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in the past

It's weird to be that person who could never get into turn-based combat, bounced off most other CRPGs they've tried, never played DnD, and rarely ever replays games (and never back to back), but then Baldur's Gate 3 comes along and not only smashes each one of those barriers down, but becomes unequivocally their favourite game ever. It's just that good.

The appeal here for me was the similarities I saw to Bioware RPGs, which were the games that made you feel like you weren't just a lone hero with a bunch of stragglers tagging along to help, but like you were a group of adventurers (or space soldiers) coming together to take down the Big Bad because there was something in it for all of you. They had developed personalities, their own goals and values, opinions about one another, fun banter, and most importantly, they had agency.

That's exactly what BG3 delivers, but on top of that, there's also amazing mechanics that enable creative thinking (both in and out of combat), an interesting and dense world to explore, fantastic music, great characters (Auntie Ethel and Raphael are the best), and incredibly talented voice work and writers to breathe life into it all. No game is flawless, sure, but to me, BG3 is damn near close. It's top-notch in every possible way and I'm glad I took a gamble on it, because it absolutely paid dividends.

Absolutely amazing game. Great character writing and a fun overall story. When I finally finished the game I was sobbing like a baby, and felt utterly changed.

Is it flawed? Sure it is. The pathfinding was atrocious on release, I can't count how many times my characters and NPCs died by walking into clouds of daggers and pools of fire after combat had already ended. Act 3 also isn't quite as strong as the rest of the game, which you can really see with some quests, while Gale's, Karlach's and Wyll's personal quests don't really have a satisfactory conclusion.

All of this pales though in comparison to how incredible everything else is. This game is a colossal achievement, a fucking miracle. Quality and passion ooze out of it. There's so much to do, so much to replay, there's so much voice acting and not a single weak performance, Raphael is a loser piss-boy and an absolute delight whenever he appears on screen, THE CHARACTERS ARE ALL SO HOT DEAR LORD

and i still haven't done a dark urge run yet

This review contains spoilers

I bought this game as soon as it went early access. The guys behind Divinity-series making a sequel to the best CRPG ever made?
Count me in.

I usually keep away from early access and pre-ordered as I have seen too many disappointments, and I do not have the time for crap games.

But here I listened to my instincts and I was never wronged by Larian. Sven Vincke is the best.

I have 2 plays active, one for me and the others with a couple of mates.
I love this game.
My best experience was with my mates in the Goblin Camp. We got spottet and everyone came down on us. Some of us also got pushed into the spiderpit. Man it was hectic and we lost all hope for the current run.
We fought the best we could and by some darn miracle we came out of it, bloody and tattered. But alive.

The only shame is that Baldurs Gate is so late in the game.
I loved spending hours upon hours in BG2 inside the city walls.

Loved seeing Jaheira, Minsc and Boo as well.

Actually obsessed with this game....until I reach act 3 and then I restart to play through act 1&2 again. Idk I never even get that far into the story.

Gale is the best waifu...

Errr... I mean, solid, perfectly crafted, good narrative, and lots of thing to discover, seriously, go and play it

Literally no lifed the game for the first 10 days of buying it. Legit played 10 hours a day every single day. I got hooked on this game way more than I was hooked on Skyrim. This game is just great in terms of everything. The only thing stopping me from playing it more is the fact that I got to Act 3, and I want to wait for my friends to finish the game. I have to admit, that I played it in the least respectable way possible (by save scumming constantly). But that doesn't change the fact that I had a nasty amount of fun for the whole entire time. For the multiplayer side of things, I haven't played much but I can already say its way way better than single player, and the single player already has me saying 5/5, so idk this is like a 6/5 game at least.

It's a fine DND game, but I think I'm so burned out on 5e that I don't care for it much right now.

É um absurdo pensar no tamanho desse jogo, joguei quase 100 horas e sinto que não fiz nem 20% de tudo que da pra fazer nesse jogo. O que ajuda nessa magnitude é a quantidade de escolhas e caminhos que você pode fazer no jogo, desde pular horas de jogo usando alguma habilidade do seu personagem até mudar o rumo da história completamente. O jogo é intenso, imersivo, os personagens são muito bem escritos e da vontade de saber mais sobre cada um mesmo depois de horas de jogo. Não acho que se encaixe em todo tipo de público, mas pra quem gosta de rpg, principalmente rpg de mesa, esse jogo é um MUST PLAY

A masterful achievement of story telling.

Bought this for Astarion. And I ended up loving the game and the story too!

It is unbelievable that this game exists. Truly a labor of love full of interesting characters and quests and environments. An instant classic.

le jeu est tellement bien que je peux pas dépasser les 10 heures de jeu

Was enjoying it until the gay mage dude tried to sexually assault my character, and my PC is a piece of crap with no ssd so it takes ages to load.
I'll try it again in a couple of years.

No wonder it was the game of the year. This shit is just plain awesome.

The game radiates charm throughout. No matter if you want to just appreciate the story and the world within the game or if you want to just be a genocidal maniac like me, the game gives you surprising amount of freedom to make your own story.

Played it with my friends and the four of us just kept messing around all the time. We ended up killing almost everyone we encountered, slaughtering all the way to the Elder Brain. We killed so many people that the room before the final battle was completely empty lol.

We even brought that cursed corpse Victoria along with us and threw it right in the face of the Elder Brain. If that doesn't count as a challenge run I don't know what is.

Will play it again to achieve the good ending.

yes its WAY better than valorant

greatest game i've ever played

Nossa finalmente terminei BG3, após quase 1 ano sem jogar ele finalmente acabei, e pra dizer a verdade eu nem sei o que falar desse jogo que já não foi falado ou já mostrado após ele ter ganhado o GOTY. Se puderem joguem ele realmente vale a pena.

