Reviews from

in the past

I'm sure if I really sunk my teeth into this one I'd get over my issues and see the light that everyone else does but the first level just didn't really click for me and the second level opened up WAYYYY too much, just not my thing.

Theres so many deeper messages and lore than what lays beyond the eye of this fucking weird ass game that puts so much shit infront of you and makes you learn with little to no hand holding. It's fucking weird, and I love it.

It's better than Gorbino's Quest

it's like if the gunk from your eyes after a bad night's sleep seeped into your brain and you could see iridescent shadows of your nightmares

o mundo se o marselo tivesse emprestado os 100 reais

It's... I don't fucking know it's odd? The game will most certainly give you eye cancer but that's surprisingly a good thing as well? The gameplay is cancer but fun at the same time, lots of secret, lots of torture, and once again lots of cancer. The story also makes literally no sense but at the same time there really is a story that goes quite deep

Cruelty Squad is to glorpcore what 9/11 was to the United States

It plays like ass, which is both a compliment and an insult towards this game.

What can u even say. I think any legitimate writing on this game probably comes off cringe. I'll just say that this thing doesn't end up working. It's a black hole with really cool art. I think I might even actually like it a bit. It's complicated

I'm so glad people can appreciate filth like this. As hip as it would be to call this a lite version of even grimier works, this is the goddamn real deal. Glorious.

It's all because of the leftists honestly.



I am NOT schizo I am NOT schizoI am NOT schizoI am NOT schizoI am NOT schizoI am NOT schizoI am NOT schizoI am NOT schizo

i got really into farming by playing a bunch of shitville
farmhouse on my expensive gaming pc

A surreal and dystopic experience, fun and mechanically well-considered enough to happily engage with but always thematically and aesthetically unpleasant enough to keep you grounded in the greasy horror of its grimy, posthuman cyberpunk sensibilities.

I might be riding this game's dick a little bit too hard but I believe this is one of the best games released in the past 10 to 15 years. All the levels in this game are great; guns and movement feel great. It's biggest downsides might be it's writing which screams of our current day internet humour and politics and the visuals that just look like vomit. Then again, maybe these are the things people will end up liking about it in the future, much like MAYA from M.I.A., and it's not like leaving traces from the time it was maybe bad.

Anyway, CEO mindset and all that - go play this.

this game is like giving a victorian child sour candy

The best part of this game to me is the NPC dialogue, which makes a casual playthrough worth it.

I beat Archon Grid, but having to go through two loading screens every time you die in a section gated by divine light is tedious when you're already so fragile [Paradise underground with poor visibility], so I'm not in a rush to see what the rest of the game has to offer.

Extrañamente bien diseñado para haber sido creado con sabrá cuantos Kojimas encima

I love auteur shit like this. Genuinely the most cutting work of Cyberpunk fiction I've ever seen in my whole life.

I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES MAN YEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

O Melhor Jogo que NUNCA Jogaram. - AfonsoMais

i love this game but the game doesn’t love me back, making me love it even more

worst part is, i can’t even put into words why i like it so much

an abusive relationship

Super fun and unique game wish more games were like this and the artstyle is something i need more in games i love it so much.

the written by a 13 year old anti capitalist sentiment at the end definitely ties this shitty excuse of a game together

this game feels like listening to The Money Store while chugging lukewarm Everclear and diethylamide at 2:40 AM