Reviews from

in the past

When I was working at gamestop, this was one of the free copies the company gave me, and my other coworkers also got the game, so the three of us would always play. After getting through halfway through the game, I was so bored and annoyed over the game that I just dipped out our sessions and completely gave up on it. It's not a great zelda game in terms of doesn't do much in that. And the dungeons are borderline horrible. The only good takeaway for this game is that the outfits were pretty awesome.
I'll never play this game again

A pretty fun and underappreciated game! Definitely not intended for singeplayer, though. I would love for Nintendo to give this format another shot.

I think this game was fun. It's not the best the series offers, but it is a good time with friends. I enjoyed working together in a team to solve Zelda puzzles, it wasn't something I had experienced before. The levels were fine mostly and the puzzles weren't overly easy or unreasonable.

Some of the levels were uninteresting or just lacking. Some puzzles and bosses were frustrating due to only being able to aim in eight directions. The game had some bugs that caused us to reset levels sometimes. I also don't love handheld gaming in general.

Overall I had a good time with this. I like co-op gaming experiences.

Beating every Zelda in timeline order 16/20:

If you're playing single player like I was, Tri Force Heroes is rough. The game simply isn't built for a single player, and honestly, why isn't it? Four Swords Adventures created a wonderful 4-player co-op game that could also be equally as enjoyable in a single player setting and Tri Force Heroes seems to just not want to try. Instead of controlling all the links at once, you have to switch to each of them one at a time. Some of the puzzles and combat encounters are damn near impossible playing like this. Your timing has to be PERFECT. Instead of leading to a challenging but fun experience, it's extremely frustrating and feels like you're fighting the game as it throws borderline unfair challenges at you towards the end. In multiplayer, I can imagine the timing of some of the puzzles being more lenient or the combat encounters being a bit more forgiving since enemies will go after all three players instead of just me. The story and characters are goofy and fun, but they're so far removed from the Zelda universe that this may as well not even be a Zelda game. Some of the puzzles and bosses can be fun (I especially enjoyed Prismantus). I also adore the music in this game, it's chock full of bangers.

In multiplayer, I could see Tri Force Heroes being a fair bit of fun. In single player, its an exercise in frustration and is certainly not worth playing.

this game is only cool because my friend Braden liked it and he's sculpted of swag

2015 was so fucking boring as a nintendo fan. This game and metroid prime federation force are one in the same for me.

Can the people shitting on this solely for its plot just accept that Zelda games never had good stories to begin with?