Reviews from

in the past

a história é tão boa q eu shipei um casal hetero

this game is so perfect, even on a third replay! i had so much fun in Tsushima again and truly think Sucker Punch is one of the best devs to have ever done it. also, as I recently built a PC, this game was a great benchmark to see where it caps and it is amazing holding high fps on custom high to ultra high settings (forget the shadows lool). the game even ran amazingly when i modded it for 2x speed (i deserve it). a must play - please get it if you are on the fence!

This was a perfect masterpiece of a game until a bug made the weather become relentlessly shitty no matter my playstyle. The thunder and lightning just followed me around non-stop. I had to use a flute literally every few minutes to reset it. :(

Sucker Punch I'm begging you, please ditch that weather mechanic in the sequel.

divertido por um tempo, mas cansa muito na reta final, além da DLC não adicionar nada muito legal que ajude tirar essa repetição.

Про самурая,который пожертвовал честью,чтобы спасти дом и жизни людей.
Игра является наглядным примером того,каким бы хотелось видеть новые ассасины.
Графика: не смотря на довольно таки убогие текстуры,одна из красивейших игр (если не красивейшая) в которые я играл. Грамотное освещение делают игру симулятором скриншотов.
Есть конечно проблема с тем,что текстуры часто проходят друг через друга (особенно часто это видно в костюмах ГГ),но лично для меня это было не критично. Вайб в каждом кадре 👍
Геймплей: прикольный в начале,невероятно надоевший в конце. Из-за имбовых прокачек (техники) бои становятся невыносимо легкими (даже с последней сложностью). Истребив в один момент под тысячу монголов хочется просто пробежаться по сюжету и закончить эти мучения.
Но это только ближе к концу,а так по мере прохождения постоянно открывается что-то новое,что разбавляет геймплей, из-за этого драться почти всегда интересно 👍
Активностей в игре не мало, претензий к ним нет. Хочешь - делай,не хочешь - особо не повлияет.
Сюжет: Короткий,простенький,но достаточно качественный и интересный. Будь-то какое-то 12 серийное аниме (особенно с японской озвучкой,где половина каста из ван писа). Грустные моменты,предательства,неожиданные повороты, эпичные моменты 👍
Особенно порадовало длс,которое полностью раскрыло взаимоотношения отца и сына + убийство отца.
От концовки игры были мурашки 👍
Но сайд квесты соратников,как мне показалось,полное дерьмо,на которое не стоит тратить время. Годное только с Юрико. Их проблема в том,что они затянуты слишком (У Юрико их как раз было 2).

Подбивая итоги, игра шик,в нее стоит поиграть банально из-за невероятно красивой картинки,на каких-то 20-30 часов она легко затянет.

Simplesmente um dos jogos MAIS LINDOS q eu já joguei na minha vida, a direção de arte desse jogo é simplesmente ABSURDO, aulas e aulas.
Gameplay divertidíssima e gostosinha, com sistema de parry.
E a história é simplesmente CINEMA, Jin se tornou um dos meus protagonistas favoritos fácil.

been wondering how do i even write this to be honest, somehow i feel this game is important to me despite never playing it till now.
i always been a PC player through and through, i was finally able to play it but it came with such a baggage, in a time where people rather follow the drama surrounding a game, sony barely scraping by, making pc ports not because they want us to experience it but because they wanna break even with costs, then the game comes and its finally time to experience it but the port is so-so.

despite it all i loved it, a bealtiful tale about human struggles and how imperialism can fuck up an entire family bloodline them loving each other a whole lot.
this is a sad game that i somehow managed to avoid spoilers for half a decade and i'm glad i did.
gameplay wise this game tackles my favorite aspect about games, the abbility to gamefy the romantism behind a genre, the same way rdr 2 romanticises the western, how ace combat is a romantization of flying jets, this pretty much is the very best aspects about the romantization of the samurai genre, everything must be tied to give you that feeling of being a suited up samurai cutting homies and doing honorable poses while doing so, people spouting one liners about sad stuff and sad stuff happening all around them, its like i'm playing with samurai toys and making the most effed up plot imaginable, comparing games to toys is not a bad thing, sometimes its exactly the feeling i'm looking for, the romantization of playing with a certain genre and not necessarily needing to be realistic but still maintaining a degree of believabillity. this is exactly why i play video games.. man, this is it.

