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Going in, I had decently high expectations for Final Fantasy VII Remake and I'm happy to report that it it surpassed them in ways more than one.
The story of Final Fantasy is pretty straightforward but I really loved the plot progression and the world building, Midgar really seems like a broken down mess of a city that's corruptly ruled by the Shinra and the bits and pieces in which the story is delivered felt great. The writing in particular is really clever, it can make you laugh when it wants to while also delivering some incredibly amazing, hype as hell moments that will have your jaw on the floor. As the story starts ramping up after what is basically the interval, you get hooked to the story, you start looking forward to the cut scenes, waiting for the moment when the pieces that have been laid out in front of you will make sense and honestly it never disappoints. If this is the set-up for a trilogy, then holy shit is this going to be fucking AMAZING. Suffice to say, the entire climax had my jaw on the fucking floor.
For any other game, I wouldn't really consider this a section that should be discussed but Final Fantasy VII Remake feels like a freaking movie. The cinematics and cutscenes are absolutely AMAZING to the point where you're actually shocked. To people that have been regularly playing games, this might not be much but hey this is the second game I've ever finished so I think I can get away with gushing on the cutscenes.
Like I said before, the visuals of this game are no joke. Almost every area you're in looks beautiful and I often found myself taking as many screenshots as I could. The voice acting felt spot on with all of the main cast delivering phenomenal performances and there's really nothing I can point to as a negative.
Side quests:
People give Final Fantasy VII Remake a lot of flack for having bad/tedious side quests and honestly, I agree (a little), yes they're very tedious and seldom rewarding,other than one that gave me a new move so personally, I just ignored almost 70% of them which is probably why I was nowhere near max health when the game ended but trust me, you won't be missing out on anything by not doing the side quests, although I've heard that they're much better in Rebirth.
Calling the entire main cast of final fantasy VII great is a sever understatement, all of the main cast have great chemistry and ACTUALLY interesting personalities that make you want to know more about them. If I have to pick one, I'd just straight up admit....I fricking love Aerith bro, her voice actress delivered a phenomenal performance and a pretty significant amount of time is spent focusing on her which is why I just love her so GODDAMN MUCH
In a JRPG, gameplay is probably not a huge concern but I'm happy to report that Final Fantasy VII Remake has great gameplay that feels really satisfying and well thought out. The materia system is really great, although I do wish there was a bit more variety and I love how the game compels you to change your weapon to receive it's specific ability and gets it's proficiency to 100%. Overall, I was very, very satisfied with the gameplay side of things and loved the different, supposedly new elements that were apparently not in the original game like ATB and maintaining a good balance of switching between different party members to get the most out of their abilities. Also Tifa is FREAKING wild, probably the most OP character and the one I used the most aside from Cloud.
Overall Thoughts:
There's a LOT of stuff I want to talk about because there's so much to enjoy in this game but that might be really boring since I don't think most people have even read to the end of THIS Post
Final Fantasy VII Remake is an ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL game that did everything it wanted to REALLY, REALLY WELL and introduced me to an amazing cast of characters whose next adventures I cannot wait for...

First final fantasy I've played and a great start. It's definitely pushed me to try more of the series.

Was a christmas gift, so not something I even knew about to be honest. But was a great game and made me excited for the next game.

the most fun ive ever had with a game that I could barely remember after completing

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Good game, I love that it's not just a retelling of the original. I appreciate when a remake keeps the original game still relevant rather than making it obsolete (except for those like me who play for the historical value)

Not a huge fan of the combat, I will say though, the fight against neo bahamut was amazing and showed me how this game was capable of great things, but for every bahamut there was whatever the monster in the sewers was, or sahagins.

I dont exactly appreciate that hard mode is just the same game but without items but hey, just not for me and I'm sure people are here for that.

It was nice to see so much of Midgar and honestly I did have a great time with this game

Obsessed, meer wil ik er niet over kwijt

maybe we wouldn’t have to wait so long in between if they didn’t pad this out with so many boring mini game levels. That being said the added world building further contextualizes what already was the best setting in video game history

This review contains spoilers

This game was an incredible set up for the rest of the trilogy.

