Reviews from

in the past

For what I've managed to try: HOLY SHIT, it has so much potential, why it hasn't been remastered yet? Only thing resembling this was Triforce heroes. I thought the trend of Four Swords was going to be a stale back in mid 2000s, but I was so wrong (I mean: if we don't count Phantom Hourglass multiplayer with those Links and the other game just mentioned) and now I really wish they could do justice with this.

Doubt Nintendo would fuck it up like Square Enix did with FF Crystal Chronicles, just to mention the other closest game to a similar experience.

Between the Four Swords games, I gotta give the edge to Adventures on GameCube. Had several high school hangouts where this game was the focus & we had a blast. Splitting exploration of the world between the TV screen & the GBAs everyone uses as a controller was pure genius. The mix of competition & cooperation baked into the gameplay makes for a wild, silly & entertaining time each time you fire it up, particularly with friends.

Four Swords Adventures is one of those Zelda games you often forget about. The concept and gameplay are fun but the game goes on a little too long and the single-player experience isn't ideal. This game is also extremely elusive existing only on the GameCube with no ports to other consoles. Overall this is a fun game in brief spurts but too stale on larger scales.

We did 3 players gameplay, it tooks us 2 years to complete the game, it was a lot of fun but that's it, from zelda it has only the name and some items.

i feel the strict level approach doesn't work well for the four swords games. its cryptic with some of its puzzles and doesn't further add enjoyment for me. even if i had friends the game itself wouldn't be that much more fun with them.

this game only served to remind me that I was a lonely only child with no friends, and for that I can never forgive it.