Reviews from

in the past

Yeah, I won't lie to you... I did like the sweet graphics and the overall presentation, but I just can't understand why make a second Kirby puzzle game. It's decent, but I think the way you can exchange attacks with the enemy is unintuitive (I still don't get it).
The game isn't bad tho, surely it's waaaay better than Kirby's Avalanche (the lowest point of the franchise).

IS KINE DOWNING A BOTTLE?? HE'S EVEN MORE CHILL THAN I THOUGHT GODDAMN 🚬 this game is also known as the true Star Stacker, we are star stacking everyday of the week in this one only! For the Battle Pass! Or for fun?? Corporations may believe in the former. But Kirby is about none of that thankfully... unless it's Extra Epic Yarn on Battle Royale ??! What am I yapping about bruh, look at the graphics though we get a return of the ultimate goat that is the hand drawn style from Dream Land 3. The world map and the UI is quite good. To say it's better than the GB one is... well its not that surprising really.

Flowey the flower said "finders keepers" 😠 i hate botanical life forms. Ofc, since it's Star Stacker but better... we have a story mode, and who better than Mr. Star to be our companion! It's weird how Kirby designers sometimes just... don't. They don't design. But then the final boss is a genderfluid witch without a body (top surgery removed ALL the top??) and then it kinda becomes based, so I guess one was made during unproductive hours. Yes japanese people aren't productive 24/7. Look at the clearly traditional japanese inspired Dedede and tell me he's productive! It's still crazy how he lost his credibility so early once Adventure happened and they pumped out titles where he was an appetizer for a secret main course. Yes, this still is the case in Super Star Stacker.

Look at them beefing on the top screen, I just don't approve of the lifestyle that's all. Btw have you looked at the japanese title? Who are Kirby's sparkling kids 😨😨 ??! We might have known if Nintendo of America didn't say "you know what? fuck you SNES" while the system was doing... just fine! I understand why they withheld since the game is pretty much the exact same outside of story mode and being slightly less lenient. I don't even remember if that was in the original, but I like how the center columns become skull emojis when you lose. Like you just 💀💀 and modern games don't have this kind of SOUL and KINO anymore.