Midgar is expanded to the scale that it deserves. It is gorgeous during the night and really emphasizes how much of a shithole it is during the day. The game overall is gorgeous, the effects during combat, the character designs, the monster designs, all of it is expertly done.

The localization is one of the best ones for a JRPG that I have ever had the pleasure of playing through. It does all of the characters justice, they feel fully fleshed out, deep, and complex. This game does a great job of giving a shit about these characters and sets it up so that what happens later on in the trilogy will have a much more intense emotional impact.

Speaking of the characters, the gameplay for each of them is so close to perfect. All of them fit their roles perfectly and the material system of the original game fits in perfectly into a character action game, it gives a lot of options for customization that I really appreciate.

I think the story is incredibly interesting as an adaptation of the original work. I am honestly glad that it is going to go in a slightly different direction with the story because I can always just go back and play the original if I want to experience it. The meta-narrative of it being a pseudo-sequel really gets my brain worms to work overdrive on what might happen in the future, I haven't felt this way about an ongoing narrative since playing Kingdom Hearts II for the first time.

There are some pain points for this game, there are a couple of sections of the game that go on for slightly too long. Under the plate turning off the lights, the underpass with the robot arms, and the second sewer visit are all examples of this. I also have an issue with some of the side content. While a majority of it is fun to go through and adds a lot of flavor to the world, some of it the side quests are not relevant or fun to do. Also, aerial combat being so stiff for Cloud and Tifa makes it really annoying sometimes, but that is my only real gripe with the combat.

BACK TO GOOD STUFF, THE MUSIC! It is one of my favorite aspects of this game. The location themes and battle versions of those themes are all phenomenal, the boss themes are incredible, even the jukebox songs are fun to listen to. I really have no notes, it really goes to show how much Square loves their music.

I think the most impressive part of this game is how much they were able to pull off. FF7 is a huge game with so much to offer, so much weird stuff that you wouldn't really expect to see in a modern title, but this Remake LOVES its weird shit and elevates it to new levels. An obvious example being the Hell House, I can't believe that they were able to integrate it in a way that makes sense within the world and have it be such an incredible setpiece. It even takes stuff from the later titles in the series and integrates them in a non intrusive way that is still satisfying to those already familiar with the world.

I can't gush about this game enough, it's a phenomenal adaptation of its source material that brings it to modern day flawlessly without losing its soul. While it has some obvious flaws, its good to have these flaws early and be able to fix it and make the next games so much better than they would be otherwise.

It's a great game, and I recommend it and its sequel to anyone who enjoys the character action and JRPG genre.

I can't lie, if this game wasn't Final Fantasy VII I would have given it 2 stars because of all the "AAA-isms" it features. The combat system is really fun, but my love of the original is really what carried me through to the end.

My boy FF7 got damn sony'd

GooeyScale: 8/10

I rolled my eyes when I first heard about this project but both times I’ve played it, it really has made me feel like a kid again. Tetsuya Nomura’s operatic high drama style and gonzo storytelling help shake up an old story enough to feel compellingly new yet the guardrails of that original story keep him grounded in endearing characters with discernible concerns more so than in most anything else I’ve played that he’s directed. The production values and confident style are off the charts, the real-time battle version of an old school system is the best Square-Enix has ever accomplished. It’s a hack phrase, but… a triumph!

je n’oublierais jamais la première scène de sephiroth

Comment faire un Remake ? Une leçon en une 30aine d'heures et même si les thèmes dévient de l'original, avoir un Remake aussi efficace est une bénédictions. A part les combats aériens, peut-on seulement noter le travail musical ?!

Some sections definitely got stretched out to add time but otherwise a fun time. Tifa and Aerith got me barking at the screen

this shit is ass bruh, aside from the spectacular boss fights and soundtrack, this game is a vapid piece of work. Awful level design that feels like a low budget PS2 game, annoying and insufferable characters and enemy encounters that vary from boring to downright brainless. Turning Final Fantasy into a hack and slash series has been an awful decision that has stripped this series from its identity.

