I never felt completely in control of what I was doing once I had decided to jump and this caused most of my deaths in my playthrough. While not unplayable, it felt jarringly worse then every other part of the game and were the only parts of the game I disliked playing.

Overall I really enjoyed this game, I collected every can, did every side quest, unlocked all the skills and camps, but the cast and story did not engage me very much. In a few months I'll probably forget most of what happened in this game. Easily an above average game, and if you have lots of disposable income and it interests you, you'll probably have a good time.

The Game Awards trailer made it look cool so i bought, wasn’t expecting too much with all the gooners getting upset about the skins but honestly it was a really fun game with great music

The gooner game is pretty fun.

Visuals and music are especially just incredible. Hearing a new vocal track each time I'd load up a biome was a highlight of the game. They set a pleasant vibe and make just existing in the world of Stellar Blade fun. And yeah, Visually, Eve is stunning. Love the outfits, and I appreciate how out there some of them are.

The combat is good but did start feeling repetitive quicker than I'd have liked. It's a standard action game with parries and dodging recharging different special ability meters. You also get a gun thingy. All this stuff is fun. There's depth to it but not enough to really feel like I have to switch up combos. I kept mashing the same ones and brute forcing fights and it was fine. I wish there was a bit more to it.

There are like 4 or 5 biomes and they all kind of look the same? The two biggest ones are deserts which is very uninteresting. Most of the game is just very samey. If you played the demo, you know what you're getting into.

Most of the game is the side content, which is where the game feels best I'd say, because you're just vibing to the the OST and kind of doing busy work. It was a lot better than the story lol. This game has just such a nothing burger of a plot. Just derivative sludge from beggining to end. Eve is also the biggest wet blanket protagonist since Aiden Pierce. And at least Aiden is kind of funny. Seriously she's so dull. Just a lifeless doll of a character.

I still think there's fun to be had in Stellar Blade, I just think that it's a missed opportunity for something better. Absolutely a "style before substance" kind of game.

Le gameplay et les musiques portent le jeu sur leurs épaules. L’histoire est mauvaise, la protagoniste aussi, la sexualisation j’en parle même pas, l’open-world qui se demande ce qu’il fout là, les quêtes annexes super nulles. 80€ pour un jeu qui dure 12h ? Il faut aller se faire enculer, c’est pas mérité, ne l’achetez que s’il est en réduction à 50% ou que vous êtes une énorme merde perverse à l’esprit déplacé.

Viihdyttävä peli koko 15h kestonsa ajan. Taistelusysteemi on yhdistelmä Sekiroa/God of Waria, joka nojaa vahvasti oikea-aikaisiin torjuntoihin ja väistöihin. Tämä on pelin parasta antia. Tasohyppelykohtauksissa puolestaan oli lähes aina tuloksena turhautumista ja kiroilua, koska kontrollit on melko summittaisia tähän hommaan. Tästä huolimatta kokonaisuus ehdottomasti plussan puolella.

Stella Blade, é um jogo muito bom e revolucionário, com mecânicas únicas e Gameplay adorável e a história agradável não acho que é game do ano igual Final Fantasy 7 Mas provavelmente ele vai concorrer ao Game of the Year de 2024

I bet my gf is so happy I finished this.

Stunning visuals with a decent story that keeps your attention. Combat does improve the more you play, solid music, however some of the puzzle mechanics were just so boring to me, also not a huge fan of the recycled bosses and break boxes for loot package.

Whoever designed those cans of bevs needs a raise.

If you've ever played NieR:Automata this shares a lot of similarities not to say its the same but you can definitely tell its based on it. This game caught my eye because the creator of NieR (Yoko Taro) loved it so I had to try it and I will say the story didn't blow me away like Automata did but it does some things better than it, especially the fighting. It took me a while to get used to the fighting since you have to be precise rather than whacking away at buttons cancelling out other attackers but once you get used to it it's sooooo satisfying to beat an enemy, especially the Alphas. If you are at all a fan of NieR:Automata I strongly suggest this game :)

Next best thing to a Nier sequel. Easy platinum.

A few more qoa changes would've been nice like all cutscenes should be skippable. For some reason only a few were.
They had a good idea going with the story but by the end it felt too similar to Nier Automata.
The fighting took a bit to get used to but by the end I was enjoying it.
The environments are great. There is a part towards the end involving a space elevator that was pretty cool to see.
almost a 4 but for now it's a 3.5/5

Stellar blade é uma ótima experiencia quando se pensa em um game divertido com boa gameplay.