Agora sobre minha experiencia, sabe essa não foi minha 1 ou 2 vez que eu joguei esse jogo mas todas as outras vezes eu desisti do jogo por uma razão ou outra, no meu save mais avançado eu parei logo após o inicio da parte 3, pelo simples motivo de ter muita coisa pra fazer que se torna até nauseante continuar a jogar, não que seja algo negativo longe disso mas isso com certeza me fez parar de jogar por um bom tempo.

Eu não vou mentir mas quando o jogo lançou eu baixei pirata e joguei por uns 3 dias e tbm fiz um amigo meu baixar, só que não dava pra jogar online, então nós dois compramos o jogo e começamos a jogar. Porém após um tempo o multiplayer começou a dar problemas com mods e então nos tivemos que parar de jogar, com isso eu comecei a cansar um pouco do jogo e a terceira parte do jogo só piorou meu desanimo até eu parar de jogar completamente esse jogo.

Corta para maio desse ano, depois de séculos sem entrar no jogo e eu decido voltar a jogar e esse junto com meu amigo, pois se não fosse pelo BG3, pois se não fosse pelo BG3 estaríamos num ciclo de jogar COD ou jogar DBD e deixar eu te contar que jogar esses dois jogos por mais de um mês torna qualquer pessoa sã em maluco. E então tentamos voltar a jogar mas de inicio não deu certo, pois por alguma razão todos os arquivos do jogo são restaurados mesmo depois que você deleta ele, o que isso quer dizer? Se você instalar qualquer mod que não te deixe jogar o multiplayer e desinstalar o jogo e baixar ele de novo, o jogo ainda vai continuar com os arquivos do mod te impendido de jogar online. Caso você esteja numa situação parecida a melhor dica que eu te dou é ir manualmente nos arquivos do jogo e apagar todos eles, faz um backup no save e mete bronca, depois você restaura pela steam, se você é do GOG boa sorte.

Agora sobre o jogo em si e minhas experiencias malucas nele, eu vou falar a verdade e falar que eu amo todos os personagens e situações malucas que você entrar nesse jogo, é tão divertido tacar uma magia que deixa as pessoas dançado ou então dar hit kill em bosses com uma build roubada de ranger com o Astarion. A quantidade maluca de coisas que você pode fazer é inacreditável mano. Desde flagrar um cena inapropriada entre uma gigante e um bugbear ou até matar o dumbo, essa liberdade de coisas que o jogo te deixa fazer e até os segredos que esse jogo esconde são incríveis.

Sobre os personagens que a gente conhece eles são os mais diversos, temos vampiros, druidas que viram ursos, um maluco imortal com um hamster, um mago com uma bomba no peito dele e todo o resto do grupo. Eles são todos incríveis e possuem boas sidequest e finais, mesmo sabendo que várias coisas foram rushadas e cortadas da parte 3 sobre alguns membros do grupo, porém todos ainda possuem bons finais, Asterion, Karlach e o Halsin foram os meus personagens favoritos dos jogáveis.

Por fim, eu só quero agradecer ao estúdio e todos os trabalhadores por terem feito esse jogo, também ao meu amigo que finalmente me fez terminar o jogo e por fim para qualquer um que esteja lendo isso até o final, obrigado a todos!

Um dos melhores jogos que ja joguei,se voce tiver a oportunidade de um dia jogar jogue vc n vai se arrepender,ainda mais se tiver um amigo para jogar a campanha com vc junto pois tornar tudo mais divertido.

Верхнего города нет увы

Fantastic game and captures the heart of D&D so well. Unfortunately I don't really play it anymore since I DM like 4 games, maybe when some of those finish I'll feel ready to pick it up again.

An absolute masterpiece that I have to shelve for now. Its too much for me. I'm happy just finishing Act 1 for right now. So much of what makes D&D such an amazing game to run, they really did think of everything when designing this game in terms of what you are able to do with just about EVERYTHING in the world.

Best release of 2023 by far felt the BIOWARE influence throughout, loved the callbacks to the first wo games as they felt tasteful and well-placed fun enjoyable characters plenty of options almost got two full re-playthroughs done before putting it to rest, well worth asking price.
Sucks there was no DLC and my runs were pretty glitchy at times with long load screens that ruined certain emotions points.

LOVED this game as a huge DnD nerd. I feel like this will be the Skyrim of the 20s, massive pop cultural appeal for a fantasy RPG. I feel like the reviewers giving this game 10/10s may not have gotten to some of the Act 3 encounters when reviewing it because I found that there was consistently less care/detail put into those designs compared to the first two Acts. Still, its a modern marvel and a very important piece of gaming history that will inspire many more games to come. I'd love to see a remake on the first two games in this style one day.

Baldur's Gate 3 is an amazing CRPG.
However, I do think it is a little over-hyped and doesn't compare to BG2 which is still my favorite in the series. Let's start with my negatives:
- The plot has major pacing issues in Act 3
- Battles can take an eternity and sometimes some enemies just take a lot of time to do anything. I still vastly prefer the old battle system from BG1 and 2 that played more like a RTS sometimes.
- Some romance-related dialogues are very weird. Sometimes the game feels like a love parade or something, literally anyone in your party wants to bang you at some time in the story. It feels completely forced.

The positives, however, outshine the negatives:
- Stunning amount of freedom. In dialogues, in battles, in the overworld.
- Great visuals and amazing cut scenes for a CRPG
- Decent performance on the Steam Deck (Act 3 is a little sloppy)
- Top-notch voice acting
- Engaging plot, especially in Act 1 and 2
- Tons of tactical approaches in battles

Baldurs con colegas build mega-arquero