Reviews from

in the past

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I just submitted an honors paper today that I've been working on for a good chunk of the semester (fingers crossed that it's good enough). The opening and ending of it both use quotes from the end of MGS2, which makes it kind of ironic that I submitted it on April 30th. Although, more than anything, I think it's a sign of how much this game has stuck in my mind since I completed it.

There are so many incredible twists scattered throughout and so many brilliant themes that it's impossible for me to describe them all. But the thing that sticks out to me the most is one of Snake's lines from the end: "Everything you felt, thought about during this mission is yours, and what you decide to do with them is your choice."

I think that's something everyone should hear, at some point in their lives.

One of the best games ever made, and the best Metal Gear Solid game.

Eu poderia escrever 10 redações só sobre esse jogo

Muita coisa que eu tinha esquecido, simplesmente a melhor obra que já consumi.

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol 1 version played on Nintendo Switch

Raiden, switch to nano-communication, it'll help save our animation budget

It's just so good, the gameplay is such a massive step up from MGS1 that if I hadn't played Snake Eater first it would've blown my mind. Everything feels so refined and well made. The story is also just so so cool, so many questions running around your mind that get their answers later, so much dramatic irony and hanging threads and an incredibly unique ending. I absolutely loved the two act structure that follows on so well from the first game and also sets this up as something derivative yet new. No real quarrels with the gameplay either, the boss fights are all fun, there's no overly tedious sections or stretched out parts. Just fire after fire after fire.

Also holy shit this game ends so crazily


I want to preface this by saying that I'm so glad I continued playing the series and specifically this entry. Even though I got the Master Collection, I was a little disappointed by the first entry and became reluctant to play the next game. Furthermore, when I began playing this game, it was a little boring, and I took a break from it midway through. There didn’t seem to be any sense of direction in the first part of the game, however, halfway in, the story gripped me. The way the theme of misinformation is explored by embracing the medium of video games to the fullest captivated me. I felt at times that the story was held back by the aged gameplay, but as the story progressed, so did its levels of awareness, going beyond its gameplay and becoming a story and experience about the subjectivity of truth and purpose. For me, the Metal Gear franchise started off on the wrong footing, but the latter half of Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty was a beautiful adventure about love and espionage. Without spoiling anything, the more surreal approach this entry took profoundly resonated with me. The continued relevance of the story proves its ingenuity as a prophetic work ahead of its time. I look forward to playing the next one.

It has been said many a time before, but Metal Gear Solid 2 is even more brilliant today than it was when it was released in 2001. The gameplay has several new layers and QoL features that make it feel surprisingly modern (most of the time). All the frustratingly rough edges that MGS1 had have been smoothed out, resulting in an extremely polished experience.

The story and characters are where this game shines the most however. As convoluted as the plot is, the story is a beautifully sincere piece about living life as you see fit and believing in your own truth instead of just following the ideals of the masses. There are so many touching moments, from Otacon's last conversation with Emma to Snake's monologue at the end of the game. The meta-narrative soars these themes to levels never-before-seen in gaming, allowing the player to relate to Raiden and his feelings as he learns more about the world around him. It also basically predicted Twitter.


"He built an atomic bomb when he was only ten"

Best line i've ever heard in a video game

Even if a pawn becomes a queen, it is still just a playing piece.

metal gear solid 2 has a much better gameplay loop than the first despite being relatively the same, it just feels a lot more refined and less like a tool to get the story from one point to another; there's still definitely improvements i'd like to see moving forward but this was definitely a massive improvement in that department.

the story was extremely solid too, it may have gotten a little hard to follow in the latter half but that's probably a dig at me more than the game itself. raiden grew on me and so did all of the new characters introduced, as well as some old friends. the note it ended on was way too real for a video game, man; some real existential shit that will stick with me for a long time. one of the most unique ways of conveying a point in this medium probably. generally a very solid game, definitely a certified classic. can't wait for snake eater.

this has been agent gigantopithecus, signing out.

Truly cannot believe how poignant this game's writing is 23 years after its release. Improves on all of the mechanics from the prior games with a fantastic art design, soundtrack, story, and unforgettable boss fights.

This remains my favorite Metal Gear game.

Nunca tinha tido a oportunidade de jogar no PS2. Dito isto, tudo neste jogo tem um trabalho surreal. Possui cada nível de detalhe que beira o inacreditável, pra época. Eu adoro a câmera fixa e acho que combina demais com a gameplay. A história e narrativa são excepcionais também. É um jogo que merece todos os aplausos do mundo.

Ich war zunächst nicht zu 100% von Raiden als Protagonisten überzeugt, und dann habe ich die Backen gesehen.

Yea it's good!

Edit: After playing this over week ago, i haven't stopped thinking about this game. So creative piece of art.

raiden from fortnite is really epic and cool

What do we choose to pass on to new generations? How do we choose the context that is passed down? Who do we choose to pass the information on? Is there more to life than this? Who are we without content and context?

