Reviews from

in the past

We all make mistakes. Especially in the name of protecting those you love.

The wolf brothers. Two against the world. Bearing their mistakes, the scars and bruises they earn, the ghosts they leave behind, all in the name of protecting themselves; in the name of brotherhood. How we learn, who we learn from, the friends we make along the way and how we will never forget them, no matter how many years pass on by.

I'm tired. A bit crushed. Many thoughts. Always the feelings a masterpiece leaves you with.

I can’t count how many times I cried bcs of this. Love it so much, I have played it like 4 times already. I would do anything to play it again for the first time.

Loved the first two, but this one didn't do it (as much) for me. Felt a bit like it was leaning into shock value, and I didn't like how the side characters are more short-lived because you're travelling from place to place. A narrative choice, but not one that gelled with me. Still alright.

I did not enjoy it that much
It is a good game, and I can understand why people love it but I am just not its target audience

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When I tell you I haven't cried so much because of a game since The Walking Dead S1.. I'M TELLING Y'ALL THE TRUTH. I literally bawled. I was skeptic at first because I right away played this one after I finished the first one, I thought then, what could possibly beat THAT kind of plot? Well.. this one did. I thought it was kinda stupid at first how they felt the need to run away in the first place, but now I understood what Diaz brothers wanted all along. Played it twice in the span of 12 hours because I got the high morality ending and then the brothers got separated.. so I tried the other ending where the both of them ended up in Mexico, despite the lives they're living. I don't care! After everything, the best ending should be where they both end up together.

Gameplay wise, much better. Graphic wise too. I love the fact that we could truly immerse ourselves as Sean and draw so WELL. Though I've got problems with the lightning on Episode three too. Sorry, my eyesight is really poor. </3

I cried a lot. Beautiful game!

This game does tell a good story, but it spends way too long trying to tell it. The pacing is bad and the way the game's structured makes the whole thing feel disjointed. I liked the dynamic between the two brothers as that aspect is really relatable to me, but that's probably the only thing I like about this game. It introduces cool characters but gives them too little screentime; and fills that time with trying to tackle political issues but doesn't delve deep enough into them to make it interesting which as a result makes them feel like an afterthought.

Jogão incrível, bem melhor que o primeiro. A jornada com o irmão é incrível demais. Gosto das personalidades dos irmãos e as escolhas importam bastantes.

What a shitshow. This is an utterly terrible story and experience. It's a nonsense story that feels like a 14 year old "woke" kid wrote. All characters are annoying and unlikeable, especially the little kid brother (little shit). I guess the first one was a fluke, it's honestly UNBELIEVABLE that the same people wrote both games.

Feels like a bad PS2 game with current obnoxious social commentary as deep as "racism is bad" or "cmon guys don't be xenophobic", plus overly dramatic dumb scenes. The premise is already stupid but it just gets dumber and dumber every episode.

Reminded me of Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit. lmao.

The story of two wolf brothers who faced struggle and injustice, and It would have been BETTER if BOTH had telekinesis instead of just one. This game had its touchy moments but most of the time it was story based, it needed more action like Life is strange 1. The music and landscapes were beautiful though, lots of screenshot spots.

Like I said, I wish the story was more action based and a little less political... I did enjoy the brother's journey and I placed them above everyone mostly, GO WOLF BROTHERS

As an older brother myself, many major scenes including (most importantly) the ending I got in Life Is Strange impacted me personally more than any game I have ever played has, to the extent that I still felt guilt weeks after finishing it. My decisions mattered, and that is profound. My major issue with LiS2 is that it feels awkward - the scope is so much larger, but the game itself is restricted by the 5 Chapter bullshit

a little brother wouldnt be so bad

eu e meu irmãozinho mais novo que tem poderes fazendo merda ao invés de encarar a realidade e responsabilidades

really cool story, shout out to cassidy and that kid who got hit by a cop car for us

o sean e o meu gajo preferido
este jogo e fenomenal, o melhor jogo de escolhas que joguei que tem uma boa historia,
A historia e boa e faz sentido independentemente das escolhas que fazes, maybe há uns finais controversos mas nao afeta assim tanto pra mim.

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love can take a lot of different shapes and forms. it's interesting because love is a universally understood word yet it's meaning can be unclear depending on who you talk to. you don't just feel one type of love, you feel all sorts of types of love.

life is strange 1 focuses on a love between the truest friends you could possibly find, sometimes blossoming into something more real, more tangible. and it deals in all the heartbreak and pain that such a love can bring.

before the storm focuses on a lover's affection. two people, troubled in different ways, drawn together by the ebb and flow of the universe, and feeling this heart pounding, stomach churning, head dizzying adoration for one another, and having that love burn the whole place to the ground.

but life is strange 2 focuses on a much different kind of love, the bond between brothers. family tied together by something so much greater than the individuals, and not just the consequences and pitfalls of that love, but the power it gives you.

daniel discovers his power from loss of a loved one, sean discovers his inner strength and willpower from the desperation to keep a loved one safe, karen finally discovers who she truly is by throwing away her life to save a loved one. it bleeds in every part of the narrative. and yeah, that love causes sean and daniel to make some missteps and mistakes, fall apart at the seams, and maybe just hate each other a bit.