Writing this having finished Story Mode and going back and doing chapter replays - truly wild how much the game is just a tutorial for Hard Mode. Like 90% of the fights in the regular story felt like 'okay this is tricky but I figured out the one trick and now I just press Square, Triangle, and occasionally X in a soothing manner to inevitably wear this thing down' and then Hard Mode is like 'wait did they just say that did 800 damage to me?'

Speedrunning the story to get to the bosses

coming from playing the og, its more lighthearted. its nice to chill on

The nostalgia of the music alone is worth a playthrough if you loved the original. The DLC was mid, but I thought they did a great job remaking this one.

can someone tell English casting directors at japanese studios to stop casting Erica Lindbeck as peppy annoying young woman it has removed a whole star from this pretty good game

First JRPG i played great story but to many random quests and was off topic

The fact that you can take a segment of Midgar that is a total of an hour maybe two of the initial game and turn it into this is beautiful. A fantastic job for the start of the remake trilogy for this game.

Recently replayed via the Intergrade version (review here), but my thoughts below discuss vanilla FF7R so I will put them here as well for my own record-keeping purposes:

It does so many things well, yet as a whole it fell flat for me, and I had a hard time connecting with it. I respect the team's desire to deliver a new experience instead of a shinier version of FF7. It's commendable, especially in this era of lazy remakes.

They took big swings with the story, but most of them didn't do it for me. The new characters are uninteresting and don't fit in well in the plot, especially Leslie who gets a whole chapter devoted to him for some reason. Tense, emotional moments are ruined by excessive use of slow-walking cutscenes in typical Sony fashion. Sephiroth's presence makes him less interesting and imposing. The Whispers for now seem like a really noncommital way to change the story. Part 3 may change this, but as it is now, I feel like they should have just made changes instead of trying to force speculations. Not all of the changes and additions are for the worse, though. I think the increased characterization of existing characters like the Avalanche crew and Don add a lot and are worth the extra screentime. I am not particularly upset by these changes - if anything, I wish they pushed it further.

Of course, if the rest of the game is good, then I don't care much about the story anyway. You don't need a well-written narrative to make a fun JRPG. FF7R is fun... sometimes.

The combat system is awesome, it's essentially classic ATB but you can move and do basic attacks between bars instead of just waiting. Blocks and dodges are a bit superfluous and don't feel great, but you rarely need to use them. The bosses are highlights, I loved the new phases and accompanying multi-phase music.

But combat takes up a comparatively little part of the game. Most of the time, you will be moving around and exploring, and it's pretty bad. The dungeon/field areas are repetitive and boring. Despite the excessive detail and polish, they're often less memorable than the more deliberately-framed prerendered scenes they're modeled after. Towns are littered with lifeless copy/pasted NPCs that don't fit in stylistically at all. In a Famitsu interview, the developers mention that they wanted the game to feel more like a "modern" game. I guess what that meant was, they decided to copy some of the worst western game design trends. Party members will yell at you if you try to explore off the required path. The dungeon "puzzles" are mindless timewasters that take 2 seconds to solve but 20 minutes to execute. The long unskippable/cancelable animations are painfully slow. The forced walking cutscenes especially suck and take me out of the moment rather than immerse me in it. These things all last for seconds at a time, but those seconds add up and it's really quite irritating. This is the game. I invite anyone who forgot how much of this stuff was here to replay it and see for themselves.

I think the problem lies in the decision to make the FF7 Remake project a three-part affair. Beyond some no-brainer additions like more scenes with Avalanche, it feels like they didn't know what to do with Midgar. They keep all the original story beats and locations, stretch them out, and shove in some new stuff here and there which doesn't fit particularly well, even if they are entertaining in the moment. That's how a lot of the game feels, kind of cool sometimes, yet unsatisfying as a whole.

It's conflicting to think about, because it fundamentally has the similar core issues to my favorite FF game and an all-time favorite, FF14. 14's story is often both drawn-out and contrived. The quest structure is repetitive and monotonous. Endwalker even adds what are essentially forced walking cutscenes. The game is filled with tasteless fanservice too like Veteran Reward/Shop glamours and characters/bosses from other FF games that add nothing to the story. So why, then, didn't I gel with 7R? I don't know. Just not for me, I think. I respect it for trying something new at least, and I look forward to seeing what Rebirth and Part 3 bring to the table.