if i loved it so much then why is it 8 and not a 10 ? dinky port
i've seen it all, memory leak making the game perform worse the longer you play, forcing you to restart the game.
FSR 3 crashing the game, the sky turning black, a button literally not working, and those actually costed me deaths, fortunally the checkpoint system is really good.

i will remember this game in the future, i still have to do the dlc, just decided to stop on the main story because 60 hours on a single game is rather exhausting despite how fun the game is.

SPOILER AHEAD : man i fucking hate that jin became homeless after everything he did, i hate imperialism.

A game that reaches such fantastic visual heights paired with visceral and--thankfully--challenging combat all wrapped up in an a very safe, often very boring game.

I liked it, I definitely got my money's worth, but after finishing Act 1 I'm left more exhausted than excited to keep liberating bandit camps, following foxes, and gathering resources.

It's a personal thing, but basic Samurai Stories rarely connect with me. They can be exciting when it's personal or come with a twist, but I don't give a dog's ass about honor or duty or loyalty to a lord. The soft "twist" of having to forgo that honor to be a pseudo-ninja is fine, but not enough to carry a story that offers no choices, berates you for playing it as designed, and doesn't even let you have the decency to skip cutscenes or lines of dialogue.

I'm sure I'll eventually finish it, but for now it goes on the shelf. I have way too many great games to spend another few dozens in an unengaging, safe triple-A Sony title.

I really enjoyed playing Ghost of Tsushima. The story had a rough start for me, especially the part about gathering troops, but by the middle of act 2, the story really hooked me, and act 3 carried it even further. The ending was emotional and left me genuinely satisfied with the game.

My favorite part of the game is definitely the scenery. It's one of the few games that can rival Red Dead Redemption 2 in terms of scenery. The landscape is truly breathtaking, and I loved exploring the environment by riding and running around.

Unlike the newer Assassin's Creed games, Ghost of Tsushima isn't overly bloated. Even though it's an open-world game, it's relatively small and quite linear. What's impressive is that the side quest NPCs offer a lot, such as new regions and abilities. This makes doing side quests feel rewarding and not just like another side quest.

My main complaints would be the extremely slow camera on PC. I know this isn't just a PC problem because I found multiple Reddit threads complaining about the camera speed after doing some research. I also didn't like some of the camera angles, as they made it difficult to fight multiple opponents at times.

Overall, I enjoyed playing Ghost of Tsushima. Is it one of the best PlayStation exclusives out there? For me personally, no. However, it definitely satisfies the Assassin's Creed itch better than the actual Assassin's Creed games, which is a shame for Ubisoft but a huge win for PlayStation Studios.

amazing story world visuals graphics characters and combat this is everything you want in an open world game does better than assassins creed

Bon bah le jeu est toujours autant un chef d'oeuvre ça bouge pas, le portage PC quant à lui... est un exemple en la matière, vraiment rien à redire sur + de 60h de jeu, pas le moindre crash ou bug, c'est du très très solide.

Nixxes sont vraiment les rois des portages.

Enjoyed it a bit more this time around, played mostly on Lethal, makes the combat "better" because on lower difficulties the enemies feel like sponges.

The story is nice, although some parts feel rushed/underdeveloped and some characters don't have much depth as they could have.

The combat is pretty nice although sometimes it doesn't feel as responsive as it should. The 4 stances are nice.

The music is amazing, some really beautiful tracks.

The open world is really pretty to look at but itis not THAT interesting imo.

The dlc was good too.

Overall, it's a pretty cool game, but not the masterpiece many claim it is.

I really wanted to love this game and tried my best to power through it, and not that its bad, but it ultimately feels kind of unremarkable.

It looks and sounds beautiful, and I do appreciate the minimalism in UI when exploring as the game guides you by wind currents to let you really soak in the beautiful Japanese environments. That being said, at the end of the day, this is just an Assassin's Creed game with more competent design.

