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Sabe aquele comentário padrão sobre esse game, de que é um "simulador de andar" ou coisa do tipo? O jogo não foge disso, é verdade. A gameplay é bem repetitiva e até "limitada", mas esse game está longe de ser apenas sobre isso, ele é uma viagem interna, ele é sobre a vida e a morte, é sobre respirar fundo. Explico.

O Kojima não está aqui pra te entregar a gameplay mais inovadora do século, ele não quer te entregar algo que vai fazer sua mente explodir, não espere grandes plots, ele é como um jardineiro feliz em cultivar suas plantas exóticas e aqui esse jardim está exposto ao público.

O game vai na contramão da recompensa "rápida" ou da era de dopamina e impulsos artificiais que estamos vivendo, os jogos estão cada vez mais complexos e épicos, cheios de informações, esse jogo vai na contramão. Joguei durante diversas crises de ansiedade-depressão, ali eu estava imerso em um mundo vazio, vasto e enquanto eu andava para fazer as entregas ao som de uma trilha sonora fenomenal, eu pude, finalmente, respirar fundo. Então percebi que realmente não é um jogo que vai agradar a todos (e ainda bem!!! isso é normal!!!).

Ele me tocou pois eu precisava disso, precisava de uma experiência mais vasta, lenta e inspiradora. Um dos melhores jogos da minha vida, num momento muito especifico dela.

Uma das músicas mais lindas que ja vi de soundtrack (Low Roar - I'll Keep Coming):

Faintly I'll go, to take this head on (Fracamente eu vou, encarar de cabeça erguida)

O suprassumo da arte moderna, obrigado hideo kojima

nunca pensei que trabalhar de entrega seria tão legal. kojima sempre surpreende

Rating: 90/100

I should preface by saying this game is certainly more of a experience and a work of both musical and cinematic art than it is an entertaining game.
Death Stranding is a game about connections and piecing together a once devastated world. The game follows Sam Porter Bridges, a member of Bridges on a mission to connect the UCA (United Cities of America) via the chiral network, a sort of post apocalyptic internet. This is important because average people no longer go outside as they live in underground bunkers. Porters or delivery people are the only people left to make deliveries to and from different cities, Sam being one of the them. This story incorporates many people that Sam meets along his journey, each with their own story to tell of what life was like for them before and after the Death Stranding and how they can help Sam on his journey to save his sister and reconnect the UCA.

Story: 10/10
The story of Death Stranding is certainly the most impactful part, the depth of each act and the thought that goes behind each of the logs and emails that you receive make it one of the most well written stories I've had the chance to experience either in film or game. Though at first glace many may see this as game centered around saving the girl and going home all happy, it is much more centered around Sam's growth as a person and his connection with his BB. This combined with the characters you meet along the way really shows the connection and growth that Sam experiences throughout the game.

Characters: 10/10
The characters in death stranding are what make this game so heartfelt and moving. Each character is so fleshed out that it feels like you're talking to real people with a real lives. There isn't too much I can say without spoiling, but everyone you meet will have you thinking deeper about both them as a character and Sam and his connection with them.

Gameplay: 6/10
The game was not meant to be played in my opinion, it was meant to be experienced. Though the gameplay score is low I don't hold that against Death Stranding with very much weight. The bulk of the game involves you making deliveries from point A to point B most of the time by foot, this for many can become tedious. The score of Death Stranding is beautiful and thought provoking, this combined with the amazingly detailed cinematic world of a post apocalyptic America makes walking through it something that you feel. For this reason I value the gameplay less so than the average game.

Death Stranding is a game I will recommend to anyone who has an interest in experiencing something new. Everything about the game is a work of art, each character you meet is a new continuation to Sam's life and the journey you follow as the player. Though many may not find walking and not overly exciting gunplay thrilling, I assure you Death Stranding is more than worth your time.

This game helped me during my mental breakdown with its music, world atmosphere and great message that sometimes hits well.
Story has great beginning, but can't hold up with its pacing and slowly becomes dump shit insane. Characters like Deadman and Heartman are great, the rest only if they can preform a good acting.
Yeah, gameplay is walking or driving. Good parts are multiplayer concept, planning the journey. Battle segments sucks, only one good boss fight.

Don't watch TheRadBrad play this, lost a couple years of my life to it

Como pode um jogo me destruir e me salvar tantas vezes.

Entao na primeira metade do game eu entendi absolutamente nada ja na segunda metade eu entendi menos ainda dito isso eu sem entender porra nenhuma JOGAÇO DA PORRA

Cool concept but the writing here is terribad: every cutscene is an exposition dump. Exposition dumps would get you Cs in any decent film school but gamers think this is the pinnacle of writing. Not to mention the on the nose metaphors that are hamfisted into the character names (it worked in MGS because the espionage world is full of codenames; here, it is not justified whatsoever). Kojima's humour is also at odds with the deliberately serious tone this game tries to set from the get-go.

Mechanically, there isn't much to stay since holding two buttons is enough to bypass 90% of the obstacles.

Enjoyment - 10/10
Difficulty - 5/10

Death Stranding is the PlayStation 4. Death Stranding is a fine dining restaurant serving you a delicious fast food burger, but it turned out it wasn't a burger. You begin to question what you just ate, and you cannot place the taste. The only thing you do know is that it was familiar and the best thing you ever ate. Death Stranding touches souls, and cleanses them. Death Stranding is a video game.

I’m up to the part where I’m coming back from cremating the presidents body so far it’s good I think the story is interesting but deliver in cargos is kinda boring despite the e efforts u Have to put into it visuals and graphics are great as well

Larguei pq não tava no clima, parecia bom, mas queria jogar um jogo na época, ai baixei o Cyberpunk 2077.

of course it's not for everyone, of course it's slow and tedious, THIS IS ART. WE ARE ALL FRAGILE HUMANS THAT ARE GOING TO DIE, LET US EMBRACE OUR IMPERFECTIONS!!

Vive les livraisons ! Le concept d'impacter les parties d'autre joueurs avec notre matériel et nos installations et la meilleur chose au monde.

I never thought I would love a game that is simply just walking around in empty land for hours and hours but this game gave me the best experience playing a game has a special place in my heart.💙

CA-RA-LHO, que experiência maluca. Eu curti bastante, as recepções de quando o jogo saiu talvez tenham me feito não ter começado mais cedo, o que é uma pena, a apatia do Sam faz total sentido com o personagem dele, e a dublagem.... AAAAH A DUBLAGEM, a dublagem condiz completamente com os personagens, sem spoilers, é claro, mas a cena com o Sam e a Lou onde o Sam fala num tom que ele não mostra pra gente no jogo inteiro, é muito foda.

I started playing this game when I was bored out of my mind and I went in it knowing that I'll be overwhelmed with so much plot and a story that makes no sense at first, but holy hell, this is a fun game, albeit very repetitive at times, but those Hideo kojima cutscenes just kept pulling me back in, I kept wanting to know where this is going, I still think about what the hell is the meaning of death stranding and I think about its memorable characters like Heartman and Deadman, Sam is a very goofy character, most of the interactions with him had me laughing at times! I really think everyone should experience this game once.

I’m up to the part where I’m coming back from cremating the presidents body so far it’s good I think the story is interesting but deliver in cargos is kinda boring despite the e efforts u Have to put into it visuals and graphics are great as well

Chegou num ponto que eu não aguentava mais andar por aí, aí eu parei porque tava meio chatão.

Simulador de correios, não curti muito.