What an introduction, the opening of Final Fantasy VII Remake takes you back to ‘97 with that opening. A bombastic zoom out shot of midgar that highlights the scale and fidelity of this game with unreal music to accompany it, it’s a one to one remake of the original’s opening and it’s just as powerful now as it was over 25 years ago. I unfortunately don’t believe the rest of this remake lives up to what that intro made me feel, but it certainly gives it its best shot.

One of the biggest concerns coming into FF7R was the combat for many, going from turn based to real time action had many concerned. But I believe Square nailed it, Square compromised by having the moment to moment combat be real time but to cast spells or issue commands you swap to a menu where the game nearly freezes around you while you choose what to do. It’s a brilliant compromise that combines flashy sword swings with tactical decision making for spells. It’s not perfect though, I think it lacks depth and can be super underbaked depending on the character you’re playing, and when there’s only four playable party members that becomes a big problem. But overall I believe this was a great combat system that still is fun now even with lacking depth.

The story was also a hot point of concern before the game’s launch, as for my opinion? I… like the direction they took. It has to be noted that a lot of what is in Remake’s story is padding, as the Midgar section of the original is just a few hours long and Remake’s upwards of 40 hours, but I think what they added, although unnecessary at times was fun and enjoyable, and yes I like the ending, I like the direction they’re taking the remake trilogy, serving as more of a pseudo sequel/reimagining, it’s not a true remake, and I agree the title is misleading, but the story itself is fine.

I will say this though, there are some low points in the middle that drag the game down, most of these chapters are relatively the same length as any other chapter though, so it’s not like they take up an absurd amount of time. It’s just a shame that Square couldn’t handle the momentum the first couple chapters granted them and take it all the way through the rest of the game.

But back on a positive note let me talk about the music and visuals, they’re mind blowing! One of the best soundtracks ever put into a video game, I’d expect nothing less of Uematsu and Square, I still listen to many of these tracks causally 4 years later.

And the visuals? For a PS4 game? Unreal, I still think Remake looks better than most games released in the 9th generation, including Rebirth. Yeah there’s some muddy textures and some weird backgrounds and moments but overall Remake’s one of the most consistently gorgeous games I’ve EVER played.

Not everything about this game is perfect though, the level design is severely lacking as an example, it harkens back to FF13 with absurdly limited and linear design. I wish Remake branched out more and showed me more of what the world of FF7 has to offer, hell even Midgar you hardly get to explore despite the overwhelming scale of the city. I don’t need the game to be an open world, but I would enjoy seeing more than the few sections Square let’s us explore, some optional areas would be nice.

Speaking of optional content, the side content in Remake is laughable, there’s very little there and what is there is, to put it simply, shit. For a Final Fantasy game it’s severely underwhelming.

The voice acting also leaves much to be desired, I don’t even think most of the VAs were bad, I just think they were given awful material and direction. So many anime grunts and gasps in every scene with cheesy lines and often flat delivery. There are standout moments in more impactful scenes, but overall I find Remake to have some of the weakest voice acting out of any Final Fantasy game since X.

Overall, Remake isn’t perfect, but I do considering it a damn fine title and a worthy game to have the Final Fantasy 7 title. With some of my issues corrected we could have an amazing game on our hands, luckily we have 2 more games to look forward to in this saga.

7.5/10 but closer to a 7 than an 8

i want cloud strife offensively

BUT this game is kinda awkwardly paced honestly and i'm sure a lot of his has to do with the fact they decided to make a full length game out of an area that lasted an hour in the original. so now i need to buy 3+ 60-70 dollar games to enjoy the remake of a story that was once literally one game long and totally fine

First ever Final Fantasy game and I loved this. Took me around 30-32 hours to finish, and I wouldn't have minded if it kept going. The combat was a blast (even if I probably misused my materia constantly) but the characters are what made this shine for me. I love our group of heroes and their relationships together. This game is delightfully weird, and I can't wait for what comes next. I had to watch a spoilercast video to help me understand the end, but I'm super excited to see where this story goes and hear how different it is from the source material.

J'ai bien kiffé mais faut que je fasse l'original maintenant