The novelty of being a samurai and sword duelling across Japan only does so much when most of the game is travelling from horseback between objectives that are basically the same thing. The combat is quick and calculated, making it fun for the first couple of hours, but then it just gets tedious as the game throws more and more base captures at you without introducing more enemy variety or deepening the combat mechanics any more than the basics. The few overworld objectives the game does throw at you aren't given enough focus or reason to follow them through, ultimately making them feel like padding. This is definitely one of the better open worlds I've played in, but it's still very Ubisoft-esque in comparison to its contemporaries, like the freedom of completion mindset of Zelda's recent outings or the lore/character-building objectives of FF7 Rebirth.

I'm also not a fan of how the story is presented, as I would've much preferred a more linear narrative that would have required more diversity in mission objectives. As it stands, your basic objective is supported by missions helping other allies of the Sakai family, which is fine in concept, but doesn't do a lot to build intrigue overall, as each story is pretty similar without adding much to the main plot. Considering Sucker Punch's Infamous series, I was also expecting to have more free rein over who I shape Jin into, but his character is pretty set in stone, and your freedom as a character is limited to the occasional meaningless dialogue choice.

I think there's a blueprint for something great here, but the tedious combat and objectives, as well as the overall really disconnected story with a lack of flow and narrative cohesion, leads to this feeling like a very disconnected and scattershot experience without much to offer past being a samurai.

I hate to give this one a mixed review because I love the setting and many aspects of it are truly impressive. However, the open world design ultimately overshadows its positive features.

Despite attempts to mask its core Ubisoft open-world formula, with the environment guiding you to points of interest, it quickly devolves into the usual routine of repetitive tasks. It becomes monotonous very fast, and exploring the same Inari shrine ten times within a few hours just isn't enjoyable. It also features the typical "liberate this camp" activity, which I find tiresome. There are no surprises, and everything feels predictable after about five hours.The random encounter rate is too high, with only about three variations. Sometimes, these encounters are so close together that I rarely enjoyed exploring. Despite the beautifully to look at open world, you're constantly interrupted by tedious events every five minutes or so, leaving no room for relaxation or immersion.

The art design, however, is stunning. The vibrant color palette combined with a romanticized depiction of Japanese nature is pure eye candy. It's mesmerizing to watch the wind sweep through fields of flowers or see sunlight and moonlight filter through dense forests or when wisps of mists hoover over wide grass fields. There is also a lot of variety, from golden woods and open fields to quaint fishing villages.

The combat is the ultimate samurai power fantasy. There's a cool feature where enemies drop their weapons and flee when you execute certain mythic moves or land perfect parries. The chiburi blood shake after a victorious battle, with three different animations, looks incredibly badass and satisfying. While the overall flow and responsiveness don't quite reach the heights of Sekiro, it does come close in some aspects.

The story and some of its characters are another major letdown. They lack depth and constantly dump lore on you, with a predictable plot leading to formulaic missions. Having watched "Shogun" just days before, the difference in writing quality is especially noticeable. It does have one or two standout character moments, such as the quest chain involving Jin's family housemaid, or when jin abandons his code of honour for the first time. Ultimately though it never goes beyond the themes introduced in the first two hours.

honestly im surprised that this game is being so well received. it has beautiful art direction and a somewhat unique combat system, but everything else is just generic and repetitive...?

This review contains spoilers

Eu entrei esperando um jogo da sony, 3ª pessoa, com mecânicas de stealth e uma visão especial, foi o que recebi, mas eu esperava uma história cativante como costuma ser esses jogos da sony. Um grande problema do jogo é que ele não conseguem passar o peso do que ta acontecendo na tela, a luta contra o Ryuzo era para ser puta emocional, mas parece só mais um duelo, a própria batalha contra o nosso tio é bem mais ou menos, pelo menos na DLC eles conseguiram melhorar um pouco esse aspecto e a batalha final foi mais emotiva. Assim, como 90% dos jogos da sony ele cumpre a check list, mas pelo menos o combate é bem interessante, me surpreendeu e foi o que fez eu não dropar do jogo.

this game was absolutely stunning the ost was great game felt extremely cinematic they only minor problem i had was the combat felt a little repetitive and the first act was a bit slow but besides that this game is a masterpiece

The tale of Jin Sakai was one that was made and told so beautifully.
This game is so thought provoking and aesthetically pretty.
Jin's conflict and the ongoing war, the side quests and the everything is just so beautifully made, you cant help but take your time.
And the ending is one that will stick with you for a very long time.

