Reviews from

in the past

i like the story
really like the characters
love tokomaru
but damn the gameplay is so boring

i hate how fun the main character and gameplay is for how gross and nasty the story is

Literally the only redeeming thing about this game is giving Toko a personality. Absolutely garbage game. Everyone who was responsible for making this game is a bad person, and I’m a bad person for wasting my time finishing this mess.

This game is the wankest of the wank.

Was not anything remarkable. I learned nothing from this game. Not as weird as I thought it was going to be.

even the lesbians could not save this one i fear

i hate it it sucks balls i hate it DIE DIE DIE

take a wild guess what are the protags. hint: it starts with an L and ends with an S

superbestfriendsplay do not fuckin' play with me.

This game was so much of nothing and this is the most mixed reviews ive ever seen

not even the tokomaru yuri could save this game

way too many pantie shots and the lesbians saving the world

Esse é de longe o pior mas a história e o desenvolvimento é legal demais, mas percebe-se que isso foi bem um teste pra tentar alcançar outros patamares pra franquia.

the bad things about this game are truly AWFUL and disgusting. that kotoko and komaru mini game just by itself makes it kind of impossible for me to rank it over 3 stars because that shit was sick! but aside from the obvious, i believe people tend to dislike the gameplay as well because it's quite messy, which i personally actually kind of enjoyed... nothing beats the classic danganronpa games with class trials and etc but i kind of liked the experimentation in this game, to me it was camp. i really loved to see toko grow and this game made her one of my favorite characters, as well as i loved her relationship with komaru and seeing how both of them helped one other, it was really touching to me. i also grew quite fond of most of the warriors of hope and liked the things this game added/clarified for the main storyline. i also loved servant, of course teehee. i do not excuse the vile shit in this game however when i think of it i can't help but think mostly of how much i loved toko and just everything i did enjoy so yeah!

Alright, how should I start this... Obviously, since I'm a fan of the series, I will view this game a bit differently from people who don't like Danganronpa as much as I do. But there still has to be something specific about my opinion. I mean, most of the people heavily dislike Another Episode. Even hate it. Meanwhile, I consider it to be absolutely great.

Why? I think that it tackles upon some heavy themes quite well. If you disagree with it, it's okay. I totally understand why so many people aren't satisfied with the depiction of certain things. But let's just remember that even if a game shows something cruel, it doesn't necessarily mean that it approves said thing. Ultra Despair Girls aren't meant to be an enjoyable experience. And I think that this is the reason why I like it.

It's a massively different game from the rest of the series. Not only in the terms of the story, but also gameplay. And yeah, it's not a complex TPS. Not even a great one. The whole game looks cheap (with exception of beautiful sprites) and even feels like it. Maybe I'm just quite forgiving, but I still enjoyed it. I mean, if I didn't, I wouldn't have replayed the game on PS4 and get the platinum trophy.

I don't want to make this too long, so I'll just sum it up saying that I understand why this game is problematic for many. I'm not the type of person who will try to convince them that they should like it, because a reason A and reason B... I only wanted to say that despite everything, I heavily appreciate this story and I even liked the gameplay. It's kinda a special game for me.

No, do not play this game. What were they actually thinking? There are only two good characters in this game (out of the main characters) and it's pretty obvious who they are if you've played the game. Like, who thought it was a good idea to have one of the characters say 'I like them as young as possible.' Everything else sucks. Gameplay is great as a concept but it just doesn't work when it was incorporated into the game. Also certain events are actually annoying and disgusting and yeah it just makes me want to erase this game from my brain. Only at 2 stars because it gave a certain character more screentime to develop. However, this game is not worth playing if you value your hope, sanity, and any remaining brain cells you might have.

Also discovering this game as a damn twelve year old was an experience of a life-time, I am still scarred years later from how god awful this game is.

i like em younger as young as possible actually

i wish i never bought this. thank god it was on sale.

killer7 made for people that are scared to talk to legal aged women

Уааа только только допрошел последнюю сюжетную данганронпу, не понимаю почему они не могли настолько же эпичными сделать мейн тайтлы. Четкий ворлдбилдинг, никаких бесполезных твистов которые переворачивают все с ног на голову в духе "и вот ты проснулся и это все был сон собаки" или "все на самом деле показалось", сюжет идет постоянно, он интересный, он логичный, с начала до конца нет моментов где ничего нет, после прохождения мейн тайтлов забавно встречать персонажей связанными с персонажами главных игр. Очень понравилось, под конец, после десяти часов уже остоебенели их головоломки и я их просто скипал, благо на сюжет не повлияло. Очень все понравилось, еще с первой части люблю Токо и я рад что ей уделили целую игру и ее развитие не разачаровало, жаль конечно что ронп больше не будет и уж тем более продолжения спинофа. Уаа.. я на эмоциях..

Maybe my bias for Danganronpa is making me lean towards liking this game but damn I think this is an okay game I like the third person shooter gameplay sometimes and some of the characters are okay especially Nagisa and even Toko was cool in this game but the story elements most of the time are so bad and chapter 3 is probably one of the worst pieces of media I've ever consumed in my life its not fun to play and its disgusting to boot and they took what could have been a cool fight with Komaru and Toko and made it so weird like that just pissed me off I think in general this is the lowest point of the Danganronpa series

Nice continuation/spin off of first game. I dropped it after the third chapter after getting stuck on a boss, but I plan on finishing it eventually

I'm fully convinced this game was made in an attempt to kill of the Danganronpa franchise, because absolutely none of the decisions in this game make any sense lucratively.

Alright, all I'm gonna say is that I liked Komaru and I remember liking the gameplay at times. Still a majorly shit game though.