Os gráficos não são impressionantes e em muitos lugares mais abertos as texturas de montanhas próximas são terríveis, mas nada que afete muito sua experiencia. No geral, os modelos dos personagens e inimigos são muito bons, e ainda mais os chefes que são muito bons, o jogo deve ter uns 10~12 sub-chefes e 1 boss principal, todos muito bons com movimentos e golpes espetaculares.

Combate e gameplay é muito responsivo, leva um tempo pra vc pegar o timing do parry e da esquiva, mas com um exo-espinha que aumenta esse timing o loop de gameplay fica muito bom.

Eu vou na contra mão da galera que fala que o corpo da Eve não é sexualizado, pra mim ele é sim! E ainda mais com algumas roupas que são bem expositivas. Mas no geral isso não atrapalha muito se vc usar as roupas padrões, eu usei a traje amarelo esportivo, que lembra o traje de Kill Bill (muito foda).

Fora isso Stellar blade é uma das minhas surpresas de 2024 e se não tivesse Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ele seria o melhor jogo de 2024 até agora.

Nota: 8.5/10

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Absolutely loved this especially the combat and the ending cutscenes given you get the secret ending

After doing the new game plus and achieving two endings I can easily say that Stellar blade is really good.
I really loved the story ( even with the various flaws and unoriginal bits) the gameplay with the very robust and solid combat system, that takes a lot from other of the genre like Sekiro and DMC but it makes it's own with a lot of style and options to approach and kill the enemy.
The graphics are really impressive with really good looking scenery from desert to abandoned cities and original art style from the monster to eve itself with a lot ( really a lot ) of suits to choose and discover.
The audio it's the one that I would say it's not perfect, the music is perfect, with a lot of tunes that I will put on my playlist for sure but the voice acting was lacking, at least the Italian one ( my native language) I tried to like it but it was really without emotion for me.
Other than that the game is amazing, I can't recommend it enough.

So far I’m enjoying it, combat is fun and the story is interesting. The music is beautiful and it reminds me a lot of Nier automata.

This game surprised me. At first I was only interested in this game because Eve was super hot, however i had no intend to pre order it, but i played the demo and i enjoyed the combat and music so i pre ordered it. First, to get some negatives out the way before i start talking about the positives, the story isn't all that special, its an alright story that i'm not gonna get into or analyze, the two open areas were just barren and only there to have side quest happen, however i do like the linear areas in the game, and the balancing of this game is weird not just with bosses as some areas have the worst enemy placement (That secret area you get access to when the lily bar is full and that desert open area had horrible placement) and even some bosses looked like they weren't even play tested just put in. Now on to the good, first of all the obvious is that this game is breathtaking, its so beautiful the graphics look so good and the design of the naytibas are so cool and i love the design for the bosses and it gets better as the game goes on. The combat was so solid and i loved it, the parry and perfect dodge felt solid and the game wants you to be aggressive however the game doesn't have a deep combo system but i don't mind that. The OST was so good, each area had a banger and the boss fight themes went so crazy like it had a range of electronic themes to metal themes to orchestral themes. This game also has a boss challenge and im a huge boss rush mode lover and i love that they let me replay these amazing boss fights without having to do a new game. This game is solid and i recommend it if you love challenging games.

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(Platinum trophy, all sidequests, Boss Rush completed on Hard, 2x NG+ on Hard mode)

Currently my GOTY for 2024. These Korean developers are coming for my heart. Also, this soundtrack is extremely goated.

First off, let me just say I don't think the story is as weak as most people are saying. There is not a ton of emotional payoff, sure, but I think the way they played their hand with the reveals was extremely well paced. The crumbs fed to EVE and Lily through the Legacies was enough to keep the narrative interesting, and the reveals of the wars before the Final War, the fate of the original humans, and Mother Sphere's influence on everything were well told. Adam being the Elder Naytiba was pretty out of left field though. I mean, by the time you get to the end you as the player can probably intuit it, but it didn't feel narratively satisfying. I didn't feel as if there was a satisfying amount of foreshadowing for this, besides him being "unaltered", as in, he didn't have any android shit on his face or body which would have shown that he was Andro-Eidos. This is a pretty neat detail, but Kaya also doesn't have any enhancements, so this point kind of falls flat if you want to use it as ample foreshadowing.

