Reviews from

in the past

favorite version of the rhythm heaven series, has a great library and most memorable games.

Apparently I lost the game cartridge when I was 5 years old.

I originally played this game on the Wii's really awful demo service that nobody remembers. From the Nintendo Channel nobody remembers. It was bad but it allowed you to transfer demos to your DS and I, who only had exposure to this because of a commercial involving Beyonce playing Glee Club which, thinking back like, how did this tiny game even get her for their commercial in the first place. I mean, it worked.

Anyway that was basically the start of my journey towards finding out how much I loved rhythm games. And this was honestly such a fantastic gateway. It's crazy charming but I think honestly they cooked pretty hard simply by having you turn the DS sideways. As a kid that's just so different it's enough to make you wanna hear it out.

Peak rhythm gaming. Uses the DS capabilities perfectly. The gameplay is snappy and precise with amazing stylized artwork and infectiously catchy music. The moment you pick up this game, you're hooked. Anytime I sit down to play it, I play it all the way through. The rest of the Rhythm Heaven series is equally great, but I have a soft spot for this entry.

Really fun rhythm game, from the creators of Wario Ware. Clearing each minigame without messing up is rewarding, and the game keeps throwing all these little curveballs at you to keep you on your toes, whether it be messing with your vision or switching up the rhythm in the middle of a song. The Wii sequel is better though.

the touch screen. the touch screen. i just want to talk

My least favourite entry in the Rhythm Heaven series, which means it's still mostly a good time, with some particularly high highs and devastating lows.

I'm not really a fan of most of this game's remixes, but the game balances that out with remixes 8 and 6, the first of which stands out as one of if not my favorite remix in the whole series, and the other has a fun central mechanic of using flashes of one minigame as a cue to perform the hits required for a different minigame.

Where this game really loses me is with the individual minigames. While there are some bangers, like Lockstep, Dj School and Munchy Monk, many of the minigames are either uninteresting, slow, or straight up awful to play. Some of the worst offenders are Big Rock Finish, Shoot em Up, Love Lizards and Fillbots, the latter of which is a terrifying glimpse into an alternate universe where screwbot factory had no charm and worse music. Still a mostly fun experience.