but it also inspires their courage, their independence, their worldview, their art. everything in the game stems from that one single thing, sean's devotion to daniel, and daniel's admiration for sean. there's something inherent to feeling this kind of love and being, not just a human being, but a living, breathing creature on this planet. it's a feeling created by nature itself, forged in the fires of creation, and no amount of bigotry or fear or whatever else could tear it down.

i think some things are handled a bit clunkily, i think the pacing is all over the place, the music is less prominent and less powerful than the last 2 games, and not everyone is bringing their A game voice performance wise, but this is undoubtedly a really great story being told with some absolutely stunning visuals, and definitely an experience i would recommend.

eu amei jogar esse jogo, acho que foi o mais impactante que eu joguei no ano passado ( mentira

This is an astonishingly bad sequel to one of my favourite games. Catastrophic writing and insufferable characters. It made Lauren angry and she only walked through the room while I was playing it to get a drink from the kitchen.

I hate this game with a passion. I see what is was TRYING to do and respect the idea, but the execution is atrocious. I'd go as far as to say it's my least favourite game ever made.

I enjoyed the journey, but I believe all the possible endings suck. There should at least be one ending with the brothers together in Mexico that doesn't end with tragedy if you do things right.

Life is Strange 2 é uma obra especial para mim; aqui se trata de muito mais do que um simples jogo. Após jogar 'The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit', eu tinha muitas expectativas para o que viria a ser LIS2.

Life is Strange 2 é emocionante do começo ao fim. Cada capítulo dessa jornada te faz sentir de verdade; ela é tão dolorosa em diversos momentos, e a história contada aqui é algo que sai da ficção e, infelizmente, está presente na vida de muitos de nós.

Ao longo do caminho, você cria laços reais com os protagonistas dessa trama — Sean e Daniel —, te fazendo sempre repensar sobre qual escolha você irá tomar. Você também encontra almas incríveis durante a campanha, personagens que não estão ali apenas por estar; cada pessoa introduzida aqui tem um papel importante e te marca de uma maneira diferente.

O jogo é marcado por cenários perfeitos, músicas lindas que ficam na playlist mesmo após você terminar o jogo. Além disso, são introduzidas mecânicas diferentes do que tínhamos nos LISs anteriores, sem contar com as referências aos antigos jogos da franquia.

Independente de qual final dentre os 7 você realizou, tenho certeza que ele te marcou de alguma forma e pode até tê-lo feito chorar. Life is Strange 2, como eu falei no início, se trata mais do que um jogo, mas uma obra de arte que critica problemas presentes no cerne da nossa sociedade. Mal posso esperar para jogar outras obras como essa.

I respect the hell out of Life is Strange 2. It feels like this game was developed with such raw determination to prove that Life is Strange is more than just the story of Chloe and Max, of Arcadia Bay, that this can work as an anthology series and they can tell more kinds of stories in this world.

This game knows it can't be the first Life is Strange, so it sprints in the opposite direction with brazen confidence and a "look what we can do". It knows its got something to prove, and it goes all out in trying to differentiate itself from the first game, even if it risks isolating its players.

And I think this is pretty rad. Doing something like this takes guts, it takes vision, and most of all -- it takes love.

But as much as I wanted to fall in love with this game the same way as the first, I can't. It's well-intentioned, but in many ways, this game is a cauldron of bizarre choices of what to change and what not.

Life is Strange 2 feels less like a Life of Strange game and more akin to something like The Last of Us wearing Life is Strange's skin. And that would be fine, but I really think for such a drastic change in both presentation and story structure there needed to be greater changes to gameplay. This feels like a game where I should be fighting, gathering resources and crafting, something to enforce how different these boys' lives become and how brutal the wilderness can be. And instead, we have a game that's all about travel and surviving and living off the grid trapped in the body of a choice-based mystery game. There's so much to interact with and investigate, but why am I still investigating when Life is Strange 2 has no mystery to speak of?

Additionally, I don't know what it was about Before the Storm that convinced LiS we didn't need a new supernatural mechanic tied to the L2 button, but as was the case there, the lack of one and indeed any sort of gameplay loop that adds a layer of complexity to this game's light puzzle solving makes the adventure feel dull in parts. Because you can't fuck it up, everything feels so scripted. And unlike Before the Storm, Life is Strange 2 doesn't have the excuse of being a prequel about a beloved character it would be contradictory to the story to give a supernatural ability.

The first Life is Strange and all of the content surrounding it has become very important to me. It holds a special place in my heart, one that Life is Strange 2 could never live up to. I love the colorful cast of Arcadia Bay, its familar locales, and most all, the story of Max and Chloe. But ultimately, I'd be a terrible liar if I said I didn't enjoy the story of these two brothers on the road fighting to survive. It's slow to start, but in the end, I am all around satisfied with Life is Strange 2.

So long, Wolf Brothers.

Watched - I guess i never got into it enough to finish it although i surely should! I liked the mechanics though, I felt it staye true to the first one all while offering a new feel

It lost a bit of the powers aspect that one had, but the storyline all but makes up for it. However, the story is a bit of a slow burn, but is guaranteed to make you feel something by the end of it all.

amazing, but just not as good as the first one. daniel and sean deserve the best. however, the so-called "love interests" in this game suck ASS. both finn and cassidy are grossly older than sean, and they both SUCK. my boy should've had the option to pursue lyla.

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