Reviews from

in the past

i never had the chance to play this in multplayer which is probably why i didn't care for it

this game would have a lot more of a positive standing if there was a rerelease of it that used online and not an annoyingly hard to set up system that requires up to 5 consoles simply if you want to play with a full crew. it has good multiplayer puzzles, party modes, and a good amount of content, but just isn't worth playing in terms of multiplayer unless you can handle getting, or already have, GBAs

I watch the runaway guys play this when I go to sleep

Pretty fun to play multiplayer. Unfortunately doing so is a massive pain in the ass that requires you to have a Gameboy Advance and the associated link cable for every player. I get why, mechanically, but good God is it tedious.

A bit tedious, but good! A lot could be said about how this game has very unique dungeon design compared to the rest of the series, due to the fact that you can only carry one item at a time. Makes for some neat puzzles, but also for occasionally obnoxious backtracking. I found it also to be a lot better in the dungeons than in the overworld segments, which don't fit a level based Zelda game like this as much.

A great idea that only the 1% can experience. Single player is still okay but lacking.

If I had 4 people to play with I might've given this a proper chance.

really need to do this with multiplayer someday. put it on the switch with online already ffs.

o meu emulador bugou bem perto do final, mas o jogo é até que legalzin.

It's 4 Swords on the Cube, only you can play it by yourself. A shame 6th Gen was so insistant on 3D because this game is pretty.

It feels like it'd be a lot funner if you had 3 friends with you.

Multiplayer Four Swords is peak. Thank you Dolphin emulator

Pegando de tudo que Four Swords fez, 4SA traz uma variedade maior de fases, com algumas ideias incríveis de gameplay e de quebra-cabeças que fazem uso dos itens e da bagagem de Zelda do jogador.

O mal dos Zeldas multiplayer é também seu maior trunfo: a genialidade da cooperação. E 4SA é um dos jogos mais criativos da série, apesar de ficar devendo em alguns quesitos relacionados ao design de chefes e ter a tremenda dificuldade em organizar e configurar toda a parafernalha necessária pra se jogar em 4 pessoas, com 4 Gameboys Advance e 1 Gamecube.

Com um misto de desafio envolvendo ação e solução de enigmas e quebra cabeças, 4SA é um jogo que se destaca acima de tudo pelas mecânicas e pelo level design, que consegue sempre se reinventar de maneiras diferentes e divertidas.

Played this to death with my brother. Had some good times but honestly can't remember much of the game.

Best controlling 2D Zelda game. Great way to put together a multiplayer oriented game into an experience that is still great in singleplayer. The level structure is a bit weird, but it doesn't take away any value from the game at all. Great puzzles, great combat, great bosses, great dungeons, great game.

last time i played this one i yelled "i hope you get cancer" at one of my friends who wouldn't stop fucking up one of the puzzles. three years after that i got cancer so i don't wanna risk what might happen if i touch it again

A strange and experimental Co-Op experience that's a bit too simplistic to be enjoyed on Single-Player and far too needlessly complicated to set-up for Multi-Player. Recently however, I have gotten the chance to play it multi-player and its a lot of fun. Just a shame that its so difficult to get up and running.

I wish I could play it multiplayer

Very fun game with friends, there are 2 issues however, the single player experience isnt the best, and its a pain to set up for multiplayer as you need the game, a gamecube/wii and 4 gbas if you wanna have max amount of players

I respect the ambition and weirdness of this game. It's a really good singleplayer experience, to be honest. I love that one level that's just a lengthy fetch quest in a town. Kind of a nostalgic classic, I have no interest in replaying it though I'm glad I did.

Much more accommodating to the single player experience than Tri Force Heroes, with formations allowing all 4 Links to be controlled at once, however this is still a multiplayer focused so the single player experience is hampered by some tedious elements.
For example, in multiplayer each Link can pick up their own weapon while in single player, that weapon is given to all 4 Links so backtracking becomes a bigger thing. Some bosses/enemies require the right colour of Link to attack it which becomes much more difficult for a single player to do. And in multiplayer Force Fairies (lives in this game) are much more available and are only used when a Link has no force gems to drop, while in single player they are used whenever you lose all of your hearts.

While the single player experience is flawed, the game does offer a few ideas that were ahead of it's time. If you use the GBA as a controller (required in multiplayer) then you have another screen (this pops up in a window on TV in single player) and what is cool about this is the way the levels are designed to make use of this, essentially acting like a DS or Wii U. For example the Helmaroc King boss sees you trying crash it into various caves on the TV while inside the cave on the GBA you can attack it's hammer. All of the dark world stuff takes place on the GBA so you can see where you are in relation to the standard overworld and how your actions are affecting it. It's a really neat concept and with 4 players, it offers a really unique experience.

The biggest caveat though with multiplayer is that you need 4 GBAs and 4 GCN/GBA link cables as well as the game and Gamecube setup to get the full experience which was expensive in 2004/2005 and gosh knows how expensive that is now.
Like I said though, the idea was ahead of its time and I would love to see an attempt of getting it to work on Switch via online and handheld local multiplayer so a wider audience can experience one of the most forgotten about Zelda titles

I really want to actually play this multiplayer

They cuck the only villain previously uncucked by Ganon

More accessibility would have made this great. Needs an easier way to play online.

I'm not giving this a star rating because completing it felt like a huge chore, but I don't think that's really the game's fault. I was playing singleplayer and that's just not the experience the game is built around. Most of the issues I had were things that either wouldn't be a problem in multiplayer (as a quick example, there are a lot of enemy swarms that presume the swarm's attention will be split between multiple players), or they were general "this isn't what I usually want from Zelda" things that I wouldn't have minded if I were having the multiplayer experience instead.

I can't really review the multiplayer mode, but it seems like it would be great. This is several massive steps up from Four Swords in terms of scope and ambition and it's really impressive what they did here - I just wish I had a handful of GBAs lying around so I could have had the intended experience.

Four Swords Adventures was a rather rare blemish in the series. This musou-esque reiteration of Four Swords had little to do with the franchise, acting more like a disposable ad meant to showcase Nintendo's console/portable capabilities, alongside unimaginative boss fights and puzzles (if any).

There exists a timeline where I got to have a great time playing this game with a full party of 4 with link cables and Gameboy advances galore. This is not that timeline.