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final fantasy 7 remake é um jogo bonito com um combate bem legal, tem set pieces bem interessantes, e eu tava com muita boa vontade pra gostar dele por ter gostado do 15, que foi o meu primeiro final fantasy

mas não dá, o jogo não é ruim necessariamente, por conta dos pontos que eu mencionei acima, mas o jogo é TÃO chato, pacing, conteúdo no geral, o que liga todos os set pieces, é um jogo que é um prólogo gigante não só por história mas em game design, é basicamente o ground zeroes dos final fantasy mas durando 30 horas ao invés da 1 hora do ground zeroes

a história e os personagens são interessantes (a história com ressalvas por ela não andar) mas isso não é bem um triunfo desse jogo porque não é um jogo original, então de autoral ele tem uma campanha gigante que não cresce e só serve como bait pro pessoal que queria um remake de final fantasy 7, coisa que aparentemente só veio com o rebirth mas depois de ter jogado o remake eu tô até duvidando um pouco

enfim, tô decepcionada, mas é até bom pq me deu uma vontade enorme que jogar o original e ver o quão melhor é

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comecei a jogar porque achei o Cloud e o Sephiroth bonitinhos, achei que ia continuar jogando por causa da história mas terminei só porque o Cloud e o Sephiroth são de fato bonitinhos </3 ngl gostei desse jogo bem menos do que eu esperava gostar... tem muito final e pouco fantasy pro meu gosto,,,,,, tipo ok amores já entendi a crítica ao capitalismo e exploração de recursos naturais mas cadê a história do protagonista que vocês dão a entender que vão mostrar e que é uau muito foda mas ai não mostram NADAAA fica até o final dando teaser, esse sendo meio que o jogo principal eu achei uma babaquice tremenda a tal backstory do protag aparentemente estar na porra de OUTRO JOGO que pela bagatela de 200 reais você pode entender a história do outro direito :D no fim tipo tá entendi vai ser meio que uma trilogia mas sinceramente senti que o jogo terminou quase a mesma coisa que começou... a única personagem que eu achei que foi realmente relevante e desenvolvida foi a Aerith (E EU NÃO TÔ SENDO PUXA SACO EU NAO LIGO PRA ELA NGL) deixando a história a parte eu gostei sim da jogabilidade pra caramba é bem divertido de jogar ;D mesmo a história não tendo o aprofundamento que eu queria e esperava o andamento das coisas e a historinha enquanto tá acontecendo é bem legalzinha sim! mas infelizmente também tenho que reclamar que tem um pouquiiinho de luta demais tipo OK ENTENDO TEM MUITAS É O PONTO DO JOGO mas caralho! principalmente no final isso fica insuportável por não ser nada equilibrado, você avança na história um pouquinho e tem que passar a próxima hora inteira batendo em dobermann bombado sem relevância alguma só pra andar no mapa... tipo eu gosto de lutinhas mas isso é DEMAIS sinceramente fica tedioso num nível que dá agonia

se não tivessem jogado o protagonista pra escanteio minha opinião seria diferente eu acho... mas eu até jogaria de novo pois ele é um gatinho...

best ff game of all time. Aerti and Zakkura lover.

My adventure with FF7 began a few years ago when, encouraged by playing classics, I reached for this archaic title. Enthralled by the first few hours of the game, I dropped out when the open world truly opened up. There's no denying that the vision of gameplay in random encounters in today's times is very tiresome and off-putting. Then comes the FF7 remake, which not only expands on those first few hours of the game that were already familiar to me but also abandons the entire concept of random encounters.

I think there's a lot to criticize about this game, from cringeworthy dialogues to mediocre side missions. However, the sense of adventure and well-written characters remain untouched, which means that thanks to the improved dynamic combat, we spend a good 25 hours with Cloud and the crew without really feeling that in the original it was only about 5 hours.

I think I've put about 30-something hours into this game so far, but then one day I suddenly just lost interest and stopped playing, I'm not really sure why.

So far, the combat is pretty fun, and the special abilities are really cool. The boss fights are great as well, really cinematic.

However, the story and characters are sooo lame. I imagine the characters were much better in the original and I will agree they are iconic, but they're not very well adapted in this game. It's really hard to get emotionally invested in anyone's story, for the most part I was just trudging through it.

I do like the environments and the art direction though, this is a highly imaginative world and it's really fun to look around at all the different environments. However, the actual task of exploring the world itself can get a bit stale.

Also, you'll probably hate me for this, but I don't always vibe with the soundtrack. I will say there are some absolute bangers in this game, but sometimes when I'm exploring or just walking around some songs get annoying.

I will say that I like this game's approach to its levels. It drops you into this big area with lots to do and then you can spend as much time as you want doing sidequests or other exploring before moving on with the main story. It does help get you immersed in your surroundings, but then again a lot of the sidequests are kind of forgettable, so this can feel like a slog at times.

I will come back to this game one day, especially because I hear Rebirth is really good so I want to eventually play that one as well. But from what I've played so far, I feel kind of "meh" about it, but I enjoyed it enough that I want to come back and finish it at some point.

