Reviews from

in the past

Giochi solo per la storia? Ti trovi di fronte a qualcosa che sembra scritta direttamente da Cormac McCarthy in persona.
Lo giochi per il cazzeggio esplorativo? Difficile descrivere a parole quanto il mondo che Rockstar ha ricreato sia vibrante ed emozionante.
Un'avventura commovente ed imperdibile.

The greatest writing in any game ever, with a beautiful, detailed, immersive, interesting world. A magical experience, truly mind bending.

Long ago, I bought this game when it first dropped. But for several reasons I never finished it. I promise to give this game the fair chance it deserves (High priority)

thank you to @notafanofblacks2 for purchasing this game for me.

This game was really well done, just as GTA 5 was. But unfourtunately, I just did not enjoy it that much. I played through the first 2 chapters and it still just didn't sit well with me. I hope I can find time to pick it up again.

Não há nem palavras suficientes para descrever isso aqui. Red Dead Redemption 2 é simplesmente o jogo mais incrível que eu já vi.
Eu nunca me envolvi tanto com a história de um game quanto essa. Cada reviravolta da trama é inesquecível, cada NPC nesse mundo parece uma pessoa real, e eu decorei o nome de tantos personagens que até perco a conta, e olha que não costumo decorar nomes tão facilmente. Todas as missões são épicas ou pelo menos extremamente divertidas. De tão envolvido que eu estava com o Arthur Morgan, a gangue e todo o contexto que foi se construindo, eu literalmente tive uma crise de choro perto do final e precisei pausar para me recompor. E nem foi no final emocionante de fato (que eu também chorei, claro), a minha crise foi em um momento bem mais simples e até bobinho quando eu paro para pensar, mas esse é o tanto que eu me envolvi.
A trilha sonora é magnífica, os gráficos são absurdos, e há tantos detalhes e coisas para fazer que em quase 80 horas de gameplay eu ainda sinto que não vi nem a metade. Confesso que de uns tempos para cá eu estava bem de saco cheio com jogos de mundo aberto, então até fiquei um pouco receoso se ia de fato gostar de Red Dead, mas não tem jeito: quando a Rockstar decide lançar um jogo, eles se certificam de que absolutamente mais nada poderá ser colocado no mesmo patamar. É de levantar da cadeira e bater palma para a tela durante os 30 minutos de créditos finais.
Discordo muito de quem diz que esse jogo é "lento demais". Ele tem sim um ritmo mais calmo, desde algumas cutscenes até as animações dos personagens, mas já no primeiro capítulo eu me acostumei com isso, e sinto que tudo serviu para me deixar ainda mais imerso nesse mundo de cavalos e pistoleiros do final do século XIX. Em muitos sentidos, o jogo também é extremamente cinematográfico, criando cenas fenomenais que só Hollywood com seu melhor diretor de westerns e um orçamento gigantesco conseguiria replicar.

A única coisa que eu posso reclamar - a ÚNICA - é que tive uma grande dor de cabeça durante a instalação porque o jogo não abria de jeito nenhum. Tive que ver uns 15 tutoriais, mexer num trilhão de coisas, até descobrir que o problema era o Vulkan, que - por algum motivo que só o indiano do YouTube sabe - eu tive que excluir e instalar uma versão mais antiga, e só aí o jogo rodou. Mas acho que isso é um problema mais de launcher do que do jogo em si.

Resumindo, o jogo é perfeito!

Um jogo lindo. Feito com esmero e atenção, simplesmente uma obra prima que DEVE ser jogado por todos que estiverem minimamente imersos no mundo dos games. Uma experiência única

Red Dead Redemption isn't something you can easily explain in only words. The world that rockstar painstakingly crafted feels lush with life and atmosphere. Without going into spoilers, my only gripes with the game come with the multiplayer and early game. While I never touched the multiplayer much, it was disheartening to see those who did essentially get shafted also the beginning of the game tends to drag, a lot of the real meat and bones happen at later moments and trudging through the opening every time can lead to boredom quickly. This game is simply put, a work of art that should be experienced by everyone who calls themselves a narrative enjoyer at least once.


Great game, that's however not a masterpiece. (I deleted my actual review by accident, super sad about it)

I aspire to seek the goodness in me just like Arthur Morgan

One of the greats coming out of Rockstar. Enjoyed the campaign thoroughly. Such a rich world to explore and many interesting quests to complete. Voice acting as well was superb. An excellent sequel to compliment the first game .

Definitivamente a melhor experiência que eu ja tive com videogames

Absolutely phenomenal, I love this game. The characters here are interesting with everyone having their unique traits, stories and so on. While I’m not a graphics fanatic, I’ll admit that it honestly impressed me how good this game looks still even after 6 years. Unfortunately I do have some issues with this game that did dumb it down to a 9/10 instead of a full 10/10.

