Reviews from

in the past

I played this for 15 hours and it felt like nothing happened

This game is amazing with great combat, however its too grindy and repeatitive, you'd spend time in this game doing the same thing over and over.

Man, the times I had, never to be seen again...

so much sauce to be the 3rd person shooter version of clash of clans

I'm generous with my rating (and I haven't played it since 2016 so who knows what's changed) but it's probably the best F2P game I've played. A grind-fest, but it puts some AAA games to shame.

Might be the most badass game I've experienced. Badass designs everywhere, armor, weapons, lore, menus, even the damn loading screens look awesome.

топ игра кстати вот вспомнил сейчас...... лучшая вообще, я даже и не знаю есть ли лучше игры, мне кажется нет. Не существует короче игр лучше этой. Но на самом деле может быть ПОЕ лучше, но ПОЕ и сложнее и комплекснее объективно, а здесь можно за 50 часиков понять что к чему.

I adore the story of this game, the characters are enjoyable and the plot has the same vibes as Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, the story always has such ridiculous amusing things going on that you'd think would take you out of the story however it plays it so seriously in a way that transports you to the Warframe universe to grow attached to charming and fun characters. However the grinding and gates can be tiring if you do not enjoy the core gameplay loop.

I love my space mom.

I tried it way back in 2019 when I played on our old family computer and could barely do anything without lagging. Might attempt at it on my current PC someday.

whyd they make this the grindiest game ever

A great gameplay loop. Fast paced. Great playing with friends, and I lived collecting prime warframes and equipment.

Pazi si lees esto juega juegos de verdad plz

My friend recommended Warframe to me and after trying it, I've had so much fun with it! Obviously I haven't really even scratched the surface of what it has to offer, but in the time that I have spent playing it, I've thoroughly enjoyed collecting mods, leveling weapons, looting storage chests, and unlocking new planets to go on missions in! I also really like how I can choose to go into things alone or play with my friends. There definitely is a learning curve in figuring out what items to craft, what to keep and what to get rid of, etc. but from what I've seen the community in-game is readily available to help out new players and answer questions if anyone has them. Honestly, I find it fun to play more at leisure by completing tasks. It's a gorgeous game and the parkour/movement system is fluid, beautiful, and so much fun to play. I could and will sink lots of hours into this title :))