Reviews from

in the past

I don't like the game .
the gameplay loop isn't fun to me
A shame, really liked the design
also think that unlocking new characters and abilities is super slow.

Cool idea, bad execution. DLC is pretty bland too

If you're looking for a game to spend a lot of time on, this is definitely an option. The game has its good and bad points that can end up ruining the experience for some.
The fact that the game proposes a kind of improvement for each character, like a rank (and to increase the rank, you have to do specific things with each character), is interesting at first. But I was very disappointed when I realized that I couldn't improve a character to the maximum rank because I had to progress in the story for that (and to improve all the way to the last rank, you have to play a good portion of the game). Besides, doing this with all the characters is very monotonous and repetitive.
The game also kind of "forces" you to increase your main level to finish it, as the last castles are at a very high level and you'll need to spend some time getting stronger.
The NG+ increases the difficulty in a rather unexciting way.
There are no bosses in the game, only enemies that you encounter on the map, albeit giant ones.
The DLC doesn't add anything spectacular, just two characters that you won't use for anything in the game and some extra challenges.
The story is nice, the art style is adorable, the gameplay is repetitive. It's a great game to spend hours playing while listening to a podcast or something similar when you have nothing else to play.

This game is a lot of fun at first, the gameplay system is so fun and racking up the points and unlocking new skills is addicting, but once it adds the additional layer of difficulty that comes with the mix and match system and the shielded enemies it becomes a bit too hectic for my tastes.

O jogo é legal, mas não me prendeu muito. Tem várias mecânicas interessantes, mas senti um pouco massante

I had a decent time with this game. I liked the look of it a lot and thought it offered a lot of variety. The powers were neat and the dialogue was cute. I did think it was a little needlessly difficult at times, with some of the dungeon mods being so unnecessary,

Slept-on really charming Drinkbox title. This game is pretty simple, but it does everything it's trying to do exceptionally. The unique progression system of unlocking different forms really keeps you engaged.

Finally got around to this, Drinkbox is one of my favourite indie studios and this was pretty fun all the way through.

A nice casual action RPG, the main gimmick of unlocking new forms is fun and rewarding and the sense of progression kept me hooked.

The game is pretty fast-paced once you get the hang of it and doesn't really stick around long enough to get boring. The completionist in me wanted to do every dungeon and get all the collectibles, but the open nature of the game means you don't really have to do everything, there are plenty of ways to get enough stars to unlock all the dungeons.

If you're looking to go for 100%, it might feel a bit more drawn out, but I had a lot of fun just with the main quest and faction questlines.

This was cute, but I got bored after a couple hours. Recently learned it has co-op, so I might play it with my wife.
Update: Played the whole thing with my wife and it was a lot of fun.


What a letdown. Promising premise, but doesn't really utilize the roguelike structure in a meaningful way as it is not difficult enough to warrant multiple tries through a dungeon. Juvenile humor and mid gameplay don't help .
Maybe it gets fun in NG+?

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for December 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before January 2nd, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Achievement hunting the game.

You know what’s better than Achievements, lots of them, and in quest form, with multiple different characters, and abilities that you’ll have to use to complete the quests. You then tie the completion of those achievements into progression in the game, so players are constantly pushed to beat more of the game’s meta quests. And while this sounds like a sick fantasy of people who care about achievements too much (which I do)... it’s also how Nobody Saves the World works.

Players will change their form to use different abilities and constantly switch what attacks they’re using so they can beat these mini-quests. In addition, the game has an interesting and often funny story. There’s a lot to do in the game, taking about 20 hours for me to beat and I was having a great time throughout.

Still, this is very meta quest and achievement style gameplay, so players who want to focus on the large epic journey and get annoyed by achievements in games should steer clear, that’s most of what the game does. The art style is a take-or-leave-it number, and while I like it, it took me a while to get comfortable with those empty eyes.