Que jogo lindo, com um combate divertido e uma exploração rica. Mas eu já estou de saco de cheio de mundo aberto, então a partir do Ato II explorar ja não era mais tão divertido como no inicio. Mesmo assim, o jogo é muito bom e você sempre se surpreende toda vez que o abre.

SuckerPunch carrying the playstation name like LeBron James during the 2018-19 playoffs

Ter dado uma nova chance ao Ghost no PC foi a melhor coisa que fiz, os indispensáveis 60 FPS tornaram esse belo jogo uma nova experiência.

A história principal até a DLC é muito completa, essa nova versão em ambientação e gráficos é muito bem otimizada (NIxxes <33), e no geral todos sabem do quanto Ghost os Tsushima é um dos melhores exclusivos de PS4.

jogo delicinha, port perfeito!! Nixxes é foda

Shockingly average once the initial "WOOOW LOOK AT THESE COOL VISUALS AND AESTHETICS!" factor goes off and the superficially satisfying combat starts to lose the appeal due to it hardly ever evolving past the most basic mechanics. Honestly? I don't see what makes Ghost of Tsushima all that different from the "Ubisoft open world" stuff everyone complains about. I'd argue it's actually worse in some areas, the stealth in particular is just atrocious, absolutely inexcusable for a AAA game released in 2024, even the first Assassin's Creed game did a better job 17 years ago.

On a side note, it's fucking hilarious how the story tells me about this disgraced samurai who needs to let go of his code of honor and essentially become a ninja if he wants to have any hope of fighting against the mighty Mongol Empire's invasion of Japan. However, 90% of the time it's not only faster, but also way more efficient to just charge in and kick everyone's asses instead of trying to do as the story says. Especially ironic considering a lot of people who were criticizing The Last of Us 2 for "ludonarrative dissonance" were praising the shit out of Ghost of Tsushima a couple of years ago.

The best "one of those" I think I have played. It turns out, stealthily clearing enemy camps is a great gameplay loop, and the setting and absolutely gorgeous world are enough to keep me excited about what vista is around every corner. Tsushima is like a hyper-realist dream of a Japanese island, like a Thomas Kinkade painting you can view from any angle. I never got tired of the views the game was serving me. The story and characters were largely just servicable, and aside from a few highlight side missions, mostly forgettable. Norio's journey with Buddhism and Jin grappling with Yuriko's dementia are the highlights of these character moments, and both leave a lot of interesting things unsaid. Overall, a great game, limited only by the fact that it exists in the tracks of many other AAA games, and doesn't do a ton with the gameplay to make its own mark.

This review contains spoilers

Jesus that ending was so sad 😭

"You have no honour"
"And you are a slave to it"

Just an Assassin's Creed game without the climbing mechanics.
Both the story and its characters are so bland that I legit got annoyed. It's so long-winded, gets nowhere, predictable, and just boring. It's obvious that the blank main character is gonna go "fuck honor I'm using all these skills" after meeting all the other boring teachers, which in turn will make the game just another third person melee game instead of a unique Japanese samurai open-world game.
Aside from its visuals, there's nothing interesting about it. And with a bold choice, they not only chose to make the dialogues unskippable, but on top of that, every character waits like 2 whole seconds before saying their next line. Like, are you serious?

Visually stunning, every frame is a masterpiece. Combat is the most fun I've had in a while, so fun that I'd just fire it up and go kick some Mongol ass.

Sidequests are a mixed bag, character tales were pretty good, but some of the other ones were just fetch quests or 'go here and kill some baddies'. Jin is a very rigid MC, while I very much liked him, his transition from samurai to ghost happens so quick I don't really feel like his character changed much throughout the story.