I also played this with the original Korean voice acting (and I would recommend that everyone generally play games in the original language they were written), and I felt the performances were fine. Adam in particular was a standout performance to me, but overall the voice acting was "just" good.

Ok, gameplay. Absolute banger. SHIFTUP cooked with the combat. My biggest complaints are that the parry and dodge feel pretty damn bad without the exospine enhancement (honestly even with the exospine, the dodge kind of sucks and is inconsistent), which makes it feel kind of necessary, and late game bosses on hard mode to way too much damage. Everything else was perfect. The different kinds of attacks (blue, purple, yellow, red) are communicated clearly, and dealing with each of them is unique and fun, although dodging yellow attacks can be pretty hit or miss sometimes. The Beta and Burst abilities are all flashy and fun to use (especially the parry/dodge Burst followups). EVE's attack animations are all great as well. 10/10 on all fronts regarding the combat.

The bosses are mostly Stellar as well. Up until Demogorgon, they are pretty good with interesting designs, but from Demogorgon to the end (so Demo, Unidentified Naytiba, Raven, Providence, and Elder Naytiba) are all shockingly good, although Elder definitely was my least favorite out of all the endgame bosses even if he had the best design. Unidentified Naytiba and Raven were my favorites, and have entered into the Pantheon of my favorite bosses alongside guys like Gael, Hyperion, and Nightmare King Grimm. Absolute masterpieces and extremely satisfying to master and learn their movesets.

OK finally, exploration. I am the type of guy to meticulously explore every inch of the map in any game as to not miss out on any collectibles, so the linear sections (Eidos 7, Matrix 11, Eidos 9, and Spire 4) all felt great to explore without wasting too much of my time. However, the damn Wasteland and Great Desert sucked so much life out of me. Walking around and doing the drone scan every 10 meters gets old pretty quick, and since there is so much open space, it was really exhausting to clear those maps. And with how big they are, I still missed stuff on my first playthrough. The idea of the open areas is fine and good for the sidequests and breaking up the pacing, but it was just personally taxing for me. At least the rewards are worth it. Incentivizing players to seek out collectibles that aren't even related to gameplay in any way is hard, but the outfits are worth it. I enjoyed the vast majority of them (ahem Sporty Yellow, wtf is that design) and finding and equipping new ones was always exciting.

And I already mentioned the soundtrack, but this is my favorite OST in several years. Maybe it is my favorite, I will still have to ponder this thought.

I am very much looking forward to the sequel or any other game SHIFTUP decides to make. This game has shown they know how to make great gameplay, if they could follow up with a more emotional storyline, I would instantly be hooked. Keep cooking Korean bros.

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I hope you like state of the art looking barren open world, boring characters/story, and shite gunplay.

If you do then this is an easy 10. Otherwise for me its a high 7 brought down by those things. Also Unidentified Naytiba is such a shite boss.

It's unfortunate because it's highs are really high. Both Eidos levels were pretty good, and the space elevator. Then there's running at 3mph across sand because an enemy saw you.

loved the story, and I absolutely loved the combat system. The combat looks a little like nier which is a great thing

ansioso para jogar o mario da nova geração!!

Really fun combat. Combat is more similar to GoW than Souls or Nier, but with the added emphasis on parrying. The last group of boss fights starting from the orbital elevator were great challenges. Pretty good exploration. Platforming was hit or miss at times due to Eve's momentum carrying her off platforms.
Story had potential to be good. Strange VO direction made dialog pretty bad most of the time. Clyde's (the fisherman) voice acting was pretty good.
Music was very good. Highlights are Eidos 7, Wasteland, and Desert Oasis.

Game que pega vários elementos de outras franquias consagradas como, Nier, Bayonetta, Souls etc....
Stellar blade brilha em seu combate e mecânicas, com uma história relevante com alguns personagens sem sal e com uma protagonista com boa relevancia e que não é apenas só mais um rostinho bonito. Seu mundo de inicio não chama muito atenção, mas com decorrer dos acontecimentos vai mostrando sua riqueza com detalhes sutis.
Para um primeiro game de uma desenvolvedora, stellar blade teve mais acertos do que erros, espero um grande salto de qualidade em sua sequencia.

Most fun I've had in a game this year. Gameplay is phenomenal and story is decent but could've been improved. The environment felt very immersive, graphics were insanely pretty. I think people are rlly sleeping on this game.

Decent game, but got boring towards the end and a second run was required just for NG+ trophy, took me ages to wrap that run up because it was boring after first run.