4.5 out out of 5 not enough cait sith
just messing around but still, i can't believe they took a 4 hour part of the original game, and extended it to an entire fucking game
7 remake is just absolutely amazing, the soundtrack, the UI design, the battle flow, it's deffos a must-play

If there's one thing that really gets me about this game it's that it's so close to being an all timer and then they're like nah we can't not Square Enix this whole thing up so here's the plot ghosts and we're gonna turn the whole thing into some sub-Kingdom Hearts, anime nonsense, daddy chuff for the last hour.

Très bon pour démarrer la série

História boa, bons gráficos e uma ótima mistura de estratégia e ação

Disappointed because Kingdom Hearts 3 SHOULD have been this good. Combat is fun and semi-challenging and rewards some creativity, with there never being just one way to win a fight. The story is nothing super special but I really appreciate the meta-fictional elements that spice up what could have been a decades-old hackneyed narrative.

At the risk of sounding like I;m trying too hard to be a contrarian, I think this game sucks shit. Press square simulator seems to be the new norm for Sony/Playstation exclusive games. I personally don't find it fun to run around and do menial side tasks in a 45 to 60 hour version of the first two hours of a classic jrpg. Also they blow their load with Sephiroth way too early, he lacks all the presence and mystique that he had in the original games entirely. Also there's weird timeline bullshit, and this isn't a remake. It's a re-imagining masquerading as a remake of a classic ps1 game.

Finished this game on normal difficulty. I still have to play it on hard. The first time I played it wasn't that good for me, I felt it so slow and didn't had a great time with it. The second time I played it I took my time to appreciate every step and it became one of my favorite games on PS4.

This is truly a "remake", at the beggining it seems the same as the original game but later the plot changes...
But looks good, we'll see the next episodes...

Okay I am in chapter 9 of the game now and I have really mixed feelings about it so far.
Would anyone who played through this recommend me to continue or should I stop? Is there anything that comes in following chapters that makes it worth continuing?

I can't believe they did. They actually went and did it. The mad men at Square actually remade Final Fantasy 7 (kinda).

After years and years of anticipation, after mistaking that PS3 tech demo for an actual remake, after replaying the original at least half a dozen times, it's finally being remade and I couldn't be happier.

While large swathes of the game are kind of a tedious grind through monotonous side quests and annoying puzzles, the game still manages to shine through an phenomenal combat system and it's amazing cast of characters.

It may have been 20+ years since the original, but the creators of this game still understand every nuance of the characters, and the way they've expanded them and their relationships is incredibly heart-warming and exciting.

One of the most mind-numbing games I’ve ever played to completion.

J'aime trop les blondinets mystérieux malheureusement

I don't like the original or the remake.

They sure did make one of these!

Filled with mixed feelings across the board. The narrative is, broadly speaking, really enjoyable. It's endearing to encounter these characters again in such a new format. Cloud is perfectly communicated as a tryhard, Barrett is a fanatic with the glasses on and a soulful man with the glasses off, Tifa and Aerith are cute. All the key dynamics are beautiful and they feel right. The things that exist in the original game are broadly done right.

Mechanically, it's sort of… muddled. I was surprised to find I actually really enjoyed the action rpg format. I’m a KH nerd, I’m still a sucker. But KH has the advantage of multiple worlds and environments to explore. There’s opportunities to engage with the mechanics and the enemies at your own leisure. By comparison, FF7R is… very linear. Your opportunities to level up or engage with its combat without main-line progression is limited to specific locations, all out of the way of each other. Shinra combat simulators, Collesseums, small enemy zones just outside of limited sidequest chapters. And the sidequest chapters often fall into things I thought we all know got tedious in these kinds of rpgs, chasing down rats and so on. I understand and even sympathize with needing to add time to the clock, to make the purchase worth it, but... man. I just want more character beats. On the other hand, your reward for finishing quests being more character moments is really charming as well. I guess my main issue is that I find exploring Midgar as the city so interesting and fulfilling, while the emptier monster sections feel so constrained and repetitive. Hated Train Graveyard, hated the freeways. I guess it really comes down to the map design. There's so many sections where I just end up staring at the minimap rather than actually looking at the game around me. When the level design is singing, I am in love with the combat and I'm thrilled in each enemy encounter. When the level design is failing, I was constantly begging for the chapter to end.

And then you get to the (I assume well known at this point) rebuild-esque shenanigans, where complicated characters kind of just start repeating the same sort of "I defy my fate" or "the future can be bright" voice lines that just bum me out in a way. While the weird dynamic of the anti-retcon ghosts helping or hindering the party initially makes some interesting narrative complications, the ultimate result is a narrative that just kind of loses my interest compared to the normal intimacy found in the original FF7.

Approaching FF7 decades after the original was a genuinely beautiful experience. I was consistently excited to talk about it, I was never bored or annoyed, all the overhype and preexisting fandom expectations melted away into experiencing Just One Of The Greatest Games Of All Time. FF7Remake looks gorgeous, feels great, and offers so many interesting character moments and divergences. But its broader narrative of trying to reconcile with that overwhelming fan response? Just ultimately kind of goes nowhere for me.

See you in three years when Rebirth gets on PC.

The Cait Sith cameo was so dumb I'm sorry-