To start I think the gameplay is a bit stale. It’s an improvement from previous entries like the Grand Theft Auto series and the first game but it still is the reused formulaic Rockstar gameplay. I do like features such as the ability to “talk” to npc’s in two different ways and in combat things such as Tonics, Deadeye, even just the slow motion shots that sometime occur when killing an enemy, but features such as those doesn’t save it in the end. You might not get tired of the combat, but by the end I wasn’t as engaged by it like I was at the start.

The other part of my gameplay critique are the missions. In nearly every Rockstar game after Grand Theft Auto IV their games have used a more structured approach to missions which works but is also a double-edged sword. This approach can make for a more cinematic experience in gameplay, but it also doesn’t allow for any creativity or real thought from the player making every approach to all missions the same for every player. Which in turn can also bring down the replay value for some.

Another critique of the missions is the formula for them. A lot of missions here act the same, which includes; talking to the person you approached, going to the destination on horseback, doing the unique thing to the mission leading to a shootout, then either end the mission there or ride somewhere on horseback again where it ends. Yes it works, but no player will have a unique experience or approach to the missions again tuning down the replay value. Realizing this structure and playing through the story again makes it feel a bit repetitive, padded even.

But that’s more or less my only critiques for this game, I still love everything on display here. The story is just as good as people make it out to be and the open-world is not only beautiful but rich with numerous random encounters and stories making it feel more immersive and real. All in all, an amazing game only held back by some minor flaws in my opinion.


Bom, mas cansei uma hora, ai não voltei mais.

game of the year mais roubado da historia

Rockstar novamente reafirmando sua posição como uma das maiores desenvolvedoras da história dos jogos. Em uma época, que jogos de mundo aberto são em grande maioria, genéricos, cansativos e excessivamente grandes, Red Dead Redemption 2 estabelece um novo nível de qualidade. A história é intensa e emocionante, o mundo é belo e vivo, a trilha sonóra é espetácular e original. Existe um carinho envolvido em cada detalhe do jogo, desde npcs que parecem ter vida própia, até o simples comportamento dos animais. Sem dúvidas uma obra-prima.

Great game drags a bit in the beginning and middle but otherwise one of the best experiences from a narrative standpoint.

I’m a little torn on this game. On the one hand, the writing is fantastic, quite possibly some of the best I’ve seen in a game. But its reluctance to commit wholeheartedly to its survival mechanics brings it way down for me.

I was initially very excited by the prospect of having to wear different outfits depending on the weather, having to store larger items on your horse, maintaining a healthy weight, methodically searching for supplies in drawers and such, however, it quickly becomes clear that you don’t actually NEED to do any of this. It has all these great ideas, but due to its nature as a mainstream AAA game, it lacks the confidence to make any of these mechanics important. I’ve seen a lot of people say that the sluggishness of the game is a problem, but I would argue the true problem is that it doesn’t lean into it harder.

Another thing; the world is beautifully realised, undoubtedly, though I don’t think it’s as well designed as the first game’s map. In RDR 1, there are tons of smartly placed landmarks to guide you through the world, so much so that observant players will be able to navigate the map without having to rely on a mini map. Best of all, 1 manages to do this without making its world feel all that video game-y. It’s pretty organic. In 2, I frequently found myself getting lost and having to rely on the map and mini map to guide my way. Maybe it’s more realistic? I didn’t have as much fun traversing it, though. Still, it is very pretty, so getting lost in it isn’t the worst thing.

Oh, and the soundtrack is fucking amazing. Modern games made in the west don’t tend to have particularly memorable soundtracks imo, but I would say this one stands toe-to-toe with a lot of Japanese games even. Insanely good.

perfect game.
story was unbelievably good.
i never experienced such a good story in movie or videogame before.
also how can i forgot the world.
on my way to almost every mission i found something intressting.
honor system is great as well.
epiloge is one underrated part of game, i personally think it was amazing.
arthur is such a well writen character and following him trough the story fells incredible.
unlike the most other people i actually didn't hate chapter 1.

This review contains spoilers

Sadly I couldn't play the game because my PC is always crashing when I'm playing, so I had to watch a lets splay but I have to say the ending change my opinion on the game

Super great game!! The whole world is fleshed out and I love how it changes with how Arthur interacts with the world. The landscape is beautiful. The gang has great dialogue and stories behind them. Also for such a sad game there are a lot of light hearted and funny parts which made me feel closer to the characters. Arthur is so silly. ̤̮

Amazing story but damn some of the UI and design choices of this game are puzzling and annoying but the graphics, audio, plot and voice acting is all top still in 2024

Dünyanın en iyi oyunu. İtiraz eden gow fanboylarının anasını avradını sikim. Gidin valkür kesin oç herifler.