Pick this up if, I keep saying it, but if you like metagaming. This was an engaging title, and I even picked it up myself because I wanted to play the whole thing after seeing it on Game Pass, but I’m also thrilled more people will get the chance to check this out.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

I really don't like how have to complete ALL the quests using only one form to progress some areas, or have to repeat a dungeon just caused you missed one quest. It just makes it tedious and grindy

Deus abençoe meu amigo planta por ter me emprestado esse jogo maravilhoso, que foi meu escape mental em muitos dias. Que joguinho carismático, tendo bastante personalidade em vários aspectos, com sua gameplay que consegue se renovar bastante trazendo vários modos de jogar e enfrentar os desafios dos jogos que são na medida é muito gostosinhos de se enfrentar, com uma trilha sonora muito boa e principalmente seu estilo de arte que da um tom muito bom para tudo, foi uma boa experiência que fui jogando durante dias, sem pressa para zerar e mesmo assim mantendo progresso sempre, terminando o ano de uma boa maneira.

Loved the art style, humor and the mix-and-match-your-abilities mechanic.

very cool idea and artstyle,but gameplay loop is not that good

Superou todas as minhas expectativas, eu não tenho nem 10 horas de jogo e já é um dos melhores jogos que joguei recentemente, valeu muito a pena esperar a promoção por meses.

Super Coop-Spiel mit interessantem Levelingdesign.
Gegner geben keine Erfahrungspunkte, stattdessen muss man für jede "Form" bestimmte Missionen erfüllen.
Töte 20 Gegner mit Fähigkeit X zB.

Das sorgt dafür, dass man das ganze Spiel hinweg nicht nur die Taste A drückt und beim Endboss steht.

Dazu unkomplizierter Coop-Modus, bei dem alles geteilt wird.

Der Humor war überhaupt nicht meins, aber das meiste lässt sich überspringen.

I think I just dont like rpgs

hack and slash rpg with an engaging and satisfying progression system.

Nobody Saves The World conseguiu me arrancar diversas gargalhadas, e vou deixar claro, o humor não é o principal desse jogo. A impressão que eu tive é que eu tava jogando um MMO, como o Eden Eternal, em que você podia trocar de classe, porém num jogo super divertido de ação e com classes inesperadas e de gameplay único. A principal mecânica do jogo é essa troca e COMBINAÇÃO de classes, visto que você pode e deve mesclar habilidades passivas e ativas para uma experiência completa e um gameplay ainda mais fluído.
É um jogo que se tu quiser só entrar pra matar dezenas de monstros simultaneamente numa Dungeon? Suave. Você quer pegar 100%? O jogo te incentiva a isso com com diálogos maravilhosos e gameplay frenético, tendo até seções "bullet hell". Quer fazer a história principal e tchau? Vai lá, dá pra fazer também.
Poucos jogos me fazem rir. Eu já tô nos meus 30 e enquanto eu amo piadas de tiozão eu também amo o neodadaísmo que é o shitpost e derivados dos fraldinha.
Nobody Saves The World acerta em tudo que ele se propõe, desde uma tartarua jogando uma rajada de flechas, até o marombeiro aplicando veneno no golpe com supino até linhas únicas de diálogo sem contexto que te farão rir.
Minha única crítica é com relação a trilha sonora repetitiva e fraca, o que é um detalhe pro quão completo o resto do jogo é.
Já finalizei um Save e agora to seguindo pra um NG+ no meu próprio ritmo, até a platinada.

Great hack'n'slash game, the system of mixing and matching powers depending on the forms make it so you have to think a little before every dungeon. The flipside is that in order to exp all the forms you have to play according to the quest which can get a bit boring with some forms. Otherwise the game is fun, varied in terms of enemy design and dungeon, plus it's quite funny with the main and the side quests. To conclude, if you like a fun and creative hack'n'slash that has a great art style, you should play this game.

Ele começa bastante despretensioso mas se prova uma experiência bastante divertida.

Praticamente um RPG que você consegue jogar com todos da party.

A progressão soa meio repetitiva no início, mas depois se prova satisfatória.

This Diablo-like is probably my least favorite game from DrinkBox Studios and still better than almost every other game in this genre.

An amazing co-op experience. Give it a crack I reckon

Um bom beat'n up isometrico, mas com um grind terrivel para progredir. Jogar sozinho ainda foi agradavel, mas o grind é melhor em dois jogadores.

O sistema de upar personagens através de quests é interessante, mas mesmo tendo diversos personagens, nenhum é muito interessante de se jogar. Acabei parando em pouco tempo.