Reviews from

in the past

ok so imagine spyro but with even more movement potential, except the level designs less interesting, they add annoyingass minigames to every other level, and to top it off theres backtracking.
i feel like i'd enjoy this a lot more if i just went for 14 talismans/40 orbs instead of 100%. i'll do that next playthrough, unless i go for skill points.


Pues esta guapo, si señor, ahora a imaginar el 3

This one, in my opinion, is the best Spyro has to offer. It's infinitely replayable and so satisfying

Spyro 2 is always held as the best one in the trilogy, and this recent replay was me trying to see if I will finally get it. Unfortunately, it did the complete opposite and further amplifies why this game is the weakest one in the trilogy in my eyes.

Spyro himself is still such a joy to move around with, and the world visually is very creative. However, while the level design is still good, it’s still a step backwards from Spyro 1 due to focusing less on exploration or pure platforming. It is now scattered with mini-games that are either mindlessly easy or end too quickly to leave any impression on me. These meaningless variety that this sequel offers somehow makes me feel more fatigued towards it than Spyro 1. As repetitive as that game gets, it doesn't have any fat to it for me to get tired of replaying it each time.

The fatigue is also not helped by the unrewarding backtracking that feels so utterly pointless that I have asked why it’s even a thing. I don’t mind backtracking as long as it feels substantial, like unlocking new playable characters, which also gets you access to brand new sections with tons of gems to collect or decent mini-games that Spyro 3 offers. However, in Spyro 2, you only gain new abilities to collect a few gems and play a dull mini-game. That's all there is to it…

I will definitely say that the world and characters are a big step from Spyro 1, but it's like going from nothing to stale white bread. Outside of Moneybags and Hunter, I didn't care much about the other characters that just exist, like Elora, or they're supposed to be an effective villain but aren't, like Ripto, who acts more like a grumpy guy than a legitimate villain. The story just feels like autopilot to me, despite its clear improvements.

I know that I sound very harsh in this review, and that is partly true. I need to make it clear that Spyro 2 is still overall a solid game that I mostly have a fun time with. I would still revisit it over most other collectathon platformers, but for a game that is universally considered the best one by many fans, I just don't see it personally. In my eyes, the supposed perfect middle ground feels more like a watered-down version of its younger & older siblings (Spyro 1 & 3).

Played as a kid on my PS2, same goes for all OG PS1 Spyro's they're all amazing. I love them all, but love 2 and 3 most!

It's technically better but I hated having friends so I didn't like all these people talking to me.

A slightly-more infuriating sequel, yet still manages to improve somewhat over the original.

Spyro 2 is often sadistic in its minigames, often boring, yet essential. Still enjoyed my time with it, however.

Fantastic video game. Goddamn this was a fun one.

I'll get the 1 negative out of the way: only 3 boss fights. The final boss was so badass it almost makes up for it. It's not a huge deal but the first game has several bosses so I was surprised it only had 3.

Ok, all the levels are so fun. This game reminds me of Sly 2, lot of unique levels with unique activities that are all fun to play. Loved all the characters you meet. This game just wants you to have a good fucking time.

Great music, all the songs fit their respective levels. Game ran at a locked 30, which for a PSX game I will never complain about. Never felt nauseous playing this one.

A must-play for the PSX. First one felt more epic which is why I felt this was a 9/10 and not a 10/10.