This game is nuts and I mean that in the best way possible. From the story, gameplay, and overall presentation this game is crazy!

The story is truly something very special. The risk this game took to be a meta narrative on the series and legacy that it had garnered is incredible. A lot of terminally online people probably wouldn't be prepared for the message this game carries. The internet is a dangerous place. The fact that we can be carried into rabbit holes of misinformation that is so easily accessible for anyone to find is scary. I'm not sure if it's necessarily right for someone to say what should and shouldn't be allowed to be posted into the ether for anyone to read and interpret, but I don't believe most people will do their due diligence of cross referencing and sincerely proving something is truth. As we enter the age of AI and easily created deepfakes, we are entering a disinformation age where truth won't matter and it will be vibes deciding what is the context for the data. Maybe it's always been like this, and truth has been dead since the beginning.

On a lighter note, the gameplay is great and large step over the first Metal Gear Solid. The controls are much tighter and I didn't feel like I was even doing something I didn't want to do for the most part, the crawling sometimes was annoying and I kept getting A confused for climb up (too much Uncharted and Shadows of Mordor/War has trained my brain to smash the A button at all times when on a ledge). I really enjoyed every boss fight in this, with the last two really being the stand outs. Flighting a bunch of RAYs is pretty fucking sick and fighting on top of a building that I see almost every day going to work is pretty sick.

The style of this game is sick as hell. I love all the cheesy slow-motion shots in the cutscenes, mixture of live footage and photos throughout the game, and the just cinematography in general was great. While the story is deadly serious the characters and dialogue make it a treat to experience. Everything is so over the top and is delivered with so much seriousness that it makes it hilarious. If it didn't have this humor, it really would be a slog to play through since the cutscenes are so long.

Why a 4.5 though? I'm not sure. I think I would need to play through this again for it to break the barrier. Maybe it's that I was on my phone during some of the cutscenes. Who knows. Maybe it's GW in my head again.

Very brave of Kojima to make a game where you exclusively play as Snake and no one else

The Fucking Handshake is one of the best things I have seen, ever .
Also everything is pretty good especially the message of the game. I think no other game had ever this kind of message told in this unique way.

I played this for the first time on the PS3 about 10 years ago. I didn't fully appreciate it at the time, but still enjoyed it. I just had the same complaints that were common at the time, like the story is confusing or Raided is whiny. But replaying it now, I value it much more. Raiden is still a bit annoying at times, but not as bad as I remembered. Snake and Otacon's friendship is really wholesome. What was once confusing about the story is now my favorite part. It is so far ahead of its time, and super relevant to how things are today. The concepts of censorship, misinformation, and the dangers of ai are things that everyone is discussing now, and this game was talking about it in 2001. I still prefer the first and third games, but this one is much better than it used to be taken for. I do wish that the rereleases included all of the bonus content from Substance. It's a shame that I can no longer skateboard around Big Shell.

It’s always immensely satisfying to play a classic for the first time and realise people weren’t over-exaggerating its influence or quality. There’s just something so exciting about being able to experience an important game first hand

Gameplay is a massive improvement over the previous game.
story had me mostly engaged till the 3rd act, by that point my brain was blown out and I was drooling by the amount of exposition and nonsense that was dumped on me. and the fact that you cant pause cutscenes is insane when they can feel like 20 minutes long at points.

The shooting mechanics are a lot better but still not perfect. The game still wants you to rely on stealth which isn't too bad as the stealth can be quite fun to pull off when do smoothly.

There are small moments in this game as well that don't tell the player how to really proceed, leaving me stuck and having to pull out a guide. which is always frustrating to me.

A decent follow up, but one I don't think I'll be revisiting too much as I just didn't really care for the plot overall. sorry metal gear fans. but I'm still looking forward to what 3 and 4 may give me.

Going back to this game after years is great. I love it way more, and understand its ideas way more now than I ever have. The controls are way better, less frustrating bosses(although in every metal gear game I end up getting frustrated cause I kinda suck at action games, but I have fun regardless), an so many more options on how to stealth and take out them out. And I love Raidens character so much. Kojima and team cooked so hard with this.

MGS 2 é um ponto de virada dentro da franquia; revelando aspectos da jornada de Solid Snake que mudam, e muito, a perspectiva de suas missões anteriores, além de trazer consigo uma profunda reflexão sobre poder e controle das massas que até hoje é muito raro em videogames - em outras palavras, é um jogo narrativamente notável. Apesar do notório elogio, acredito que o gameplay, apesar de bom, já sente os efeitos do tempo; fora que o jogo tem excesso de codec calls, com direito a melodrama entre o Raiden e sua amada, o que achei bem chatinho, a bem da verdade.